

released on May 02, 2019


released on May 02, 2019

Astrologaster is an astrological comedy game in which you take the role of Simon Forman, Elizabethan Astrologer and doctor. Cast and interpret astrological charts to answer your patients' questions about political intrigues, romantic entanglements, deadly illnesses and missing spoons.

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Although it can become a bit repetitive, it does well the job as historical satire and comedy. The voice acting and the OST were really good and original, love me some Bri'ish accent.

The art style is super neat and I loved the pop-up book theme throughout, along with the singing whenever a querent would come in. The game just didn't capture my attention.

The epitome of a single-sitting game. Though I will confess to not fully grokking the sign-reading mechanics, nor how they relate to the LA-Noire-esque conversation puzzling, Astrologaster is still a game chock-full of reactive gameplay, wry humor, and a banger (well, as much as one could describe light choral plays a "banger") soundtrack.

“Baseado em uma história verdadeira. Verdadeiramente Ridícula”

Astrologaster nos faz criar uma história a partir do ridículo, sendo incrivelmente satírico e bem-humorado.
Enquanto o doutor Forman, nosso protagonista, pode não ser o “médico” mais cientificamente embasado, a mera natureza da obra ajuda a fazer dele um dos charlatões mais sortudos da Inglaterra.

Existe pouco a ser dito da gameplay, basicamente escolhemos respostas astrológicas baseadas no contexto dos nossos pacientes.
A dificuldade de fazer boas previsões aumenta gradualmente e, sem dúvidas, perto do fim do jogo (se você ainda estiver com paciência de jogar) as respostas parecem cada vez mais aleatórias, sejam por depender de contexto histórico externo, seja de conhecimento médico de época.
Para quem não tem um bom inglês, mas quer arriscar o jogo, os maneirismos e a linguagem “técnica” usada se tornam ainda mais um elemento de dificuldade.

Em resumo, Astrologaster traz um jogo bem-humorado, curioso, mas que demora talvez mais do que devia, enquanto se arrasta com histórias ridículas (e nem sempre engraçadas).

This theatrical choose-your-own-adventure is an unfortunate case of style over substance. As a storytelling method, the pop-up book visuals and rousing choirs really set the mood in this humorous doctor's practice. As a game, however, the choices are oft confusing and feel scattershot with no real payoff. Mayhaps it's an issue of not seeing the forest through the trees. Alas, the stars say it's a bit daft.

A pretty fun dialogue-heavy game that I think goes for a bit too long.

It's fun to try and figure out what's wrong with characters and help them with their lives, but the gameplay almost always is the same throughout your journey and by 3 hour mark I was getting really bored. The humor is usually quite good, but wasn't enough for me to try different options. However, some jokes and entire characters just didn't work for me.

I feel like it would benefit from a shorter storyline, as it's already brimming with replayability thanks to each segment providing multiple choices.