Max Payne 3

released on May 15, 2012

Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter in which the player assumes the role of its titular character, Max Payne. A new feature to the series, introduced in Max Payne 3, is the cover system, which allows players to gain a tactical advantage, and avoid taking damage from enemies. To progress through the linear story, players take on enemies throughout levels. The game features interactive cutscenes which transition seamlessly into continuing gameplay; there are no loading screens across gameplay and cutscenes.

Also in series

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Max Payne
Max Payne

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отличная игра которой нужен ремастер, потому что во время игры были баги,вылеты и в конце концов игра крашнулась и не стала больше запускаться
какое-то у меня техническое проклятие с этой серией...

Features one of, if not my absolute favorite soundtrack of any video game, composed by one of my now favorite bands: HEALTH.

Will always love this game for that, even if I prefer the first game after having played it a few years later.

I have only played one other Max Payne title and that was the first part. This was really great and enjoyable to play. One of the best experiences I had when I first booted up the game and was greeted with the drums booming out of a subwoofer. I knew I was in for a treat. I thought some parts of the game really dragged, for example, the shoot-out at the cemetery. Still, I think it is a great title to play if you just want to pick up a title and have fun shooting enemies in bullet-time.

Worst Max Payne. Not worrh it. 1 and 2 are classics, but this is very mediocre. It was a pity.

filho da puta!
filho da puta!
filho da puta!
filho da puta!
filho da puta!
filho da puta!
filho da puta!
filho da puta!

Okay... game. I wish they added English subtitles for the Portuguese kind of like how you would see English subs over Serbian words or Russian words in GTAIV, which in here I presume they didn't do it for immersion and that makes a whole lot of sense

Also... why does a RAGE game have FMVs? GTAIV and L.A. Noire made great use of ingame cutscenes and it worked well, over here they utilized half-FMVs and half-ingame cutscenes, which I didn't like since it felt weird constantly switching from 144hz to 30fps all the damn time.

Gameplay/story wise... I disliked how wonky the controls of controlling max payne were for movement, everytime I would look through a different direction I'd have to push the mouse really far, it was clear that this was a console port due to wonkiness of the movement. Story-wise, Payne in Brazil certainly sounds cool but the New Jersey story is where stuff is really confusing, an entire mob trying to take some guy down, wouldn't it make more sense if the Mob tried sending someone down to Brazil to finish the job as Payne had a huge bounty on him? Too much thinking here.

I don't think we're gonna see more Payne since MacAffrey died in late 2023, it sucks but I am looking forward to the remakes Remedy had promised us.

Didn't click for me as much as I wanted it to.