Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale

Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale

released on Jul 17, 2013

Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale

released on Jul 17, 2013

Step into the life of Sohta, the young son of a family that has just set up a dry cleaners shop in the idyllic town of Fuji no Hana. In his interactions with the town's unique residents, episodic mysteries are revealed that portend to the strange events surrounding the appearance of a giant monster every Friday. And finally, when Friday evening falls, the giant monster will appear right before your eyes! Collect the "Monster Glims" scattered around town to form Monster Cards, and once you've collected five cards, Sohta can battle his friends for dominance. Winning at Monster Cards gives you the chance to collect useful information, more Monster Glims, and even to cast a secret spell on your friends that will make them fall down at your whim. Why? Because that's the rules! A touching drama about family, friendship, and the innocence of being a child unfolds against hand-drawn backgrounds, charming music, and memorable characters.

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Such a charming little game!

I've enjoyed unraveling the mysteries of Fuji no Hana and its inhabitants and you can tell this game was Boku no Natsuyasumi's designer doing, Kai Ayabe.

The care they've pour into shaping the town is beautiful for such a short game. You can almost feel like our protagonist, a newcomer into the town with everything to discover, (almost) nothing to fear and building new friendships along the way.

The plot about family, friendship and childhood. We tend to fixate on epic tales, great action and dramatic events unfolding in video games, but this is quite the opposite. And with just the right amount of "supernatural" things going on masked with the imagination of child playing around. Honestly, I would be like them if I were to live in the same town as my fav show gets recorded!

And the classic sound of summer and cicadas, the warning sound of a train passing by or just the wind gently shaking nature.

It just radiates calm.

What an absolutely delightful experience.

I played during a Friday commute into the city. I thoroughly enjoyed the bright and colorful aesthetic, charming characters, and silly story.

I wish the game was a bit longer but absolutely worth a spin

Petit jeu charmant qui doit s'en doute rappeler la nostalgie de l'enfance aux petits japonais. Mais perso j'ai grandi en France et l'illusion et l'émerveillement laissent place à l'ennui et la répétitivité passé une ou deux heures de jeu. Le jeu de cartes est trop simpliste pour nous passionner longtemps, dommage.

uma fofura que fala sobre a magia da infância, é um jogo bem curtinho mas com uma paixão enorme posta nele. recheado de nostalgia e criatividade se tornando bem difícil não se sentir acolhido por toda a atmosfera do jogo que, mesmo se passando em uma realidade completamente diferente da que eu tive, consegue ser tão encantadora.

Não há nada mais aterrorizante do que deparar-se com algo nostálgico e fantasioso, que não apenas remete a um momento que nunca mais voltará, mas também a uma lente através da qual você via o mundo e nunca reencontrou. Attack of the Friday Monsters é tenebrosamente fofo - e eu não sei jogar 3DS.

Me sinto um pouco egoísta ao falar que queria que videogames fossem mais como esse. Sei que jogos são cada vez mais caros e difíceis de preparar e que por causa disso a indústria prioriza jogos com bastante longevidade, mas no meio deles, uma obra pequena e claramente pessoal como Friday Monsters bate de um jeito diferente. É uma obra claramente nostálgica, uma espiadinha na mente do autor cheia de tudo que faz especial ser um moleque pirralho burro catarrento imaginando monstros e lutinhas na sua cabeça. Muito fofo!!