Star Wars: Demolition

Star Wars: Demolition

released on Nov 12, 2000

Star Wars: Demolition

released on Nov 12, 2000

Star Wars: Demolition is a vehicular combat game set in the Star Wars universe created by both Luxoflux and LucasArts using the Vigilante 8 game engine. The premise of the game is that the Galactic Empire declares they have officially banned Jabba the Hutt's podraces, so Jabba creates a more life-threatening vehicular combat contest to replace the sport of podracing.

Also in series

Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing
Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing
Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy
Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy
Star Wars: Episode I - Obi-Wan's Adventures
Star Wars: Episode I - Obi-Wan's Adventures
Star Wars: Anakin's Speedway
Star Wars: Anakin's Speedway
Star Wars: Force Commander
Star Wars: Force Commander

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Just pick Boba Fett and the game is easy.

Zzzzzz... I'd probably like this game if I gave it another chance, I want to like it, but it bored me and left me frustrated. Might have glanced over the game's objective, didn't have high attack power, didn't play the game right or this is how the game is, the first battle I played in took like 15 minutes or more against a fucking prequel jobber droid, so I was basically tired of playing by the end of the battle. It might be using the same engine Luxoflux used for Vigilante 8, but it's certainly its own thing. Enjoyed the presentation in this, especially the music, but yeah I bounced off it real quick.

Edit: Played it again and had the same reaction with a different mode.

Twisted Metal but instead of Calypso it's Jabba the Hutt!

Star Wars Demolition is a interesting piece of a game. As awesome as it sounds on paper I do not think it hold a candle to the actual Twisted Metal Franchise. I will admit I did have a lot of fun with this game. Once you get the mechanics within the first tournament run you are gonna be blasting so fast through the "Campaign" if you even call it that. (Just repeating tournament over and over again). The clunk is still there when controlling vehicles but thankfully you can remap it to how you like to make it more "Modern". Unlocking new characters is definitely a treat and seeing the victory and loser cutscenes just ooze with nostalgia imo although short (About 10-15 seconds). Cutscenes at this time were such a treat that we certainly take for granted now a days. Although I did play this PS1 version of this game. I think the Dreamcast has better visuals and a better frame rate but I grew up with the PS1 and that is the version I had in hand. What fascinated me the most is the music. Remixing John Williams classic scores and making them "Silly Goofy Fun". They certainly add a charm to the game. Retrospective looking at it, it yells cash grab but it throws some neat ideas which makes playing it worthwhile if you like Star Wars. Also to add Star Wars games were being licensed left and right during this period too lol. Something we certainly do not have under the Disney Empire

Star Wars-skinned TWISTED METAL, and just as ridiculous as that sounds. In itself, that would be okay (dumb video games are cool), but it's also extremely barebones and doesn't play well at all. A solid half of the characters, weapons, power-ups, and levels just straight up do not work and are actively confusing and frustrating to engage with, so that's not a great starting point. Accepting that, the rest is just bland and doesn't offer much. Handful of stages. A couple modes. Character endings are under ten seconds long and the unlockables don't even get one. Eh.

The highlight is probably a couple fun dnb-style remixes of the old Star Wars score standbys. Alllllllmost makes drifting around in circles pew-pewing the ridiculous array of mismatched characters^ a tiny, tiny bit exciting.

^one of them is wee 'lil Boba Fett, flyin' around! No vehicle, just jetpackin' about endlessly while his legs comically dangle loose like he's a little baby being carried somewhere in a bjorn. Weird game, man, lol.