Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

released on Jan 18, 2024

Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

released on Jan 18, 2024

Turnip Boy is back! This time he’s teaming up with the fearsome Pickled Gang to plan and execute the weirdest heist of all time. Shake down hostages, steal precious valuables, battle the fuzz, and use wacky tools bought off the dark web to move further into the vaults of the Botanical Bank.

Also in series

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

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Trasformarlo in un roguelite si è rivelato una scelta da una parte centrata perchè assume i connotati droganti del "ancora una partita e poi smetto" ma dall'altra controproducente sotto il profilo narrativo/avventuroso. Tuttavia, anche senza la genialità che nel predecessore imperversava nei dialoghi o nelle caratterizzazioni di personaggi e boss, rimane una strampalata gemma indie che vale appieno il tempo investito nella sua folle corsa verso l'epilogo.

Fun for a couple hours, but ultimately the twin-stick combat mechanics just aren’t deep, varied, or engaging enough to make one run feel sufficiently distinct from the next; the quest objectives, meanwhile, are randomized just enough to make finding them frustrating, while also being fixed enough to make the lack of any mid-run checkpoints, admittedly standard for the roguelite genre, frustrating as well. The pixel art is still cute and the writing is fun (if too Extremely Online), and I respect that Snoozy Kazoo chose to do something different with the second Turnip Boy game, but I wish they had just built on Commits Tax Evasion’s Zelda-like gameplay instead.

Turnip Boy Robs A Bank takes the comedic writing, characters, and hyperbolic grandeur of the first game and applies it to a more recent gameplay formula, the roguelite.

Calling it a roguelite is pretty generous: The level is functionally identical every run, little if any is randomized, but the game makes excellent use of the genres short-form run format.
In the beginning you only have three minutes so you're sprinting and collecting loot as fast as possible while happening to see a familiar face. As time goes on you get better at the game and the game gives you more lifelines which allows you to engross yourself in the storylines during your runs. The writing is right on par with the first game which is good to see since the mechanical gameplay is fine, but fairly uninspired.

Turnip Boy Robs A Bank is a great game and a worthy sequel. What will that abomination do next

Tão bom e engraçado quanto o primeiro, é um jogo que realmente dá vontade de fazer tudo nele

Just as funny and batshit insane as the first game, although ultimately I prefer Tax Evasion to this. It's weird, considering I typically love roguelikes and dislike Zelda-style games, but I think that if you're going to fill a game with sidequests, especially a game meant to be short, they can't be dependent on finding characters in randomly-generated rooms.

Mejor que el primero en muchos aspectos, aunque me deja un poquito de mal sabor de boca que no esté tan bien pulido.

Que eso no te detenga de jugarlo. Es mucho más ambicioso, divertido, terrorífico y ridículo.