

released on Sep 26, 1986


released on Sep 26, 1986

Step into the shadows of the deadliest dwelling on earth. You've arrived at Castlevania, and you're here on business: To destroy forever the Curse of the Evil Count. Unfortunately, everybody's home this evening. Bats, ghosts, every kind of creature you can imagine. You'll find 'em all over the place, if they don't find you first. Because you've got to get through six monstrous floors before you even meet up with the Master of the House. Your Magic Whip will help, and you'll probably find a weapons or two along the way. But once you make it to the tower, you can count on a Duel to the Death. The Count has waited 100 years for a rematch.

Also in series

Akumajou Densetsu
Akumajou Densetsu
Castlevania: The Adventure
Castlevania: The Adventure
Haunted Castle
Haunted Castle
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Vampire Killer
Vampire Killer

Reviews View More

Castlevania is one of my favourite NES games. Not only does it have an amazing atmosphere with cool enemy designs and a killer soundtrack, but it's simply a fun game. There are definitely points where the difficulty teeters on the edge of just being unfair, but I can still find enjoyment from it for the most part.

I totally need to play the other games in the series like Dracula's Curse and SOTN. But unlike many franchises that started in this era, Castlevania's first step was in the right direction.

Without a doubt still a classic but absolutely infuriating at parts. In terms of criticism I would say the fact that Block four and five require holy water and you can only really get it once at the beginning of the level is really frustrating and block six is just... not great. But the controls are incredibly responsive and the game rewards your patience (plus it's got one of the best sound tracks on the console) overall it's a great game but it's not perfect.

Top 3 jogos mais difíceis que eu ja joguei na vida

Um ótimo jogo de plataforma pra época q foi lançado, q conta com um ótimo design de cenário, bons personagens e uma trilha sonora marcante, q não envelheceu tão mal quanto outros jogos antigos.

Nota: 7/10 (★★★☆) - Bom

It's still a fun platformer. There's some NES bullshit of course but this one is still very playable.