Reviews from

in the past

Fromsoft can’t miss. My first armoured core game and I loved it. The story was shockingly good and the gameplay is incredible

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The thing that sticks out to me on a replay of this game now that the freshness of the spectacle has faded is how effective its low-key downtime storytelling is. Fromsoft has a special sauce that gets people to remember and love their NPCs with nothing but strong visual design, framing, and a few lines of dialogue. You get a lot of dialogue and some truly impeccable framing here, and this special sauce is about as special as it has ever been.

It also helps that the sci-fi story is one being painted largely in shades of grey. It's telling that the "good" ending is the one in which you accomplish the least -- you simply kick the can down the road, refusing to cast the die. Is it 'moral' in any meaningful way to abdicate personal responsibility?

The "bad" ending is a genocide, yes, but most people only engage with it morally to the extent that there's a lady in your head who calls you stud muffin. The "true" ending, spreading the coral, essentially douses the universe in gigagasoline. Is trying to contain that danger in the bad ending wrong? I don't know.

But Fromsoft fills this grey world with moments of warmth and compelling emotion that utilise the disconnected, mission-based format to paint a memorable picture of almost everyone involved so subtly and deftly that you're never pulled out of the whoosh-bang-wahey gameplay if you don't want to be.

30MM is cool and all but where's the Master Grade bandai come the fuck on

yes, it's better than valorant

feel like the story they're trying to tell doesn't suit a silent protag but i do just have a personal hatred towards silent protagsd


honestly before seeing people being mad over balteus being too hard and i had really not that much of a trouble IBIS THO fuck him fr but when i beat him i was unstoppable that shit was just crazy

fun as fuck all around sad it released around some stacked games and i only got around to finished now
still great all around
and sincerely the most pretty fucking environments i've seen from FromSoft i loved AC6 so much

(I finished this game a while back, but Vaati's 5.5 hour video on the entire story inspired me to come here and leave a review.)

AC6 can be fully completed in a reasonable amount of time, has extremely fun fast-paced action, a strong customization system, and highly memorable characters and story moments. The ice worm mission stands out as a particularly strong highlight, with several of the game's larger-than-life characters forcing themselves to work together in one of the best set pieces of the game. I know I'm going to sound pretentious here, but to be frank, the naysayers who claim this game is lacking in the story department weren't paying attention.

It essentially demands you play through it multiple times in order to get the "true" ending, but it surprisingly doesn't take that long to do it. As you master the combat, you can breeze through most of the levels extremely quickly and nearly every cutscene can be skipped.

I decided that I wouldn't attempt S-ranking every mission at first, but changed my mind after growing to enjoy the game so much that I didn't want to put it down yet. Once I accomplished this challenge, I felt more than satisfied with the amount of time I invested into the game, and considered it done. I'm not sure that I'll ever replay it, but I respect it immensely for simply focusing on its strong aspects and committing to them without trying to pull any nonsense. This is a great game that made me appreciate the mecha genre that much more.

alright, for real: ‪a dramatic, drastic, intimate, intricate experience. bombastic setpieces & incremental part adjustments. the tapestries of choice & the nuance of each thread. the chatter in the independent merc’s, G13’s, the tourist’s, 621’s ear & the gentle, softspoken voice in raven’s head‬

I love the worldbuilding in this game. both the textual stuff about a hyper-industrial sci-fi future full of mysterious characters and colorful factions, and the literal built world with its attention to detail and sense of scale.

I had a lot of fun with this game, but the really uneven level layout left me wanting. It was good enough that I'll likely play future AC games though

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Terceira Playthrough
Esse é um dos meus jogos favoritos de todos os tempos
A terceira playthrough fecha o jogo com a chave de ouro, juntando todos os pontos que talvez não estevam soltos, mas pareciam desconexos em uma trama que ao mesmo tempo que te prende para essas horas finais, também te faz sentir dor e carinho por personagens que são basicamentes vozes no rádio e maquinas mortiferas.

My first ever NG++++ for a reason. Scratch that, many reasons.

Genuinely one of my favorite FromSoft games. It controls like a dream, the customization aspect is phenomenal, there's a lot of mission variety, and the story was engaging all the way through. NG+ also has a lot of effort put in, where things change significantly, and you can go in completely different directions in the story. Even NG++ supposedly has changes, but I haven't finished regular NG+ yet. Working on it though!

Incredible game, all in all.

(100% achievements, all parts and endings, all missions S rank)

Took some time off in the mid game and then came back and bumped out the last two chapters in an afternoon. Really a unique experience. Fromsoft don’t miss.

Nunca eu encontrei jogo mais divertido e perfeito na minha vida, o fato da fromsoftware ter feito um jogo tão complexo, tão funcional, e com uma narrativa tão sombria e comica ao mesmo tempo, é realmente a prova da proficiencia impecavel do estudio

A gameplay consiste de vc ter que criar o seus proprios mechas (ACs nos caso) pra cada cenario que te é apresentado pelo jogo, tem tantas peças e uma tão diferente da outra, que ele quase te força a usar o excel pra faze a build perfeita kkkkkk, existem varios tipos de armas, pernas, braços e principalmente cores, cada um com mais de 15 status cada que interage com quase todas as outras peças do seu AC, nunca nenum AC vai ser igual o outro, até os ACs inimigos que vc tem que enfrentar são variadissimos
Falando em inimigos, pra um jogo desse vc imaginaria que os boss não seriam la aquelas coisas, mas muito pelo contrario, cada boss testa cada aspecto do seu AC, te forçando a fazer varios ACs para cada uma das missões, existem boss colossais (alguns chegando a ter 4km), boss extremamente rapidos, varios boss ao mesmo tempo e por ai vai

A historia segue uma narrativa de um mercenario geneticamente modificado, sendo mandado por o filho de um cientista no planeta em que vc cai, com o tempo vc vai descobrindo que ocorreu um desastre natural com uma energia quase infinita nesse planeta, sabendo disso varias corporações lutam pra poder tomar conta do planeta, cada um deles com personagens profundos e muito realistas, e quanto mais vc joga, mais precaria a situação do planeta e dos cidadões é apresentada pra vc, chegando a um ponto que vc tem que decidir o destino do planeta, ou entregar ele pra uma super inteligencia artificial. Gloria a all mind

A comunidade de Armored core é algo que tem que ser preservado, tem tanta gente que ama tanto esse jogo, fazendo torneios, arte, builds inacabaveis, tutoriais complexos, e isso se inclui a todos os jogos da franquia

Honestamente esse é obrigatorio ser jogado, algo que molda a sua percepção do que um jogo bom de verdade é

so as a homosexual canine this game is a spiritual, nearly trascendental experience, it shook me to the.....core. it has gay furries in mechs working for larger than life hyper corporations, it has spice melange, it has everything i love about games....will i elaborate on these strange statements? no. you wouldnt get it anyway.

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Sometimes I replay the "Destroy the Drive Block" mission just so I can kill V.II Snail again

I think I might hate this if I'd played any of the previous games. Luckily I haven't, so this is kinda peak. From Software understands my innate need for gargantuan industrial corridors, scorched skies and ruined wastelands to be portrayed as something bleakly beautiful, a painterly backdrop for impassioned, meaningless violence.

This game is a ton of fun. Feels like a game from 2003, in a good way. Wish it had maybe a little more pieces to the mechs. And maybe was a little more challenging - but these aren't that big of a deal. It's a great game and it held my attention for a really long time.

Completely killer OST.

Part of me wants to go back to it and get all S ranks.

The way the game tells it's story is much more direct than other FromSoftware games but at the same time keeps a feeling of mystery and being part of something grand that you don't quite understand. Similar to Nier Replicant it takes several playthroughs to get the full picture and understanding of the plot. The way the true story unfolds and reveals itself subtly through different fights and alternate missions on repeat playthroughs is masterful. The game does a fantastic job getting you attached to the characters despite never seeing their faces in the game, which ties into the narrative well.

If you're going to have repeat playthroughs of the game you better have good gameplay, and this game certainly does. The combat system is engaging, it makes you feel in control of a mech without losing that feeling of weight piloting a mech should have. The game is mostly pretty easy going but there are a good amount of challenging bosses and the customization system allows for even more replayability and fine tuning which I loved. The game captured that classic FromSoft adrenaline without losing it's identity as an Armored Core game, keeping it familiar but still unique.

The game doesn't have the best graphics on a technical standpoint but aesthetically it has a very solid art direction and knows what it's going for. The world feels robust, cold, alien, and grimy. The mech designs are fantastic and it feels like there's something for everyone.

Has one of my favorite soundtracks in a game. The mostly ambient soundtrack pairs well with the few intense tracks that get your adrenaline going.

melhor jogo mecha que existe porem nao roda bem e tem problemas de desempenho

i absolutely adore this game. some of the missions are a bit weak but you will still enjoy the characters and their interactions nonetheless. despite never seeing a single character with a face, i got so attached to each main character in the game which speaks volumes. the customization is addicting and the movement is superb. I eagerly await more in this style

Es el único juego de mechas que he jugado porque no me gustan los mechas pero hace muchas cosas bien así que disfruté.

One time I took over a whiteboard in a lecture hall and started ranting to my friends about everything that happens in this game, so I think it's safe to say playing AC6 left an outsized impact on my frontal lobe