Regardless of how you feel about Atari, it's really hard to deny that this is an extremely well made compilation.

This compilation provides a lot more than even the most prominent companies (looking at you, Nintendo and Super Mario 3D All-Stars) manage to provide in their compilations. Not only do you have the standard Atari 2600 and Arcade games of course, but there's also a lot from Atari's lesser known systems such as the Lynx, 800 computers and Jaguar being represented and preserved here. Sure, the games themselves can be pretty hit-or-miss, but it's still nice seeing many of these more obscure titles getting preserved and made accessible on modern systems (besides, being hit or miss is honestly par for the course for Atari lmao).

But that isn't even to mention that, alongside all the games here, it also comes with a lot of documentation of the company's history - including interviews with developers, advertisements, cover art, in-house memos, and so on - which truly pays tribute to Atari's history especially as the company that basically laid the foundations for gaming as an industry now. There's also some recreated versions of Atari's classic games which... is honestly more of a novelty than anything but still a neat addition nonetheless.

This ultimately serves as a really good celebration of Atari as a company between the preservation of many of their titles, from their more well known 2600 and arcade games to their lesser known games, as well as the documentation of their history.

If you have even a passing interest in Atari and their history, this is definitely a must-buy imo.

Reviewed on May 04, 2023
