The World Ends with You

The World Ends with You

released on Jul 26, 2007

The World Ends with You

released on Jul 26, 2007

In the game, Neku Sakuraba and his allies are forced to participate in a game that will determine their fate. The battle system uses many of the unique features of the Nintendo DS, including combat that takes place on both screens, and attacks performed by certain motions on the touchscreen or by shouting into the microphone. Elements of Japanese youth culture, such as fashion, food, and cell phones, are key aspects of the missions.

Also in series

NEO: The World Ends with You
NEO: The World Ends with You
The World Ends With You: Live Remix
The World Ends With You: Live Remix

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No sé ni cuantas veces te habré jugado.

This is the one. This is my favorite game of all time. I played it about 4 years ago when I was getting into games and it's very difficult to properly convey how much this game means to me personally, but I will just say I played it at the perfect time in my life, and it is the only game to legitimately change the way I view the world.

The art style of TWEWY is amazing, and it just gives the game so much personality. This is possibly one of the most mid 2000's games ever made and I love it. Character designs are also very creative and fun; some good ass Nomura designs.

This game has the most unique combat system I've ever seen. It entirely hinges on the two screens of the DS (which is why future ports have very awkward feeling combat). Some people may not like the concept of controlling two different characters on two different screens at the same time, but I personally love the learning curve. As well as this, this combat system perfectly reflects the themes of the game itself about "trusting your partner", so that is another great thing about it.

The music in this game is so fun, and it is so unconventional not only for a JRPG, but especially for a Square Enix game. Twister, Deja Vu, Someday, Transformation, Hybrid, Three Minutes Clapping, the list goes on. Running around the streets of Shibuya while J-pop music is playing really creates a vibe that isn't really replicated in any other game, and it serves to give this game such a unique identity.

This game also has great character dialogue and weirdly good localization. Without naming names, many of the games coming out at this time, especially from Square Enix did not have particularly great dialogue or localization, so this game continues to be such an anomaly. Neku, Shiki, and Beat, and to some extent Joshua, feel like real people, and even the more animated and exaggerated characters like all the game masters (especially Sho) are very entertaining.

The plot is relatively straight-forward but also a very cool concept, and great execution. I appreciate this game not being incredibly story-heavy and long, because the entire game is really centered around one character.

That brings me to Neku. There are obviously other great characters in the game who are well developed in their own right like Shiki and Beat, but Neku's character arc and journey is the crown jewel of the game. He starts as a comically exaggerated dick, but as he meets new people and we learn more about him and his ideals, he becomes more relatable. And, by the end of the game he legitimately becomes a character you want to root for. I find him incredibly relatable and genuine, which is funny considering how un-relatable he was in the first few days of the game.

To boil it down to one word, this game is just very human. It made me reconsider the way I view people, and for that, it will always be the game that had the most impact on me. As well as this, the game happens to be incredibly enjoyable as well, and something I come back to at least once a year. I don't think I'll ever play a game that I like more than TWEWY, it is a true masterpiece.

Ótimo jogo da Square Enix em celebração ao legado da sua maior rival da indústria no Japão: a Atlus.

Há uma forte inspiração nos conceitos maduros e complexos trabalhados nos jogos da série Shin Megami Tensei da Atlus, mas adaptado para um público mais casual da forma que a Square Enix sabe fazer melhor. Eu diria que é uma junção do melhor dos dois mundos que só acaba por ser superado pela série Persona.

Tudo nesse jogo é muito bem feito: a temática, o estilo, a arte, a jogabilidade e especialmente, a trilha sonora (ouçam Calling e as duas versões de Someday). Aliás, esse é um dos únicos jogos que leva o meme "o protagonista pode ser qualquer um" muito a sério, pois até mesmo os figurantes possuem um visual muito estiloso.

Juntamente da série Persona, ele é uma ótima porta de entrada para jogadores que querem ingressar no mundo dos JRPGs antes de conhecer outros títulos mais tradicionais, pois são pouco datados e naturalmente atraem um público mais casual - apesar dos dois últimos chefões serem... oof.

The original World Ends With You is my favorite game of all time. It has stayed that way ever since I first played it, and the times that any game has ever contested its place have been few and far between.

For me, this game delivers on all fronts. It has an interesting premise, really good characters, very solid writing, it's dripping with atmosphere and it all comes together in an absolutely wonderful way.

There is a learning curve with the battle system, but once you get it, you really do get it. There are no low points, the experience stays engrossing from start to finish, and offers so much to do, so many cool things to see and so many memorable moments that stay with you long after you've seen the credits. This game is late 2000s anime teen mindset in a game form, and I absolutely love it for it.

The original TWEWY is an absolutely essential gaming experience I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone.

Also, Sho Minamimoto is the best video game bad guy of all time.

A versão de celular tem uma execução, refino e uma variedade de músicas melhores, mas é uma boa versão do jogo, também, embora possa ser confuso as vezes.