Bullet Witch

Bullet Witch

released on Jul 27, 2006

Bullet Witch

released on Jul 27, 2006

Bullet Witch is a shooter video game for the Xbox 360 developed by Cavia. It was released in Japan on July 27, 2006 by AQ Interactive, followed by a release in North America on February 27, 2007. Atari Europe handled translations and other localization efforts. The game was not released with a multiplayer component, although players could participate in a score ranking competition via Xbox Live. Downloadable content includes new costumes and new missions. A later Japanese re-release under the "Xbox 360 Platinum Collection" label included all of the downloadable content on the game disc. The player takes control of a witch named Alicia Claus in the near future of 2013. Mankind is on the brink of destruction, having suffered major natural disasters and an invasion of demons. The protagonist Alicia utilizes a gun rod that has transformations such as shotgun, machine gun, and Gatling gun. This weapon can also be used to cast spells.

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Is this one of the worst games I've ever played from a technical standpoint? It is. But me and her? We're friends, so I can't hate the bitch. Never angering, just a bit dubious in pretty much every department. DMC2 for the ladies, if you will, firing corniness on all cylinders. The pinnacle of PS3 B-Game with it's destruction physics boner, sexualized unlockables, massive empty areas, sheen and grimy gamer power fantasy. She didn't overstay her welcome, but I can't say we'll ever see each other again.

If the concept was redone today, it'd probably be around a Bayonetta style, but the VA in the game was horrible, frames were motion sickening, gameplay was repetitive and dull it was all around less than ok and would only say play it once to see if it fits your "So bad its good" category

"im so cool for liking poorly made games" thats what you sound like

Engraçado falar sobre esse game porque ele tem todo um conceito visual chamativo(ao menos na capa, personagem e etc), porem todo o resto e a execução do game como um todo é pessima,principalmente no que diz respeito a jogabilidade já que ela é insanamente repetitiva e tem vezes que se torna extremamente confusa tambem principalmente quando você tem que saber onde tem que ir no game. O game é muito simplesmente, basicamente você so vai ficar atirando em zumbis e é isso... porem no mercado atual essa formula já ta manjada e simplesmente tem coisas bem melhores similares para voces jogarem. ele é um jogo bem tranquilo e rápido no seu tempo de gameplay e por isso se você tiver de bobeira vale a pena conferir. Mas sendo bem honesto no fim é só um game muito estranho, chato em vários momentos e extremamente repetitivo.

this game whips. i wont hear anything else from you people.