Patapon 3

released on Mar 12, 2011

Patapon 3 is a rhythm game for the PlayStation Portable and sequel to Patapon 2. Gameplay is mostly unchanged from previous titles, but has a greater focus on multiplayer than Patapon 2. Like its predecessors, Patapon 3 is presented in a cartoonish, silhouetted two-dimensional environment, now with more detailed backgrounds.

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só fico triste que não da pra ter seu exercito igual nos anteriores. Mas ainda sim muito bom!
(jogar solo, faz algumas fases serem um parto.)

Patapon 3 is my favourite game in the series. The tapering of your army in Patapon 1 and 2 was a unbalanced to me, causing fights to last an upward of 20 - 40 minutes, leaving you with a couple patapons where you don't know if you'll win or die off at the end, causing you to need to restart. That was the main change needed to make the gameplay the most enjoyable, plus everything else got a massive upgrade alongside it, too. The intensity of this game is so well done. This game is visually stunning! I am immensely enamoured by its designs and animation, the music is absolutely unbeatable, there isn't a soundtrack like it. The weapons are cool and compelling, and I actually find the continuation of the story really nice! This game is ENDLESSLY funny, especially in comparison to the first and second games which were lighthearted and pleasant, but didn't exactly have a lot of humour. I find it weird that this game has a "rock" theme, because the soundtrack feels just so right for the series. I think I had mad beginner's luck the first time I played it, because I never realized how difficult it was until I heard others talk about it.

Não consegui zerar ainda, sempre desisto no meio. Acho que perde um pouco da essência dos 2 primeiro mas ainda consegue ser divertido.

EdgyPon 3 (Naaaaaah)

El cambio entre los otros juegos es bastante grande y aunque la historia aquí se complica un poco en esta tercera entrega, no lo hace peor, de hecho, es una evolución que logra sentirse natural, las mecánicas se pulieron un poco más para poder facilitar la combinación de canciones, varios niveles se alejan del concepto de "vence obstáculos y avanza" para convertirse en alguna clase de enfrentamientos Jugador vs CPU, y esas partes me encantan, no me gusta el hecho de que el multijugador sea tan importante para continuar si es que quieres tener un mejor equipamiento o cosas de ese estilo, por suerte su comunidad ha logrado mantener el multijugador activo por lo que difícilmente tendrás limitaciones si quieres jugar 100% legal, algo que tampoco me gusta es que los minijuegos se fueron por completo, siento perdieron la oportunidad de colocar algunos nuevos, sigue siendo disfrutable, es mucho más directo en los otros juegos haciendo que te centres en la historia y en el multijugador para avanzar en la historia, los DLC's que tiene este juego solamente son retos mucho más complejos que los del juego normal, también agrega enemigos de los juegos pasados con nuevas fases, son entretenidos si logras pasar todos los retos del juego base que no son nada sencillos de pasar en primer lugar, buen juego con un gran cierre para esta historia que es de lo mejor que tuvo la psp, Ojala sony se anime algún día a darle su remasted para las nuevas consolas

Patapon 3 is a beautiful game. Great music and visual aesthetics fill this rhythm-based game with a lot of charm. Unfortunately, at least for me, rpg elements are much more complex than they need to be. For many this is perfect since it adds several layers to the strategy ... but it just seemed too much to me.