Tsui no Sora Remake

released on Dec 25, 2020
by KeroQ

A remake of Tsui no Sora

A remake of Tsui no Sora included in the 10th anniversary Subarashiki Hibi package, including a fully rewritten script that is 1.5 times the size of the original and a "whole new work of its own".

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focused and less scatterbrained than subahibi, with a fetish for nietzsche rather than early wittgenstein

I read Sakura no Toki this year, work by the same author, and then when I came across his view on art and the artistic potential of a work, I imagined that with a Remake of his first work he would not choose the easy path, and well, he didn't choose.

Tsui no Sora Remake is a sequel to both Tsui no Sora and Wonderful Everyday, it maintains the general form of the first novel while changing the core adding an even more Lovecraftian layer which makes everything else a completely new perspective on past events, the narrative still stands alone as well as the author's other works, but the attempt to correlate themes such as: the meaning of life, the material and the immaterial, the edge of the world, dreams, happiness, etc. is notable.
In some moments it becomes apparent that the story is limited to following the structure of the original and this ends up cutting part of the potential that is shown in routes like Yasuko where you see the evolution of the author in more than 20 years, but it is still worthy note how he achieves his proposal so well and thematically evolves one of his masterpieces;
To reduce TnSR to just a new version of Tsui no Sora is to leave behind part of what makes Sca-Di's work so special, both in terms of thematic and metalinguistic continuity, and taking all that into account this ended up becoming mine " remake" favorite.


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Was originally going to write a long review about how this game differs from Subahibi but after somehow being able to finish Kotomi route and reading half into the Zakuro route, I have no energy to read this because I'm not interested anymore.

Yeah I know what happens in Yasuko view and I couldn't care less. I get why Scaji remade Tsui no Sora from groundup while writing Subahibi. This game doesn't have anything that made Subahibi interesting. ANYTHING. Even the new additions don't help.

So I'll only share my notes on Philosophical, scientific and religious, references and quotes mentioned in the game:

The books and topics Yukito and Ayana talk about:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_Pure_Reason
- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2529/2529-h/2529-h.htm
- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/52821/52821-h/52821-h.htm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinomy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tractatus_Logico-Philosophicus
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniformitarianism

Yukito's monologue about ending of this movie, pretty cool btw would recommend watching:
- https://letterboxd.com/film/wittgenstein/

32-37 of this is the starting phrase of Dostoevsky's Demons, and mentioned in the game by either Ayana or Yukito. Can't remember which.
- https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/nt/luke/8?lang=eng
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demons_(Dostoevsky_novel)

Ayana talks about this book, fun fact; this book was written years after the time the game set in. And also is about Octopuses. Totally not Cthulhu or Yog-Sothoth:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Minds:_The_Octopus,_the_Sea,_and_the_Deep_Origins_of_Consciousness

Can't remember what these were about but Ayana and Yukito had a talk about these:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perennial_philosophy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind%E2%80%93body_dualism
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind%E2%80%93body_problem

One of Takuji's rants with Kotomi mention this:
- https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B3%95%E8%8F%AF%E4%B8%83%E5%96%A9

Oh also Ayana is 'revealed' to be Yog-Sothoth and the Mahou Shoujo Riruru, like how it was implied in the Subahibi. I say 'revealed' because just like everything this has chance of being a Red Herring but I don't care.

I don't want to read a boring story because it has interesting Philosophical topics in it.

Como ya han dicho, Tsui no sora es una "demo" de Subahibi... Una versión ligera, apresurada y menos hurtcore de Subahibi. Aun así, recomiendo leerlo ya que es corto y da otra perspectiva del mundo de Subahibi puesto que tiene muchos paralelismos con este.

Me quedo con Subahibi, pero Tsui No sora no estaba tan mal y si nunca hubiese leído Subahibi, le hubiese dado una puntuación más alta

Por cierto... Por qué Ayana está se ve tan sexy? Me alegro de que tenía escenas H normales (sin contar la futa)

EDIT 9 meses después: Sabes? En un principio le di una calificación bastante baja, pero con el tiempo he pensado varias veces en Tsui No Sora y lo he apreciado más y más y sinceramente, al día de hoy creo que me gusta más Tsui No Sora Remake que Subahibi. No quita que lo que dijera en mi primera review fuese verdad, pero aun así Tsui No Sora tiene su propia personalidad y la manera de narrar la historia la siento una evolución de lo que tuvimos en Subahibi, pero manteniendo bastantes paralelismos con esta obra

Pretty much a beta version of subahibi, a bit less pretentious with lots more anal sex and futa.
Also Otonashi Ayana is disturbingly hot for some reason.

Jokes aside its worth reading just 'cause of Yasuko's route and Numinose II.

Diet Subahibi (with everything good and bad that comes with it). Yasuko's scenario, Mamiya's final dialogue with Yukito, and Numinose II made it all worth it tho.