Reviews from

in the past

Short and sweet. Still can't get over how absolutely stunning this game looks at times. Worth playing for any fan.

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Bienvenides lectores a un juego de cocina, amistad, cabañas en el bosque y verduras parlanchinas. Una novela visual para jugar con mantita, auriculares y … La luz apagada…
Bienvenides a Compañeros de Cocina.

⚠ Leer esta reseña puede tener efectos secundarios tales como:

❕ Hambre repentina

❕ Querer ser Karlos Arguiñano

❕ Apuntarse a Master Chef

❕Pesadillas nocturnas

Alto ahí, ¿Pesadillas Nocturnas? Ah que no os había dicho que este juego da miedito.
Cocinar da miedo, ahí tenemos Pesadilla en la Cocina de Chicote. Pero no solo eso, que te salte aceite, que se te queme el bizcocho en el horno, la paella con guisantes y chorizo… que te cocinen y no te echen ni una pizca de orégano, que te quieran por tus chichorritas…

Cooking Companions no es una novela visual al uso, es un relato de terror contando de una manera muy cuqui y para engañar al jugador. Si os gustó Doki Doki, este juego os encantará.

Como buena visual novel, nuestro objetivo es establecer relaciones con los otros personajes, humanos en este caso; con un medidor de corazones❤️ que irá del 1 al 5. Estas relaciones nos sirven para conocer mejor a los personajes y saber su historia.

El juego posee de 5 modos:

🔘 El primero de ellos, es diciendo NO en el menú del juego, con esto se desbloquea un juego, más cozy y amable.

🔘 El segundo es el juego normal, conociendo o los personajes, cocinado y tomando duras decisiones, además de ver las pesadillas y horrores que ve el protagonista por la noche, mientras duerme.

🔘 Tercer modo: La historia de los Chompetes, esta se desbloquea al finalizar el juego. En ella veremos otros protagonistas, en esta ocasión un grupo de 4 niños, siendo el protagonista / lector uno de ellos.

🔘 El cuarto modo es el Pesadilla, no apto para sensibles ni cardiacos. Está lleno de Scaryjumps, imágenes muy a lo Junji Ito, y situaciones muy horribles, gore y extremadamente terroríficas.

🔘 El Quinto modo es el Juego plus, este juego empieza justo después de los acontecimientos ocurridos con Mariah, y los personajes tendrán 3 corazones para poder avanzar rápido en la relación.

Cooking Companions es un relato de tarde de lluvia como un libro de Stephen King. De esos que sabes, ya que no va a acabar bien, y que sus protagonistas van a pasar mil penurias. Un relato doloroso (Recomiendo buscar a Pan de maíz) y escabroso, donde somos protagonistas de primera mano y participes de una historia de asesinatos, desapariciones y leyendas eslavas en 1900. Pero sobre todo es un juego de cocina y recetas deliciosas.

Reseña completa en mi patreon:

I love every version of brain age in general but devilish training had the best scratch, the best push for my brain in all versions tested. I feel extremely reasonably challenged whenever i play this version of brain agw

Successor (or not) to Cave Story, Kero Blaster goes against what one might expect from a sequel: the storytelling simplifies, transitioning from a semi-open metroidvania format to a linear game, and the lifespan is half as short. Yet, this shift isn't truly a subtraction but a refinement. Kero Blaster is much more enjoyable to play than Cave Story: the physics, the gameplay, the progression, the enemies, the weapons, etc... all come together in an organic and thoughtful manner. Instead of indulging in the grandiosity of levels and storytelling, it seems Daisuke Amaya worked on his game like a miniature.

Many somewhat pompous terms from me for a game that's essentially fun from start to finish. I'm really a fan of the difficulty progression: if you're stuck in a tough passage, you keep accumulating gold coins which grant access to extra lives and other upgrades. Even in defeat, you make progress.

A great "small" game to absolutely experience.

Mi favorito siempre será el Zafiro, pero Esmeralda hizo una gran labor a la generación, sus añadidos fueron divertidos e interesantes. Guardo buen recuerdo de este juego.

As far as grinding goes, i can no longer commit that time to it and this game obviously rewards that, moreso if you’re into tiering. Gacha mechanic is whatever, you just kind of get used to it if you dabbled into bandori or genshin impact or anything similar before. My favourite part of project sekai is generally the content (songs mvs etc) but those are arguably available online anyway. The rhythm game mechanic on its own is well done on base but can be glitchy, still an upgrade from similar rhythm games like bandori and kpop superstars

Fun fact: Larian Studios originally planned 7 maps for the game (one for each race); Then when reality struck that they couldn't handle a project of that size they had to adjust their scope.

Divertido, sou a melhor Kate Denson do servidor br e tenho dito.

Aun cuesta creer que tenga tantísimas posibilidades y tanta originalidad. Es una obra maestra, aunque últimamente están olvidando actualizarlo y parece algo olvidado. Microsoft debería mimarlo más.

El metroidvania que deja al resto a la altura del betún. Demasiado bueno para ser verdad, y no me van los metroidvania.

Desse jogo vem meu inicial favorito, te amo Totodile!!!!

Nostálgico, uma pena que nunca vai existir a continuação :(

a $5 experience but you now have the privilege of paying $70.

Unhinged game design. Literally everything in the universe is happening at the same time within the backgrounds. The boss fights are pure prerendered slop with horrible hitboxes. Loved every second of it. Tempo is my friend!

I love all games except for this one.

'The Room' of video games. A game that yearns to creep you out and tell a riveting story turns into a comedy of errors as the absolute worst protagonist in gaming bumbles his way through a lynchian 'whodunit' murder mystery. If there are so-bad-it's-good games, this takes the cake.


Pretty awesome addition to the series and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the game throws you into questing and the hub area.


is vernon what i sound like to other people

Like every Suda51 game, the writing is funny and juvenile. Uncle Death is amazing. It's fine to play, but if it wasn't designed around being a live service game I'd have played more of it.

Even though NMS itself isn't objectively very good, it's still one of my favourites simply because of its scope. It's the closest we have to a 'true' space exploration sandbox and I'll always love it for that. The freedom, beauty and variety it offers is unlike anything else. It's definitely a game one 'experiences' and not 'plays'.

(why didn't i log this earlier???)

Holy fuck I don't think I've been so straight faced playing a game before.
Literally nothing from this made me feel any other emotion that wasn't boredom or frustration.

El mejor juego de cooperativo que he jugado en mi vida. Ingenioso, original, divertidísimo y con grandes ideas, lo único "malo" es que el final me pareció facilón y cobarde, pero sigue siendo un auténtico juegazo del género. Jugarlo en pareja es brutal.

Provavelmente meu favorito do terror, amo os personagens, amo a tensão, amo a história, enfim, amo Until Dawn.

Não gosto, enjoa rápido demais

Jogo muito bom, mas que tenho muita preguiça pra zerar, mas ainda essa ano eu finalizo

Un juego de acción excelente, pero sigo odiando el diseño del pelo.

Mesma coisa que o Soul Silver, mas o lendário é uma galinha.

Plenty of work clearly went into creating the Kurosawa aesthetic and it looks pretty great for the most part. The stark black and white palette and white wide camera angles create a striking homage to classic films like Yojimbo and Seven Samurai. Unfortunately the game does not really have anything to offer beyond that as both story and gameplay are a boring repetitive slog.

I haven't really kept up with the story of seasons games, I have fond memories of back to nature but never got on much with a wonderful life. I never really 'got' some of the finer mechanics as a teen such as friendship with villagers increasing gradually if you talk to them every day, it's only after draining Stardew Valley of every inch of gameplay that I've grasped some of these slightly hidden mechanics.

What a game to return to the series with though! I originally thought they'd looked at Stardew and borrowed mechanics and ideas from it as a sort of response to the love letter it is to the series that inspired it, but from what I've looked at online it seems like some of these mechanics were blossoming in the franchise already so I'm off base there and clearly need to play more SoS games that I missed between now and the gamecube era.

it's a fantastic entry, there's a lot to do and the mechanics have that easy going feel that earlier entries had, I know now what they were going for with games like wonderful life (and I do plan to go back to that game sometime) a slower entry is nice, but I've always had a soft spot for just spraying crops everywhere and harvest vast quantities of vegetables to sell absolutely cramming everything you can into a day.

I will say though that the late game does drag a bit, like with a lot of these games I've lately realised how the villagers dialogue quickly gets exhausted and when you talk to them often to raise their friendship it does get a bit frustrating when characters give you semi tutorial tips or compliment how good you are at something, I'm not really sure what the solution is there though, I was dissatisfied with Animal Crossing New Horizons a bit and felt the same way about the villagers there too, thinking fondly that older games had more dialogue but did they really? I'd have to go back and check to be sure I'm not just fooling myself.

The late game idea that you should be aiming to make new seeds for crops and fruit trees to get better quality fruit to complete quests and that better quality milk and the like should be got by breeding successive generations of animals is a bit exhausting I do think its a good idea to try and add a progressive mechanic but the way its done probably needs to be better thought out, the Stardew Valley approach of fertilising the fields to get better quality crops also isn't ideal but then again you're never required to do that to complete anything at least to my recollection, but who knows what a good solution is, I think maybe Pioneers idea is good it's just how long it takes is probably the killer, being able to upgrade the seeds you can buy would probably be more satisfying.

Overall it's a cracking game, in my head I unfairly supply the caveat 'its not as good as Stardew Valley' but that's definitely the bias talking, the game just hits different and I can't quite explain why it feels like it's topped the games its a love letter to so really I shouldn't be, instead I can say that I put far too many hours into this game and enjoyed every bit of it and I recommend it to anyone who loves the genre, it's been worth every bit of my time and I'm glad I finally got back to the franchise after so long.