Copy Kitty

released on Aug 11, 2016

Boki can perfectly copy the abilities of anything she fights—but not content with mere mimicry, she can also combine up to 3 abilities at once to form 175 completely unique super-weapons! She wants to be a hero one day, but doesn't think she's cut out for the job. To help hone her skills, Boki's insectoid uncle sends her into virtual reality to do battle with hordes of dastardly robots!

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This game gave me the same kind of joy as playing MegaMan for the first time did while still being different. There's so much in this little gem: you copy weapons from downed enemies, can hold 3 at a time and even combine them for different effects. You can do some crazy shit with the right combination, like getting a Zero like sword or summoning a dragon. There's 12 worlds with 12 levels each and a bonus one, an endless mode, a hard mode that changes the level design and a completely different alternative character.

The art style and music are extremely fun, it always gets me pumped, and there's a pretty campy story in here too. A lot of attacks have crazy VFX too and I was endlessly amused by how much fire, distortion and color the screen would get.

I only really have one complaint and it's that some levels are mindlessly gimmicky, mainly towards the middle stretch of the game. I was never pissed off at it though and the boss fights usually made me forget about it. It took me about 7 hours to beat the normal mode as Boki with a couple worlds of playing Savant, but there's still so much to do asides from that as I mentioned before, so if you just want a lot of stuff to do then this won't disappoint you either.

Very clearly a passion project that does exactly what it sets out to do, very fun execution, endlessly respectful and thankful to the developers for making it. The demo was kept up to date so there's no reason not to try it.

i feel like my brain is getting fried in the best way possible

with the right combination of weapons you can summon a dragon that explodifies everything on screen including the framerate, 10/10

Criminally underlooked game. This action-platformer leaves a strong impression from the start, and continues to get cooler every stage you progress, every time you start the game back up, every new mode you explore. It's a difficult game, but oh so satisfying and extremely sick.

Buckle up! This game made me learn a very valuable lesson. If you give up very easily and you're not very fond of difficult games like me then this might be perfect for you.

I'm glad I decided to give it a shot. I saw it on steam. It was on sale. Didn't look that good. But it was still on sale so I got it anyways. I liked it so much that I genuinely felt bad after I beat it. Because I bought it on sale and the devs deserve way more money for it.

I'm just going to assume you have seen the trailer and you know the basic plot. It's important for later in the review but I don't spoil any big encounters and nothing that isn't obvious.

It's such a well thought out game. I beat it 4 times once with Boki on normal. Then on hard witch has altered level Design and some completely different bosses. And then another 2 times as Savant who plays way different. It feels like a new game. And Same thing here. The level Design is altered in hard mode and some bosses are different from the ones you fight with Boki. I think calling it a Hard mode is so Missleasing. What it actually is, is a Continuation of bokis story. And the savant story is kinda like a prequel to bokis story were he tests the levels he made for boki together with a mysterious character. The ending of a Boki playthrough on normal already seams like a good conclusion for the whole thing. At first she had a lot of doubt in her abilities and now she feels unstoppable. And that's were the hard mode starts. Now it's time for boki to show what she learned. And same thing goes for you, the player. Through out the whole game I could relate to Boki. And as corny as that sounds my confidence grew just like with Boki. I can genuinely relate to this cartoon cat. There were quite a lot of road blocks for me. Believe it or not hard mode can be pretty hard. But the game gives you new dialogue when you die a lot. Dialogue with hints on how to beat the level. If it wouldn't be for those hints i would have probably quit the game. I thought I was really bad at the game and doubted my self whenever I barely dealt any damage to the boss but through the hints from the dialogue I realized Im not bad at the game. I can do this. I'm just not using the right approach. I should be experimenting more instead of giving up so easily. The game even inspired me to do the same with other things. For example I would draw a lot as a kid but I never liked doing it in school. And once I reached 6th grade I completely stopped doing it outside of school because I would always get bad grades. But now I have the motivation to try again. And I'm having a great time improving and finding out new tricks just like with the game. Some day I will also get every star in the game. You get them for not taking damage. one time I had taken 1 point of damage too much. But the game still gave me the star and the result screen text said something along the lines of "eh. Good enough". Thought that was super funny. The game really knows how to make you chuckle. I love how Boki just says meow at the end of some sentences or sanvants obsession with spherical penguins. And the mysterious character from his story. I had a big grin on my face while playing through his story.

I was kinda sad when it ended but then it didn't. I unlocked something cool I'm not going to spoil for you. And there's also the endless mode and fan made levels. Or you could always make your own in the level editor. This game just has it all.

Platforming shooter reminiscent of some Treasure games (Bangai-O, Silhouette Mirage, Gunstar Heroes etc.). Has tons of small varied levels similar to Bangai-O, many with puzzle-like structures encouraging clever weapon use. There are plenty of boss fights which are engaging enough to be a highlight of the game.

A main feature is the player character picking up various weapon archetypes which can be combined into unique combination weapons, adding up to a ton of available weapons. Throughout the game you end up mastering a lot of attack types to get the upper hand, from basic straight shots to manual detonation mines, melee attacks, slow wall piercing explosion shots, etc.

Hard mode & each character has unique content like new boss fights so there's a lot of content if you enjoy the core gameplay.

By default you have to open menus to switch weapons. There are options for both characters to swap all weapons on the fly without pauses. I highly recommend those settings if you're familiar with weapon/style swapping in games and don't want to get put out of the action.

There are so many weapon combinations that it's likely you won't see some weapons in a single playthrough. This might sound random but the weapons are balanced well and once you get some favorites you will intentionally aim for them. It never feels like you're forced to use bad weapons. Available tools are designed to work in each stage and often a stage teaches you to use them in a new way.

Copy Kitty has two playable characters that work very differently from eachother. The default is easy to pick up and has solid platforming control while the other has technical weapon use and shmup-like movement. I'd say some of the levels feel better with the first character since platforming stays relevant. On the second characters controlling the weapons can be satisfying and very unique to this game, but I recommend playing through with the default first.