

released on Jun 20, 2019


released on Jun 20, 2019

Gnosia is a Sci-Fi Social Deduction RPG in which you will engage in discussion with a variety of unique characters, with the aim of identifying the Gnosia among the group. Players will have to use what information they can gather during the discussions to ascertain whom they think is Gnosia and then vote to put them into cold sleep. As you progress, your abilities will improve - but so will those of the crew. As the numbers of crew members, Gnosia, and various “roles” increase, it will become increasingly difficult to determine who is telling the truth. Work in collaboration with or against other crew members to ensure your survival until the end.

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gnosia! i had a fantastic time with this game. while admittedly wary of the gameplay loop at first, i found it to be engaging and exciting. learning everyone's personalities was fun (although i could do without some of the creepier comments from one character, but at least that was acknowledged) and getting significantly better at the game with each new loop was satisfying.

i did look up a guide to not spend too much time looping, so a heads up for that. that didn't detract from my experience, necessarily, as i was pretty stoked for each new part of the story to be revealed as things went along. it's also worth looking up how to get the true ending.

additionally, gnosia's nonbinary representation largely strayed from stereotypes - a breath of fresh air in media, especially as a nonbinary person. setsu, the main character aside from the player, unexpectedly really resonated with me. the dreamy art and music on top of it all? definitely a treat.

lastly, it was wonderful to experience a story landing in my lap at just the right time. this visual novel's ending aligned perfectly with both a beloved text-based roleplay game i just wrapped up with some online friends (my OC's epilogue was released today...) as well as another writing/roleplaying project i just started working on. with that in mind, gnosia nudged me further into my emotions in just the way i needed. so. this review is probably rather biased from that alone... but gnosia has indeed earned a place in my heart!

I loved this game but it has major flaws. The gameplay loop gets tiring so very quickly and if you aren't determined enough or have enough time, getting every single event is hell. It was relatively easy for me- but I did end up having like... 153 loops when I finished the game. It's a wonderful game with great characters and a fantastic setting, and if you can look past the gameplay, its something very special

Was originally planning to go for platinum in this game, but honestly I never wanna touch it again and honestly just seeing Sqs face on the cover irritates me.
While the evolving gameplay and slowly progressing story seems as if it would remain enjoyable throughout, this game overstays its welcome. While it’s forgivable the plot is fairly basic and there’s not much substance thematically, the characters dont really have payoff. You’re literally characterizing them throughout the game with the reveals, but honestly it doesn’t amount to shit.
The ai is boarderline retarded at some points and makes it very frustrating.
The highlights in the game are when Yuriko straight up challenges you, and similar events to that, when there’s a specific goal and barrier made to you right off the rip. it feels like you’re actually playing against someone. But for the most part this game is brainless button mashing until youre lucky to get info. Unless you’re using a guide, and that’s bullshit if a game expects you to use a guide to know which events to do

While I don't hate this game, I can't bring myself to actually continue playing it. I actually enjoy the premise a lot, but the gameplay is extremely unenjoyable.

For starters, it was fun re-playing Raging Loop again. Both the looping, the specific humans/wolves killing game, and every single facet of the killing game is present in this game.

As the elements of the killing game are revealed, more and more of your ability to draw inferences based on behavior are eliminated, until eventually there really is no way to draw any useful inferences.

With no ability to draw meaningful inferences, the game ultimately hinges on leveling your RPG stats, as they give you psychic powers like the ability to tell when someone is lying, or boosting your ability to convince people, or your ability to lie persuasively. Because of this, it becomes a grinding game where you loop over and over again in order to unlock these psychic powers.

The first few hours I played, I was enjoying myself. At a specific point, a character unlocks the full game, and it stops being fun. If the grinding took 1/10th as long, I might have stuck through it.