Spark the Electric Jester

Spark the Electric Jester

released on Apr 10, 2017

Spark the Electric Jester

released on Apr 10, 2017

Spark the electric jester is an action/platformer video game heavily based on best classics from the 16-bit era from both sides of the aisle. You play as Spark, an electric jester frustrated by the loss of his job! On one beautiful day, robots decided to take over the world. Seeing as Spark’s job was taken by a robot, he decided this was the perfect opportunity for his revenge! Spark will have to travel through the world and be engulfed in high-speed thrills and tons of action against the robots and the one who has taken his job.

Also in series

Spark the Electric Jester 3
Spark the Electric Jester 3
Spark the Electric Jester 2
Spark the Electric Jester 2

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First playthrough I thought it was a pretty cool sonic-like game, after playing it through a few more times and 100 percenting it I've come to appreciate it quite a lot. The levels are designed very well and the jester powers spice up the gameplay quite a bit. Being able to choose your favourite ones and hang onto them throughout the playthrough was pretty cool. Fark's gameplay was also quite good although I think it lost something by not having jester powers anymore. Music is also absolutely top notch and probably the best in the series.

Pensei que só seria uma cópia qualquer de Sonic, mas é muito melhor do que eu esperava! A pixelart tem seu charme, mesmo eu achando meio feinho em alguns momentos, mas o que mais me irritou nesse jogo é na velocidade, tipo, as primeiras fases são lentas, mas depois tem vários lugares retos e descidas nas outras fases, o que deixa dinâmica, mas no meio tem alguns loops, que o Spark SIMPLESMENTE DESACELERA DO NADA, perdendo toda a dinâmica daora da velocidade. Sério, é muito broxante você correr a toda velocidade e simplesmente desacelerar de uma vez porque o Spark tá subindo.
A história por trás é bem OK, robô inteligente demais quer matar geral e infectou as outras máquinas com esse pensamento enquanto Spark só quer seu emprego de Bobo da Corte de volta.

pretty fun 2d platformer which is like sonic mixed with kirby. some cool sprites and music. liked

Never have I controlled a character that feels like I can do anything I can reasonably think of

Spark and Fark is some of the most fun that I’ve had in a platformer, Spark has many differing powerups and therefore has quite a bit of versatility, but Fark is the much more solidly designed character to play (although he is just Edgy Spark with a Burst and Super Install meter)

Bosses are fun, stages always have a fun and well implemented gimmick, and the story is simple but fun!

This game DESPERATELY needs a 2D sequel, while the 3D Spark games are nothing but phenomenal, I would love to see this kind of gameplay style refined even more like how Spark 2 was refined for 3

muito melhor que muitos jogos do sonic, na qual esse jogo foi inspirado. Recomendo se você estiver afim de um sonic 2d com um pouco de kirby.

feels like an alpha build bugged out the ass, gameplay's somewhat meh, music's good and the story's annoying