Agent A: A Puzzle In Disguise

released on Oct 28, 2015

A suave secret agent adventure game. Your mission (should you choose to accept) is to infiltrate enemy spy Ruby La Rouge’s secret hideaway and put a stop to her evil plans!

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Não zerei mas o pouco que joguei me cativou muito, os puzzles são muito bem construídos

guys guess what. i really like puzzle games. i have played this game twice it’s very fun. and it’s short - you could finish it in less than a day! cute & campy spy family-friendly fun all around

Nice art, fun story, gameplay what it advertises, I'm just bad at point n click

silly puzzle game with mysterious french spy trope

Orra jogo bom para o preço dele

Point and Click gostosinho com uma história bacana, visuais bons e fluido (n tinha a sensação de ficar preso em alguma parte sem saber oq fazer durante horas)

as i'm continuing on my click em up kick, i find myself more and more frustrated by puzzle centric games with slow sweeping transitions that can't be skipped

this is REALLY bad in that regard

it'd be a relaly great game otherwise! it's basically one big escape room (as well as one smaller separate more traditionally-constructed escape room in the middle) and that part of it is great, but wow i hated navigating the world a lot