Carrion is a reverse horror game in which you assume the role of an amorphous alien being. Use your unique otherworldly abilities to your advantage and hunt down your prey!

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The gameplay loop is very simple and gets old after a few hours. May return, but as of right now, no.

I wanted more of a power fantasy and less of a Metroidvania from Carrion. I don't hold that against it, its just not what I was lookin' for right now at the end of the day.

I finally get to live my lifelong dream of becoming a giant mass of flesh, eyes, and teeth on my journey to attack as many scientists and soldiers as possible.

Great game, too bad I’m bad at puzzles. Womp womp

This game is really cool! There are moments where you’re hiding and you need to subtly move a tentacle around to grab people without them noticing. It really gives this 2d game a cinematic horror feel. However, it is DESPERATELY in need of a map screen.

A dinâmica do jogo é inovadora e me prendeu nas primeiras horas, mas depois eu larguei o jogo e nunca mais tive vontade de voltar. Talvez em um futuro distante eu tente novamente