Star Wars: Episode I - Jedi Power Battles

Star Wars: Episode I - Jedi Power Battles

released on Apr 04, 2000

Star Wars: Episode I - Jedi Power Battles

released on Apr 04, 2000

The game follows the plot of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Players can choose from one of five prequel-era Jedi and run, jump, slash, and use the Force through the game's ten levels, starting on the Trade Federation Battleship and ending with the battle against Darth Maul on Naboo. The player's primary weapon is a lightsaber used to fight through waves of enemies and deflect blaster shots. The lightsaber combat is rather simplified with a system that lets the player lock on to the nearest enemy using the R1 button. Items and the force can also be used for special attacks. On most levels jumping puzzles make up a large portion of the challenge. There are a few segments in which the player can pilot various craft. The single player campaign can also be played in cooperative mode with a second player.

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Brutal, me lo pasé con mi hermanito miles de veces

Great for its time but so dated now.

As I am here hanging with my brother for the past week we decided to play some classic retro Co-op games from our younger days and this was such a nostalgic one. Still hard as I remember it, but man its a weird one because with a few changes it could of been an incredible game. The ability to level up your characters and unlock new moves is great and deflecting laser bolts back at enemies is pretty damn cool. Some of the most tedious platforming though. Every level is trial and error and to learn from your mistakes with some shitty missions thrown in like “finding all the pilots/civilians” Some bosses are quite dirty and to anyone who has beaten this without cheats you are a better man than me! We were gonna see those credits by any means necessary! Kinda wish they would of made sequels to this with episode 2 and 3. Its a fun coop game just don’t expect to get to far and be prepared to hear Yoda’s little “HmmHmm!!” in your head constantly.

The hardest game I have ever played in my life, and it was a Star Wars game with fucking Jar Jar in it.

Lembro até do cheiro do CD, achava mega difícil quando era criança.

na minha cabeça quando eu era criança isso era um jogaço... hoje vejo que é bem meh