Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

released on Oct 16, 1997

In this "anti-RPG" adventure game notable for parodying and subverting common JRPG conventions, you level up by loving, not fighting. Revive dead animals and bond with everyone around you to obtain the most important thing in the universe — love.

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EN: It's a very difficult work to recommend, it won't be everyone's cup of tea.
There is not much to mention that has already been said, but considering that it offers a relaxed vibe in which we can explore its artistically beautiful world, the time limit mechanic breaks this idea, it becomes tiresome at the beginning, you must constantly be aware of your Stamina and have enough time to get to your bed to recover it completely, at least when you level up you extend this time to the point of being able to go days without having to go to sleep and you unlock options to teleport to different locations as you progress. Personally I find it contradictory. The gameplay is the weakest part, it has a lot of puzzles, being very few intuitive, to the point that doing 100% is complex without using a guide.

But despite the big problems in the design it has, it is a unique experience that is worth exploring, thanks to its beautiful world with a very careful artistic aspect in which you feel part of the world, knowing each person, solving their problems, it is so "immersive" that there is no soundtrack as such in each area, Despite its flaws, you can see the passion behind its developers and it manages to transmit what they wanted, it didn't age very well, but its ideas have transcended with time.
You are not a protagonist, but an observer in this small Lovely World.

ES: Es una obra muy difícil de recomendar, no será del agrado de todo el mundo.
No hay mucho que mencionar que ya se ha hablado, pero teniendo en cuenta que nos ofrece una vibra relajada en el que podamos explorar su mundo artísticamente precioso, la mecánica de tiempo límite rompe esta idea, llega a ser pesado al inicio, debes estar constantemente atento a tu Stamina y tener el tiempo suficiente para llegar a tu cama para recuperarlo por completo, al menos al subir de nivel vas extendiendo este tiempo al punto de poder estar días sin tener que ir a dormir y desbloqueas opciones para tele-transportarte a distintas localizaciones al progresar. En lo personal lo encuentro contradictorio. El Gameplay es la parte más débil, posee una gran cantidad de puzzles rebuscados, siendo muy pocos intuitivos, al punto que hacer el 100% sea complejo sin usar guía.

Pero a pesar de los grandes problemas en el diseño que poseé, es una experiencia única que vale la pena explorar, gracias a su precioso mundo con un aspecto artístico muy cuidado en el que te sientes parte del mundo, conociendo a cada persona, resolviendo sus problemas, es tan "inmersivo" que no existe una banda sonora como tal en cada área, sino que vas consiguiendo discos de música en el que podrás elegir tu Soundtrack, detalles como estos salvan en gran parte a este juego, A pesar de sus defectos, se nota la pasión detrás de sus desarrolladores y logra transmitir lo que quisieron, no envejeció muy bien, pero sus ideas han trascendido con el tiempo.
No eres un protagonista, sino un observador en este pequeño mundo encantador.

Pra um jogo que costuma ser chamado de "Anti-RPG", quem diria que Moon seria, não uma crítica, mas uma carta de amor aos videogames e um convite a repensar nossa relação com eles? Minha experiência foi afetada por fatores externos, mas parece que de certa forma isso contribuiu para que eu entendesse o ponto e me fez refletir a forma que eu conduzo minha experiência com a mídia. Moon é mais que um jogo, e ao mesmo tempo apenas um jogo, lindo lindo lindo.

Exploring in this game is a painful and wonderful memory at the same time.

Although the main theme of the game seems a bit dated these days, I really appreciate what the creator was trying to say.

Next move to chulip

Love this games dedication to wasting your time but jesus there is so much waiting haha

A masterpiece... Weird, emotional, cute, fun, hypnotic... A must play for any japanese video game fan.

Moon: Remix RPG Adventure exists in a dream, in a space of blended influences and distorted memories of childhood fantasies. From the claymation to the oddly realistic yet amorphous textures, Moon's visual style belongs to the imaginations of every child who grew up with games. The obvious jpeg artifacting and audio compression highlight the limitations of the technology in such a way that it reminds the player that this is, in fact, a game. It works as an immersive piece because it is not conventionally immersive. Trudging through these moments of jank and noticing the visual imperfections serve to ground the game in its commentary on the interactions players have with games themselves.

Moon: Remix RPG Adventure has a very strict time limit per day and the only way to reset the day is to go to sleep, which also lets the game save and for the player to deposit their love (xp equivalent) to the Love Queen. This mechanic, paired with the large world and slow movement, forces the player to prioritize and create a plan for what they are going to do in a day. Moon traps the player into only doing a certain amount of tasks per day to commentate on the the grind heavy and slow progression of other RPGs and the unhealthy binge that those games are designed to keep players in. Even if someone does binge Moon, there are still calculated moments of rest (even from the already relaxing world) and instead, rewards the player for taking breaks. Even when the timer expands to fit multiple days per run, the player still feels motivated to create a plan and because it fits with the design language of the world. The game's tone is so free-spirited and patient that blasting through it all harms the experience. It was nice to let myself get lost doing a couple small tasks and then calling it early and returning home. Moon incentivizes slower play and, in turn, fosters intrinsic motivation for the player to complete everything, save every animal and talk to every character.

Moon is a game within a game where the player first takes control of The Hero in fake "Moon" and plays like they would their average JRPG: looting houses, grinding for EXP, and searching for the next monster to slay. Then the boy who controls fake "Moon" is transported into the game, not as The Hero, but an invisible being who is left to internalize the other NPCs reactions to The Hero and witness their path of corpses. To save animals, you do not catch them per se, but catch their souls and then return them to their body. Each soul is attached to a habit that the animal had while they were alive. It gives a personality and quirky innocence to everyone that The Hero massacred. The real protagonist is left to pick up after themselves and confront their brutality. Its "anti-rpg" design enables the player to form a relationship with the animals and characters as their service is not characterized by violence, but by mending the damage. Instead of bonding through the defeat of the oppressor, the player's emotions are derived from a need to secure peace and save the world from themselves. Moon's overarching narrative about being an invisible helping hand runs counter to the God-like status players tend to work towards in other games and to The Hero's goals. It broke the way that I look at violence in video games. Anytime I fight a tonberry in Final Fantasy, battle Pokemon or even shoot down a grunt in Halo, I will think back to what Moon forced me to experience and lament on what anyone could only imagine exists beyond the code.

But fuck that fishing minigame. Six hours of my life I will never get back.