Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

released on Apr 12, 2007
by Capcom

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, released in Japan as Gyakuten Saiban 4, is the fourth video game in the Ace Attorney series. Apollo Justice is the first game in the series that does not feature Phoenix Wright as the main protagonist, though it is not the first time a different attorney has been playable. The game is set in the year 2026, which is seven years after Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations. Phoenix Wright has been stripped of his attorney's badge, and Apollo Justice, an up-and-coming attorney, becomes his apprentice.

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I really adore this game and I wish I could've given it a higher grade, but it still has so many problems (that are mostly contained within 4-2 and 4-3). So here's my review of each case with a score attached to each one of them.

4-1: Feels the most similar to the trilogy with its writing (probably, because Payne is the prosecutor in this case). The mystery and the story are brilliantly crafted and the twist on the mentor character is pretty cool. It's also the case that uses the newly added examine mechanic to its fullest potential. It's not my favorite of the game, but it's still pretty good.
4-2 The first half of this case isn't really that fun to play around in and becomes boring at some moments, but the rest of it kinda makes up for it. The investigation segments drag this case down a lot, but the court segments are still pretty fun. This case expands on a mechanic present in the entire game, which I don't quite like: The Precieve ability. It might be a skill issue from my side, but I can never see the nervous habit and after a while of searching I just give up and look up where it is on a walkthrough.
Anyway, the villain is pretty ok, the defendant is just fine and the witnesses are mostly alright (except Eldoon).
The only thing I'm gonna say about this case is that everyone including your character thinks an untrained child can shoot a 40' caliber pistol. The ending trail kinda saves it, but this case made me put the game down for a few days, so... NEXT

It's one of the absolute best cases in the franchise (in my opinion). The slow uncovering of an entire conspiracy that made two people lose their lives, one lose his job and all of them being spied on just, because a person was THAT petty and sociopathic is just done perfectly and I wouldn't have it any other way. Also, the case contains Gumshoe's only appearance in this Trilogy.

man i sure do hope Apollo gets more to do in this series

Bit weaker than the games preceding it but it's absolutely still worth your time.

perfect game. wish the rest of the series remembered this one existed

Dos jogos de NDS de Ace Attorney, esse jogo é a melhor definição de 8 ou 80, uma hora tu tá jogando um dos melhores casos já escritos, outra hora tu tá jogando um dos piores casos já escritos. Dito isso, pra mim é impossível descrever minha experiência em menos de 400 linhas cada caso, então, vou resumir o que eu senti com emojis de texto.

1 caso: :0
2 caso: :/
3 caso: antes do plot: :/ // depois do plot: :0
4 caso: :0000000 e :,)

(Nota: A música de pursuit desse jogo é absurda, a melhor dos jogos de NDS)