The Big Con

released on Aug 31, 2021

Flex your inner teenager in The Big Con, an adventure game where you hustle across the country as a teen trying to save your family video store. In classic 90s con movie style, you'll get to persuade and pilfer your way to greatness using a whack of potential grifts.

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Una aventura noventera con muchísimo corazón sobre una adolescente viajando por Estados Unidos para salvar el videoclub de su madre mediante TIMOS.

Now this is the 90s I love (I was born in 2002)

Pretty enjoyable experience. Story was a high point for me as it felt like watching a straight to DVD coming of age movie, only with a few more gay people and swearing. Cheesy and a bit cliche, but I love that the game doesn't take itself too seriously. Gameplay got repetitive for me about halfway through which made me want to rush through the rest of the story but i toughed it out so I could meet more of the characters

Confesso que eu não tava dando muita bola pra isso aqui, mas esse é o tipo de jogo que só melhora a cada hora que passa.

A premissa é bem simples, e isso não é ruim por si só, tanto que, quando começa a ficar repetitivo, a dinâmica muda.

Gostei bastante da ideia de áreas abertas com várias atividades opcionais que acrescentam na imersão e são divertidas de se fazer.

Posso dizer também que a reta final da história me pegou de surpresa, não esperava que fossem fazer o que fizeram mas fiquei contente com o resultado. Nada de incentivar coisa errada aqui.

Só achei que alguns elementos de gameplay ficaram meio jogados, como se só existissem por existir, sem ter um valor de verdade.

É complicado traçar comentarios propositadamente vagos assim, mas a ideia é dar o mínimo de contexto possível pra não atrapalhar a experiência.

De modo geral, é um jogo daorinha que não revoluciona mas faz um bom trabalho em engajar o jogador e passar uma mensagem bacana.

Coisa de 4, 5 horas pra terminar, não custa experimentar por um bom preço ou por uma assinatura.

Couldn't get through the second area because of crashes. Legit crashes a minute into me opening the game.

Tired: Uncharted telling me I'm a bad person for shooting mercenaries

Wired: My own crippling guilt after picking someone's pocket and realizing they only had two dollars

This was fun! Getting to be a rainbow-colored little scamp on a road trip to fake Vegas, robbing literally everyone in sight along the way. The game doesn't overtly dive into the morality of your choices, and I think that's the right call. There's just enough conveyed by some of the people you rob that you can feel bad all by yourself without the player character telling you to. This is not a guilt trip game, this is an "Aren't you so sneaky and clever" game, in the most rapscallion way possible. Like, when you inspect items, you just kick 'em. Angst!

~ ~ The lightest implications of potential spoilers below, but I do not state anything that actually happens ~ ~

I've seen a couple of reviews that seemed very upset about the story shift late in the game, but like... come on. There was a point less than 30 minutes in where my wife and I both said at the same time "Oh, X is gonna happen". With all the 90s vibes from the game, I really shoulda said "jinx". Do kids still do that? Do Zoomers jinx each other? I have no idea. Anyhow, I don't think the "reveal" (if you can even call it that) could have been implied more clearly. It's the natural, if predictable, way for this story to play out. Thankfully, random NPCs and supporting characters make the tropes more fun in practice.

The animations and art style are delightful, characters are wacky, length was perfect, story was serviceable, and the dialogue got a handful of legitimate laughs out of us. If you've got Game Pass, I'd say it's very much worth trying!