Terminator: Resistance

Terminator: Resistance

released on Nov 14, 2019

Terminator: Resistance

released on Nov 14, 2019

Terminator: Resistance, is a first-person shooter set during the 'Future War' scenario that was only glimpsed at in the iconic films, 'THE TERMINATOR' and 'T2: JUDGMENT DAY'. The machines are destined to lose, but at what cost?

Also in series

Terminator: Survivors
Terminator: Survivors
Terminator: Resistance Enhanced
Terminator: Resistance Enhanced
Terminator Genisys: Future War
Terminator Salvation
Terminator Salvation
Terminator Salvation
Terminator Salvation

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Terminator: Resistance is a first-person shooter set in the post-apocalyptic future Los Angeles of the Terminator films. Developed by Teyon and published by Reef Entertainment for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One in 2019, the game received a next-generation update for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series in April 2021 and October 2023 respectively. Fans of the Terminator franchise will find a lot to love here – desolate landscapes and ruined cityscapes sell the post-apocalyptic grime of a war-torn future, the iconic T-800s are every bit as menacing as it was on screen in the 1984 film, and a pulse-pounding soundtrack perfectly complements Brad Fiedel's original score. Stepping into the shoes of a Resistance soldier, players take on missions to rescue allies or slow down the ever-evolving and nearly unbeatable onslaught of Skynet machines. Throughout a playthrough, the player can forge alliances with NPCs and make decisions that ripple through the narrative, influencing the fate of certain characters and shaping the game's multiple endings.

Terminator: Resistance (regardless of whether you’re playing the original release or the next-gen update) is a bit rough around the edges with gameplay and a story that doesn't quite measure up to its namesake. The shooting mechanics and enemy AI feel dated, stuck in a bygone era more akin to a first-person shooter from the PlayStation 2. Firefights, while visually entertaining, are repetitive with enemies who are easily outsmarted, outgunned, and outmatched. As a game that seeks to pit the player against a nearly unstoppable AI that has almost exterminated humanity, the enemies in the game are dumb, one-dimensional, and hardly pose a challenge after a certain point. Environments, while decently rendered, are often bland and lack originality. Every mission takes place in an area devoid of life with a gray drab backdrop of destroyed buildings and eroding landscapes. While this is expected given the setting, it doesn’t excuse the amount of re-used assets and textures littered across every map. The story itself, while boasting some intriguing twists on the established lore, fails to capture the same level of depth and emotional weight as the James Cameron films. The alliances made throughout the story culminate in a few decisions that determine whether your friends live or die and the multiple endings are really only two that decides what cutscene you watch. Overall the story's conclusion is fine but anticlimactic and predictable. It doesn’t evoke any emotion whatsoever and just left me to shrug, listen to the Platinum Trophy pop, and watch the credits roll.

So, is Terminator: Resistance worth playing? It depends on what you're looking for. If you crave a Terminator experience and don't mind some B-movie jank, you'll find some fun here blasting Terminators and soaking up the atmosphere in a decent but unpolished game. But if you're looking for a top-tier shooter with innovative gameplay, you might want to steer clear of Skynet and John Connor’s time-traveling shenanigans.

Overall, Terminator: Resistance is a mixed bag. It delivers a faithful recreation of the Terminator universe's atmosphere and has a great soundtrack. However, its derivative shooting mechanics, uninspired enemy AI, and lackluster predictable story hold it back from greatness. Ultimately, whether you enjoy the experience hinges on your expectations. If you prioritize having a decent Terminator-inspired experience over cutting-edge gameplay, then this might be the game for you and you’ll find as much enjoyment here as I did.

Kinda like somewhere between Metro 2033 and Fallout. WRPG/immersive sim lite. I wish there was a bit more character building - build out a handful more relationships beyond just your HQ and don't make it possible to max out nearly every single skill of the skill tree. Make decisions - like the kinda perfunctory romance options - mutually exclusive or something. Good baseline but it really just needs a little bit more to be great.

That said, cool game. I'm not a giant fan of Terminator franchise outside of T2, but this works, especially to worldbuild the future part that usually is not the main focus of the movies. Even when you're maxed out and carrying the best weapons of the game, I like that stealth and tactics are largely a must. You can become a glass cannon to a certain extent - hacking turrets and one-shotting Terminators - but even the lowest T-models will give you a hard time one-on-one in close-quarters.

The boss fights are kinda lame. The T-850 works (ish) because they get reintroduced at the very end and are much more manageable, but they're really just not particularly interesting battles. The HK tank fight is interesting in that they build more Terminators around it as the fight goes on, but shooting rockets at a big target ten feet away just isn't engaging game design. Mixed bag

En tant que FPS, on peut trouver facilement mieux sans même chercher. Non pas qu'il soit mauvais. Pas de gros point noir à présenter. C'est juste qu'à le considérer uniquement comme jeu de tir, il pourrait peiner à sortir du lot. Il n'offre rien de nouveau bien que ce qu'il propose soit bien éxécuté, empruntant de-ci de-là. Là où il brille littéralement de mille feux, c'est dans l'amour et le respect d'une franchise qui a été, à mon goût, bien malmenée, tant au cinéma (depuis le second volet) que dans les jeux vidéo.

Ici, tout a été mis en place pour nous immerger dans le futur apocalyptique dépeint dans les deux films de James Cameron et dont le jeu est à rapprocher directement. Et de ce côté-là, la réalisation a été minutieuse, tant du côté du scénario que de la direction artistique et technique (effets visuels et sonores, gameplay, etc.). L'ambiance du titre est réussie et la résistance contre Skynet est âpre et tient bien la route ; l'action est au rendez-vous. L'histoire du personnage principal est bien amenée, et celles des principaux PNJ, sans êtres mémorables, ajoutent toujours un peu de bon sel à l'atmosphère générale.

Terminator Resistance c'est un peu le film qui n'a jamais été et que de nombreux amateurs eussent espérer bien que, paradoxalement, le jeu soit plus que chiche en cinématique. Délaissant le côté un peu grand public du second volet, l'histoire se veut assez mature. Le résultat soutient parfaitement la franchise et la redore même au passage, jusqu'à lui redonner ses lettres de noblesse, ou peu s'en faut. Un jeu que je ne peux que recommander aux amateurs des premiers films. Pour les autres, il n'en reste pas moins un décent FPS, bien réalisé, et qui bénéficie d'un univers riche, solide et convainquant.

I think this game is fantastic, but I can only recommend It If you're a fan of the Terminator series. Terminator Resistance does nothing special. You've got an upgrade tree, crafting, stealth, traps, hacking, etc. It's all been done before, and offers nothing new. However everything's thankfully at least serviceable, and certain aspects are indeed great.

Terminator Resistance has some great environmental design and atmosphere. Teyon captured the look and feel of the Terminator movies wonderfully. I had a lot of enjoyment just looking around. Seeing T-800's scanning an area with an HK flying In-between city ruins, while having Terminator motifs playing made me hysterical.

The game can lack polish and production values in some areas. Moving and shooting aren't the most smooth or satisfying. Sometimes your immersion will be shattered by seeing where the map ends from certain places/angles. NPC's can really seem lifeless with some stiff faces and movement. Some of the music looping can get egregious. I've never heard Desert Suite play more in my life until I started playing this. I think I've heard it more from this game than the actual film at this point.

Despite some of those issues, they were not enough to ruin my experience at all; this game honestly excelled my expectations. The story and characters turned out a lot better than I expected and the music was solid too. The gameplay loop has been beyond exhausted In other games but It was still enjoyable.

The developers respected the source material and they handled this game with care. I more than loved my time with Terminator Resistance.

I like Terminator even if I ceased following the franchise after watching the third movie... But I keep thinking that the first movie is a Sci-Fi classic, and that the second one is a very good Sci-Fi entertainement. I had heard a lot of good about this game before I played it and I wasn't disappointed.

Surely an average FPS, at best, if you're don't know or don't like the Terminator franchise. It picks up some gameplay elements from here and there, and provides nothing great or new, but nothing bad either. You may probably not miss a lot in term of gaming if you skip this one. Nevertheless, due to its good story, its solid universe, and despites its average gaming experience for any FPS veteran, it may be a good way to discover the Terminator's franchise and going straight forward to watch the first two movies after played it.

But if you like the franchise this game definetly worth to be tried. The story of Terminator Resistance is a very good following of Cameron's movies. And I liked very much to be launched into this universe of my youthfulness and had to struggle against Skynet. It was nice to follow the personnal story for the main characters ; not really memorable but it's still a valuable add to the core story. On the other side, I was a bit surprised by the sex scenes ; not very necessary, but they can be avoided without any impact on the story.

The franchise and story put aside, the game was still enough good to be played ; and enough good to support well the franchise and to deliver us the best Terminator game that I played so far (even if I had a lot of fun with the light gun shooter T2 Jugement Day on arcade, and some good memories with T2 on Game Boy). As the game is rather easy, it's really worth to be played in higher difficulty.

Story, music, sound effects, art design, all was done to provide a solid Terminator ambiance in order to offer a great immersion into this legendary war against Skynet.

Story 3.3 | Gameplay 4.4 | Audio 3.5 | Visual 3.5 | Details 4 | Entertainment 4 | Open World 3.3

Total 3.7