Final Fantasy VII

released on Jan 31, 1997

Final Fantasy VII is the seventh main installment in the Final Fantasy series, and was the first title to feature three-dimensional graphics, pre-rendered backgrounds and numerous full motion videos. The gameplay is a departure from previous entries in the series in many ways. Though it retains the Active Time Battle pseudo-turn based menu command system, FFVII features three party members rather than four. The Materia system allows the player to customize each party member's abilities to their liking, and the Limit system grants them unique combat skills. Though minigames had been a recurring feature, FFVII introduces numerous new ones, many of them playable in the theme park Gold Saucer varying from racing with Chocobos to snowboarding.

Also in series

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding
Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII

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i spent several months playing and reading and watching every piece of final fantasy 7 piece of media. and ill do it again goddammit

This is my pick for greatest JRPG of all-time.

What more needs to be said?

Loved this game, admittedly thought that the gameplay of the ending was a little unfair to someone who hasn’t grinded levels, and having been burnt out by the end, i ended up watching the ending on YouTube, nonetheless really cool story and I loved playing it despite my rage at the master tonberry things that kept showing up to murder me which caused me to give up

The first Final fantasy for me and, I'm sure, millions of others. They say your first is often your favourite, and for many years that held true for me. But over the years I feel 8 ages better. Squall is who most people think Cloud is, and the translation for 7 is exceptionally bad, even in an era with notably lacking translation and localisation. That said, the cast is very, very good, materia is an elegant rpg system, and Sephiroth has been haunting dreams and nightmares both since 1997 and will continue to do so. Ignoring common talking points about 7, I want to focus on the nature of resistance in ff7- everyone states towards the end of the game their reasons for fighting. Cloud wants to make good on his promise to Aerith, Tifa revenge for Nibelheim and sector 7, Barrett for Avalance and Marlene- it's a very personal form of resistance and draws a stark contrast with the collective form of rebellion shown in 16. 7 is great, was a watershed moment for the industry, and I think the music is only second to 8s OST.

Cid being so bitter and mean is iconic, idk who that man is in Rebirth but he is not Cid Highwind. Release the Snyder cut.

Quite possibly my favorite game of all time

Really really good, so much stuff that was great but a decent amount of kinda annoying stuff. As a lesbian girl I normally don’t connect to men characters nearly as much as women and was expecting cloud to just be a generic anime protagonist, but he ended up being my favorite character. The way he wrestles with his insecurities and identity really hit home for me. The scene of him and Tifa in the lifestream is definitely peak.

The main stuff I didn’t like was mostly the combat. I know I know it’s an RPG and the story is the “most important” part but I just thought it was kind of whatever. I’m not a big fan of the materia system, I guess it can be cool to customize each character but it just makes them feel the same for me. Ik they have limit breaks but that’s not enough to give them a huge distinction for me. There’s barely any enemies with hard resistances or things that will make you change it up either, so I kind of just used the same ones over and over again. That combined with the game being pretty easy made the combat feel pretty mindless at times, but not bad, and overall I really enjoyed the game.