Reviews from

in the past

Look, Bound by Flame has some cool ideas – the whole demon possession thing is neat, the combat has potential, and there's a decent story idea buried under all the jank. But man, it's so rough around the edges. The graphics are dated, the voice acting is terrible, the animations are wonky...and it's constantly throwing bugs at you. If you're desperate for a B-tier RPG and can handle a lot of frustrations, it might be worth checking out on a deep discount.

Infamous: Second Son is a blast if you just want to wreak havoc in an open world with cool superpowers. The neon powers look stunning, and zipping around Seattle with super speed is crazy fun. The story's pretty forgettable, and the morality system feels pretty black and white, but the core gameplay loop is satisfying, especially if you love blowing stuff up.

Tinha um grande potencial porém acaba sendo desperdiçado pelo excesso de coisas inúteis no mundo aberto. Os gráficos são bons, a história é bem interessante, mas não chega a impactar, apesar de tentar em alguns momentos. As lendas japonesas são muito bem exploradas no jogo, e Tokyo é linda, apesar de ser um pouco sem vida (literalmente rsrs). O combate acaba sendo bem repetitivo até o final do jogo, não tendo muita variação de como matar os inimigos, o que me fazia jogar por 40 min e desligar, devido a essa excessiva repetição. Mas ele brilha em sua exploração das histórias secundárias e lendas espalhadas por toda a cidade.

(This review was made shortly after writing Strangers of Paradise's as well. Read that review first if you want to go through my FF reviews in order)

The game that started it all. A fantasy that was the final chance for one man to make the game he wanted.... And he did.

Final Fantasy 1 is an amazing game. Has an easy to follow story, a great collection of enemies with some of this best art used to bring them to life, and some of the best music that still gets new renditions to this day. It's been many years since this game first came out and thanks to Square Enix with the Pixel Remasters... this and 2 through 6 have a chance to easily bring in more fans in.

The story is as classic as you can get. The 4 elements are out of control and 4 brave adventures arrive with a dimmed crystal each to purify the altars of each element to restore balance and save the world. This time however, you get to chose who the heroes are between a Thief, Warrior, Black Mage, White Mage, Monk, and Red Mage. Each providing something different to the table so you gotta pick think what you'll do. (Mine was a Thief, Monk, White Mage, and Red Mage)

Combat is pretty good and was revolutionary for the time. Turned based with both the enemy party and your party on the screen duking it out. Magic works similarly to DnD with spell slots. Run out of slots and you can't cast anymore. There are tons of different spells, weapons, and armor that can change the tide of battle with even equipment not equipped having spells tied to them as a one time use so none spell casters can cast if need be.

Now gameplay for story... well if you played a game back in the 90s or have heard about how they played I sure hope you are prepared to just wonder about and write down info you see mentioned that could be important. Of course there are guides out now but if you want the original experience I recommend having a way to take notes nearby. I got lost a few times but eventually got on the right path and continued on without to much trouble. You will need to grind a few times so just be ready for that. Somethings are just vague for story but it helps with the world to an extent.

Now for additions given to the Pixel Remasters. The game has had all it's original bugs fixed, a brand new arrangement to the songs are available or you can play with the NES original version, a bestiary is included so you can keep up with all the enemies you've taken down in your journey to save the world, a Booster option to boost money or exp if you so chose or you can lower how much you get to make it harder, a music player to hear just the music from the arrangement and the original whenever you want, and my personal favorite, an art gallery that shows all the concept art for the original game including art done for anniversaries.

All in All. Final Fantasy 1 is a nice benchmark for the series and paved the way for many JRPGs to come. I highly recommend giving this game a go to see Final Fantasy's beginnings.

O jogo é super chato, a história é muito fraca, esse jogo simplismente não tem nenhum personagem bom, a gameplay desse jogo é péssima e nada dele chama a atenção.
Eu me lembrava desse jogo sendo um jogo divertido e inovador para um jogo de PSP, mas hoje em dia tendo jogado mais jogos da plataforma, eu percebi que esse jogo é ruim e nada mais, e infelizmente ele comprova a minha teoria de que os piores GTAs sempre são aqueles que se passam em LC, o GTA III é o pior GTA 3, o GTA IV é o pior HD (até o momento pelo menos) e o GTA LC Stories é o pior 3d portatil, mas esse GTA CW é o segundo pior GTA Da história, só perde para o Advanced, resumindo, jogue por sua conta em risco

Need for Speed: Rivals is a blast of arcade racing goodness! Cop chases are intense, the open world is fun to cruise around, and the cars look sick as you upgrade them. The story's cheesy, and online mode can get a little chaotic, but it's pure high-speed action. If you miss the old NFS games like Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted, this one scratches that itch perfectly!

Don't Starve is brutal but super addictive. The art style is awesome, and it's that perfect mix of "just one more day" and "oh crap, why is everything trying to kill me?!" Trying to scavenge for supplies, build a camp, and keep those sanity-draining monsters at bay is crazy tense, but in a good way. It's tough as nails, especially for beginners, but the challenge is what makes it so satisfying when you finally start to thrive.

ficou cansativo depois de poucas horas de gameplay, esperava mais

Contrast is a unique puzzle-platformer with a super cool idea – you switch between the real world and the world of shadows! It's got a charming 1920s aesthetic, and the story is surprisingly emotional. Sadly, the controls feel wonky, puzzles get frustrating, and it often feels buggy and unfinished. There's a great game buried somewhere in here, but as it stands, it's a bit disappointing.

um dos melhores street fighters, não é o melhor mas é muito bom

Another game I started off really weird with. I played this on launch, really excited to see a reimagining of what would end up inspiring games like PREY and Bioshock and... man was I disappointed. It wasn't... bad per se, but it felt way too cryptic for its own good and relied too much on being faithful to the original for the sake of the fans. A great thing if you are indeed a fan of the original, but not a good thing if you are a newcomer.

After playing SS2 and falling in love with that game so much to the point where it quickly became an all-time favorite for me, I was interested in revisiting this game again, and the recent patch felt like the best opportunity. Does it click fully for me now?

Yes and no. I appreciate and respect this game a lot more now then I did prior, especially as a remake, but I still largely prefer SS2 and I really feel that you should play that game first if you're at all interested in this franchise. That's a game I think anyone can pick up and enjoy. If you liked SS2 already and want something more challenging to pick at your brain or are incredibly familiar with the original, then this game is for you.

One thing I'll immediately say is PLAY ON MISSION DIFFICULTY 1 IF YOU AREN'T FAMILIAR WITH THIS GAME IN ANY CAPACITY. And if anyone complains at you for doing this, fuck them. This is the big thing that really made me want to revisit this game, since mission skill 1 is supposed to give you waypoints to your objectives on your map and they supposedly didn't work on launch for some reason. And I think save for some of the bugs and jankiness that exist as of writing, this is a great way for people to play this game at first. It's not to say this game is unnavigable outside of it, this game does a good job telling you what to do so long as you listen to audio logs and emails (and the game just gives you the waypoints, no objective list, you still need to put the pieces together to figure out just HOW to do it which I enjoy), but what you have to memorize is way more then in SS2 (a game that actually KEEPS TRACK of your objectives on any skill), and there's no way to take notes in-game save for the steam overlay if you play on there. That and the later half of this game really likes to force you to backtrack to previous floors just to grab one specific item or memorize something for later. At least Abe's head is on the same floor as the door you need to unlock, but if I didn't know I had to memorize the CPU node terminal numbers on my first playthrough to get the self-destruct code, I would've HATED having to go back to write them down again. My only real issue with the waypoints is that sometimes they won't disappear after you did what was tagged in that area which can cause a bit of confusion on what to do next if your brain forgets what you have to do next. As an example, the objective marker on the Cyberspace computer that unlocked the doors to the antennae on engineering didn't clear up even after I destroyed all the locks, which made me second guess myself for a bit since I remember on my first playthrough I forgot one and had to go back to destroy the last one. Again, not a bad thing, and for all I know this'll get fixed soon, but it happened pretty often and it bugged me.

Another thing I'll say off the bat is I really didn't give the combat as much praise as I probably should've back then. Sure, anything is better then the OG's combat, but this game's gunplay is REALLY satisfying. Headshots are meaty and satisfying and slicing a dude with a laser rapier in half and seeing all the blood splash out never gets old. I really appreciated this game's focus on survival period this time around, compared to how frustrated I felt on my first run. When I got into that mindset of vaporizing worthless items for scrap, keeping the ones that were more valuable to recycle later, and playing liberally with ammo and using all my resources everything really clicked with me. At the very least I just wish there was an auto-vaporize function for items that have no as-is recycle value, since it meant after a certain point I focused more on the items that I KNEW had a decent payout, being electronics and broken weapons.

The cyberspace sections aren't bad either imo. I turned them to difficulty 1 on my first playthrough since I remember really hating them in the demo, but idk they were a nice pacebreaker. They aren't exactly complex, but they're fun and simplistic for what they are.

I think timing was what really set this game back for me when it first came out. Comparing this again to something like the RE1 remake, at least RE had so many other games before it that proved to be good starter points. System Shock hasn't had a game since 1999, so in turn more people are inclined to make this their starting point, when it's easily the second least approachable in the series next to the OG, and leading to unfair comparisons (Me wishing this game played more like BioShock 1 was a bad take looking back, since that series plays nothing alike to this one, even compared to SS2). Again, if you want to play this game, either play 2 first or be familiar with the OG, and set that difficulty to 1. Overall a fun time and a great remake, but WILL be make or break for people if you aren't accustomed to this game's specific style of design.

Stick it to the Man is a total trip! The cartoon style is fantastic, the story is bonkers, and solving puzzles by reading minds is a super cool power. The platforming is a bit wonky at times, and the humor isn't for everyone, but this game has so much charm and personality! If you like weird, quirky games that aren't afraid to be totally different, Stick it to the Man is definitely worth checking out.

Child of Light is a total hidden gem. It looks like a watercolor painting brought to life, the music is gorgeous, and the story is surprisingly bittersweet. The turn-based combat feels unique and fun, and exploring the world of Lemuria is a joy. It might be a little short for some, and the rhyming dialogue can get a bit much at times, but honestly? This game is a beautiful and unique experience, and I recommend it to anyone who wants something a little different.

I love killing a god of hate and destruction with the unstoppable power of love and friendship.

Those obstacles you have to duck and dodge are the real enemies...

Killzone: Shadow Fall is a good-looking but kinda forgettable shooter. The visuals are seriously impressive, especially back when it launched on PS4, and the gunfights feel good for the most part. But the story is super generic, the AI isn't great, and after a while it just feels like a series of pretty corridors to shoot through. If you're desperate for a shooter to show off your new console, it's not bad, but there are much more memorable games out there.

é bom, melhor que diablo 4

demorei um pouco pra platinar mas nenhuma parte do processo foi cansativa ou chata, esse jogo é muito bom de verdade


um dos melhores jogos que já existiram e que vão existir

ok le fun est vite consommé

Review e nota somente pra primeira temporada (The Girl and the Monster)

esse jogo é um desperdício. não só de potencial, mas de tempo
a direção de arte e os cenários são lindos e os personagens são bem carismáticos, mas a história, por mais interessante que seja, se perde na repetitividade gigante e tediosa da gameplay desse jogo. nele, controlamos uma garota misteriosa que coleta sonhos de outras pessoas atraves de uma especie de espantalho, e a unica coisa que a gente faz durante 5 horas inteiras de gameplay ou até mais, é ir no espantalho, pegar os sonhos e vazar. e isso se repete do começo ao fim, de uma forma que torna todas as qualidades do jogo nulas em comparação à chatice que é ter que fazer isso repetidas vezes, sem contar o fato de que essa porra desse jogo é um gacha

mesmo que valha muito mais a pena só assistir um video da lore do que perder tempo com essa imundicie, eu francamente tenho altas expectativas pras próximas temporadas e por isso eu, em minha imbecilidade, vou continuar jogando essa merda não só por curiosidade, mas também pelo fato dos servidores fecharem dia 29 (definitivamente um ato bondoso)