comeplay mylord...They Fixed Everything! no, sorry, they didnot AND WILLNOT add a "knight in shining armor" class who wields a crucifix shield into this "gothic horror medieval fantasy game" about fighting demons, iam sorry if that is what thou art after...REturn2Darkness??? nononono, Return2Diablo3, thats what all the fathers too busy taking care of their wife's sonS were asking for on reddit after all, pop open youre designated giftbag of set items and go2town baby, hunt down those epic reforged phat loots with +damage +vitality +shadow resist that you will constantly cycle thru cuz remedial busywork is Fun as long as the numbers are getting bigger. Blizarsds did it just 4 U, maxlevel cums so fast you will never see other players so noneed to even worry about all the new horse armor on sale (no one would get to see it!).PS does anyoneknow why was the pvp zones empty everytime i play this?

Reviewed on May 15, 2024


17 days ago

i take it the new season sucks?

17 days ago

@tarnkappe the new season of diablo 4 that I spent more time downloading&patching than playing is diablo 4

17 days ago

do u know whaqt diablo 4 is??

17 days ago

@PELIPOIKA i wouldn't know, i only play the newest fifa on the market and call of duty

17 days ago

The launch/season 1 version was the best state of this bad battlepass vehicle despite what all the "content creator" grifters might be proclaiming, by the way, despite the obvious shortcomings and "not well thought out" design it had all over. At least it offered a modicum of "action-packed challenge" and wasn't 100% a glorified casino ratmaze "game" aimed at redditors who think the likes of Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls, Chronicon, Last Epoch and Path of Exile post-2016 are good games, along with degenerates who stream these nu-ARPGs that're just glorified slot machines for a living while making guides on how to most optimally reach "the endgame" and crank the lever. Sorry if this is too salient and doesn't contain enough spelling errors, I put on my reddit approved touch-typing gloves for this one.

17 days ago

@PELIPOIKA I do hate that kind of trend is what diablo 2 dickriders of youth desire these days, nowadays it seems it's all about who does the shit fastest instead of the "journey" or "thrill of survival" alas what made these games great in the first place, games like last epoch and poe giving you the shittiest looking gear possible unless you fork real money is kind of a byproduct of this (at least that's one thing diablo 4 does right, letting you fashion with just free gear) like you said, it's all just a streamer dopamine of hot air, casuals just make themselves believe they're having fun with them before they jumpship to another coop game of their choice (I'm wearing my nirvana shirt as I write these)