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جرافكس عظيم قصة جميلة شخصيات جميلة لكن القيم بلاي ما حسيتة ممتع اغلب يلي اعملة كان متكرر الى حد ما او مو ممتع مجرد احس اني ما استمتعت جدا بالقيم بلاي لكن المشاهد والقصة غطت على القيم بلاي

I completed it in one go, in principle I don’t like games where you need to keep an eye on someone, especially a small child, but here it was less than annoying. A nice stealth game that gives you a choice of how to move forward.

Пройдена на одном дыхании, я в принципе не люблю игры, где тебе нужно за кем то следить, а тем более за мелким ребенком, но тут это более чем не напрягало. Приятный стелс, который дает тебе выбор как идти дальше.

Personagens carismáticos. Estória cativante. A mecânica dos ratos e luz é interessante, porém a gameplay é repetitiva demais. O vilão final é desnecessário e a proporção que chegou é bem ridícula.

A Historia é legal e emocionante, apesar de meio rasa. A gameplay é simplista, repetitiva e bugada. Os graficos são ok

Un juego muy original, con una narrativa interesante e inmersiva, puzles ingeniosos y una mecánica de combate muy diferente, aunque un poco mal ejecutada. Visualmente es una pasada y es un buen inicio para una segunda parte.

Why don't they just kill Hugo and get it over with?

I enjoyed this game a great deal. What it got right: the story was interesting and kept me invested the whole way through. I genuinely worried about the characters and getting them out of situations. The art style was phenomenal. Everything from the environments, to the clothing, and the character were richly designed and beautiful. The voice acting was also really really good.

On the down side: some of the controls were a bit clunky. Switching weapons specifically seemed to take way longer than I would have liked, this got frustrating towards the end of the game. I felt like the character designs for Millie, Arthur, and Rodric could be a bit odd in the face at times. This wasn't hugely distracting but something that I noticed when they interacted with the other characters. Finally, I don't know if I just missed a lot of stuff but by the end of the game I had not received enough resources to upgrade a lot of gear. I would have thought by the end I would have maxed out most of the gear slots but I think I only found enough resources to max 1 or 2.

All in all a really enjoyable experience and I will definitely be picking up the next one at some point.

It moved me from beginning to end, it made me really want to protect the brothers, I was very scared of rats and I slept with the light on for a while

Achei a história do jogo muito boa, stealth foda, ambientação é fenomenal, mas achei meio repetitivo em certas partes e os puzzles, alguns são meio paia

First mission was very good, i fucking love RATS. Neeed to finish it though i wont lie.

Aunque es un juego mas o menos generico, es entretenido

Vale. É bom. The last Of us inspiração total, mas com uma pitada ÓTIMA de PRAGA!

Jogasso com uma história envolvente, porém como não sou tão fã do stealth, segue sendo um jogo só "bom".
porém o segundo jogo vem pra mudar a perspectiva...

awesome game. super cool rat scenes, awesome characters, great narrative, intersting environments and atmosphere, and interesting gameplay. Not a must play, but if you like games similar to the last of us, this might be up your alley. 4/5 stars

I wanted to like Plague Tale about as much as I did Hellblade. By all means, it's not a game I should enjoy. It packs some of my least favorite things about gaming into one - Stealth segments, Cinematic Playstation-y over the shoulder design, and puzzles.

But I ended up enjoying Plague Tale... to a certain point. Around Chapter 13 or so, Plague Tale's flaws began to show. The writing of the game fell off a cliff, and ran into the realm of nonsensical with an ending that doesn't really do much for me, personally. And that includes the after-credits scene as well. I suppose one could argue that the ending didn't need to be too complex. Sure. I'm not talking about the writing when it comes to that.

Yes, Plague Tale's writing falls off a cliff. But the gameplay mechanics Plague Tale begins to rely on in the latter chapters expose the game's flawed design. It is an unpolished mess at worst, and frustratingly difficult to wrestle against at times. Hugo gets a mechanic late in the game that feels janky to use until he gets immunity to it later. Later chapters double down on the weak combat as well. I don't like Stealth or Puzzles much, but that's the strong suit of the game, and I was disappointed that they ditched those in the later chapters. Stealth is also hit or miss at times. There were times where enemies just wouldn't hear the rocks I threw to distract them, even when hitting a box of armor, and several rocks were needed to draw their attention. Amicia's sling isn't the best thing to control either, and you have to wonder how she'd fare against Goliath if these were the mechanics she had to work with.

But all of the game's unpolished jank gameplay-wise is topped off by quite possibly the most poorly designed boss fight I've ever experienced. I can't spoil much, but boiling down a boss fight to multiple fail states and one-shotting you in what essentially becomes a floor is lava situation is quite annoying. Yes, I did it anyway. It doesn't mean it needed to be designed that way.

I've dogged on this game a lot, but it just really exemplifies my problem with "Cinematic PlayStation-y" type of games. You bank on your cinematography and storytelling to the point where you forget to make a VIDEO GAME, which should be a priority first before your storytelling. Plague Tale just isn't fun to play and many times during the story I wondered how much more I'd enjoy it if it were a show or movie instead.

I have some gripes with some characters too. They're all kids so I can't critique it much. Hugo is really frustrating and annoying when it comes to how he's written - he acts like a kid should, but it doesn't change the fact that he can be really grating in many of the important story beats. And Melie is just so... ugh. Bland, and unlikable. I didn't trust Melie at all, even when we got to the end of the game.

Amicia on the other hand is fantastic. Her character growth is wonderful, she's well-spoken, she's courageous, she's everything you really want from a female protagonist. Getting good female protagonists nowadays is rather rare, and Amicia should be one of the standouts.

TL;DR: To wrap up, Plague Tale is a nice experience despite how much I've ragged on it. Please don't let that turn you away. I'm just expressing my personal gripes with this style of game because I really want to love Plague Tale, and I do like it, but I don't love it. And I wanted to love it as a big fan of historical fiction, as well as Amicia's characterization.

Score: 80

Started off real good, great story and premise. I gotta give credit where it's due cuz with a team of 40 and graphics like that? Mad respect. Buttttttt, as the story progresses you really star to see the amateur-ish side of it? The voice acting sounds like just a girl reading out a bed time story and the dialogue is cringe as hell, game mechanics are mediocre. Not to my liking. 6/10

a amazing story of two siblings surviving the black plague, it matches amazing horror/thriller aspects and does it justice through the entire game.

bem bonito e tem até uma ideia legal mas é bem chato

All’inizio mi ha preso ma l’ho finito con fatica.

Gráficos fantásticos com uma história interessante, contém algumas mecânicas engraçadas mas o combate é quase inexistente e aborrecido. O jogo é 99% virado para o stealth. Grande experiência de um jogo que sabe a AAA.

So for immersion I highly reccomend playing the game with subtitles and the french audio. As a person with a bachelors' in history I loved how for a good part of the game was historically feaseable, where like yeah these are children in the 15th century not understanding the world and how chemical reactions work (sulfur + most things explode) but then in the third act, everything goes supernatural and thats why this game isn't five stars. It would have been a masterpiece if it was just these kid's trying to survive a world they dont understand.

Campanha: 4
Diversão: 4
Jogabilidade: 3
Ambientação: 4
Gráficos e Áudio: 4

Un juego espléndido, ojalá borrarme la memoria para volver a experimentarlo por primera vez

Jogo lindo e com história cativante, só não é perfeito por ser curto.

Ótima história, atuação e toda a parte técnica, uma trilha sonora excelente, gráficos lindos e uma boa otimização pro Xbox Series, mas contrastando com tudo isso, está a gameplay, que é focada no stealth e bem linear. A Plague Tale: Innocence é muito filme pra pouco jogo, porém, o quesito técnico quase compensa a falta de uma boa jogatina. É um jogo que poderia facilmente ser adaptado para uma série live action, dado o seu conteúdo que é bem cinematográfico.

Good premise! Questionable execution. But the game's length is perfect for what it is!

Nome: A Plague Tale: Innocence
Plataforma: Steam - PC
Data: 10 Março 2023
Horas Aproximadas: 20 Horas
Dificuldade: ☐ Muito Fácil | ☑ Fácil | ☐ Normal | ☐ Difícil | ☐ Muito Difícil

história boa porém peca em superficialidade nos momentos de tensão
mas de resto uma baita ambientação, trilha sonora e momentos de gameplay