Maybe one day, you’ll remember this place…

A Link to the Past starts on a stormy night...

I actually never have beaten any 2D Zelda games until now, for reasons that are a story for another time, but I have played an tried quiet a ton of them, some until the half-way point or even a bit after that, and the one thing they all share in common is how well they sell this larger than life epic, an adventure with its silly moments, but that it still feels consistently ‘’grand’’, and the menace of evil looming over the heads of everyone in Hyrule. This isn’t a complain, not in the slightest, and that isn’t the reasons I didn’t see any of those games to the finale, is just a part of their identity, like the dungeons, vast worlds opened by upgrades, and Octorocks…

Link’s Awakening begins on the quiet coast…

…But Koholint Island felt different. It still has the many dungeons with their bosses —some being not that great to be honest, at best they end too soon and at worst they are slow or overly simple—, it still has the usual items and upgrades, it has a TON of Octorocks ; in many ways, it still has the mark of 2D Zelda…only instead of feeling like an epic , at times it feels closer to a fairy tale.

Mist forest filled with secret passages and tricker raccoons, songs of fishes and frogs that give new life to what has been gone for a really long time, and what’s perhaps one of the funniest side quests in any game that’s essentially just an item-trade hunt, but it goes on and on across the entire island and your final reward is basically getting two items and scammed, it’s amazing!

There’s a joy to be found in the island, be it the in the little chats with the weird folk or the great search for the color dungeon; even when you aren’t at one of the incredible dungeons, which from a design perspective are the most fun I’ve had with 2D Zelda ever, I never felt like I was losing time or getting side-tracked. The little things like walking a Chomp-Chomp around and playing a crane machine feel just as important as getting the fabled legendary instruments, so mundane but at the same time so mysterious, so fun, so dream-like.

The diorama comparison was also completely on purpose, the toy-like feeling the remake offers is nothing short of amazing, everything feels made out of plastic and clay in such a purposeful way I got nothing but praise for it, and playing through this world reminded me of the tales I made while playing with my tales, distant memories flourishing amidst a world full of wonder and shells.

It sucks that it comes to a price; the game’s frames tank… a LOT, sometimes in the dungeons, but mostly out in the open, and it’s pretty noticeable. I understand that running a completely ‘’open’’ island with such wonderful visuals would have its consequences on performance but I would lie if I said it sometimes felt a lit too much, and I’m left wondering if maybe a bit more time in the oven or a patch or two would have helped things, ‘cause as it is it can feel jarring and take you out of the dream.

It's honestly a bit of a weird remake at times; the fact the jump item isn’t immediately binded to a button permanently boggles my mind considering just how essential jumping is for the whole adventure, especially the scroll sections; that plus how cryptic some enemies’ weaknesses can be compared to others which are pretty much clear as day and not being able to use the D-Pad in any way despite Link snapping into the eight set directions , I’m left wondering, more-so than after playing any other remake, how the original holds-up and if maybe it can feel more consistent. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still in love with the visuals, and things like the Telephone Hint Huts and are a godsend for people like me, but I feel like I’ve missed something by not playing the original… or maybe I’m just searching excuses to return to the island.

You have no idea the mental strength I’m putting in to not talk about every single interaction and moment, ‘cause Link’s Awakening feels special, like a dream, yes, but also like a pas memory, memories of spending summers at the beach and waling along hills, memories of thinking of adventure and meeting strange yet lovable folks, scattered memories from a distant past or even a completely different Goomba-infested reality, memories of songs so far away they are beginning to echo…

I feel like I’ve been missing something incredible by not playing this sooner, yet I’m happy to have finally clicked with one of Link’s adventures, and especially this one. It’s fun, it’s carefree, it’s exciting… and beautiful in its own particular, amazing way, to be honest…

…and then, it’ll become real.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2024


Big thanks to @Javierillo for lending me his copy! I probably would have played it even later if it wasn't for him xD.

1 month ago

never too late to play the best zelda (any version of link's awakening)

1 month ago

Another excellent write-up as always Deemon! This is 99% the attachment bias speaking right now, but Link's Awakening is far and away my personal favourite Zelda game that I've played so far, for many of the reasons you've laid out here: traversal feels highly snappy, Koholint is a fantastic setting from start to finish and the sheer bizarreness of it all leaves one hell of an impression on me.

There is admittedly a certain irony to having LA as my favourite Zelda though, as I've actually rated Link to the past higher on here funnily enough. However, while I believe LttP is basically the pinnacle of 2D Zelda from a gameplay perspective, nothing has come even remotely close to matching the charm, heartbreak and overall memorability of LA to me. It really is one of those kinds of games where I can hop back in for another full playthrough and it'll still feel just as magical as the first time.

I've since played the original Link's Awakening in the three or so years since playing the 2019 remake thanks to NSO and loved it too, but my heart will forever lie with the dreamily cosy nature of modern-day Koholint (even if the Goponga Swamp haunts my thoughts like nobody's business XD).
@curse I really want to play DX at the very least now, so who knows, maybe I'll end up playing every version of Link's Awakening XD

@Fizza Thank you so much for the wonderful words! I'm seing a ton of love for the game since I started playing it and it makes me even more excited to try out the original and even finally finish other ones like Lttp! Also glad I'm not the only one Goponga Swamp left traumatized XDDD

1 month ago

Glad to hear you're team diorama is good, not that I've actually played this yet, but I always thought it was a nice style for them to do to make it a different experience.
@Vee It is an amazing style; I love the original's style and I'm sure when I play it I'll like it even more, but this particular artisitc direction is also spectacular, and I wouldn't complain at all if we got more games in a smiliar to this