The game is an action role-playing game described by Square Enix as a "cinematic action RPG". Director Hajime Tabata noted that the gameplay and plot are intertwined due to a newly introduced ability called "Overdive," an ability that lets the player switch bodies with one of their team members, allowing them to control friendly NPCs. Teammates can be ordered either to target specific enemies or to defend themselves in combat. The player is able change their controlled character in real-time, intermixed with their combat actions. The game is played over-the-shoulder, comparable to games such as Resident Evil 4, Dead Space and the Mass Effect series. An array of different costumes will be available for Aya to choose from throughout the game, but only after they are unlocked by completing the game in various difficulty modes. Clothing in the game deteriorates due to battle damage, revealing Aya's skin to various degrees.

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One of the shittiest stories I've played, with a surprisingly shittier protagonist. Even then, it's some of the most fun I've had playing a PSP game.

eu não acredito que eles terminaram de desenvolver esse jogo e acharam que realmente isso tava bom caralh que jogo HORRÍVEL.

I have absolutely no fucking idea what the story of this game was. First two games were pretty generic horror setups but this game goes off the rails with time travel and body swapping and I don't even know what. Putting all that aside though I rather liked the gameplay, felt like a natural evolution of the 2nd game making it a more actiony shooter, and a lot of the guns were fun with decent variety for the game length. The costume mechanic in particular was amusing, even if I am for sure not beating this game 10 times.

Bizarro, patético e fora da realidade.
Poucos jogos me deixaram tão indignado como essa porra.

Eu joguei somente o primeiro Parasite Eve e gostei bastante, mas esse jogo não dá, é muito repetitivo, e uma das coisas que eu mais gostava no original, que era o combate, foi transformado em um shooter genérico (sei que a mecânica de combate já havia sido mudada no 2, mas pelo menos lá parece ser bem mais interessante).

Square Enix was knocking it out of the park with visuals on the psp. Other than that this game does not have a lot going for it. The dive system was a cover for terrible ai and the game is full of frustrating boss fights.