King's Field

released on Dec 16, 1994

Prepare yourself for an epic action-adventure never before imaginable. Only now, with the gaming power made possible by the PlayStation is a world as vast and detailed as King's Field a reality. This first-person game is completely rendered in beautiful 3D polygon graphics, with texture mapping and fully controllable 360° viewing. Imagine a universe where you can travel freely - being able to look up and down, climb ancient ruins, traverse across oceans, jump off ridges, and duel enemies - all in real time, non-linear play. This visual world will not only astound you, but will pull you right into its universe. You will embark on a journey to an island of evil-ridden dungeons, villages, and castles as you seek the Moonlight Sword, which had been stolen by a cult of insidious worshipers of evil.

Also in series

King's Field: The Ancient City
King's Field: The Ancient City
Sword of Moonlight King's Field Making tool
Sword of Moonlight King's Field Making tool
King's Field: Pilot Style
King's Field: Pilot Style
King's Field II
King's Field II
King's Field
King's Field

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They honestly always had the sauce, this one isn't exactly a blast but it has really fun progression and it's a really digestible and quaint dungeon crawler- I really liked it. I love King's Field, I love fromsoftware, what an awesome series of games.

This is a neat thing to play! Definitely very dated and clunky, and some parts are just a little too opaque without a guide (I used it very sparingly), but it's easy to see that the people who talk up the influence this had on the Souls series weren't just blowing smoke.

I wasn't expecting much from this game, and it's certainly A First Person Dungeon Crawler From 1994 with all that that entails, but I have not stopped thinking about this game since I beat it. I am enamored. The atmosphere is perfect and the combat, while clunky, has a certain rhythm that you pick up on by the time you leave the first floor. If you put in a little time to get used to the way the game is I feel like it's a pretty rewarding experience. The game is also pretty short so it's the perfect game to stay up all night and finish.