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in the past

Not as good as the first one in my opinion, but it was still a great experience.

(This review is for the version of this game that is included with the Xbox One Bioshock Collection)


Hot take: i prefer this over the first, playing as a big daddy and having a new threat with the big sister is such an amazing feeling

É um pouco enjoativo, principalmente pq não tem a genialidade da campanha que o primeiro jogo tinha.

Rapture is amazing as always, though the "been there, done that" feeling can't really be shaken, as the initial awe of taking the place in can't be replicated. The combat improvements, while very noticeable and more than welcome, weren't enough to keep me going at the pace of the original due to the story not being as engaging.

This game -needed-Minerva's Den, while the original is absolute kino as is. In any event, if you think Rapture is the coolest setting ever, there's no reason to not enjoy more of it!

Played through the whole thing in one sitting.

Bioshock 2 fixes some of the flaws in the gameplay from the first game. Not to say the first ones gameplay isn’t good but there was just some stuff the 2nd game did better.

I also really appreciate the fact more characters have unique models in this one. That was something that always bothered me about the 1st game was that most important characters were just regular enemy models.

With that said I do feel the story is kinda lacking in this one. While I’m invested in getting Subject Delta to Eleanor it doesn’t quite carry the same weight as the first game.

While I do praise the improved gameplay the actual objectives you have in each level also didn’t feel as unique or interesting to me as the first game. Also the game is a bit shorter then the first which isn’t bad but I would of liked maybe 1 or 2 more levels.

With that said I still love this game and I feel it’s very deserving to be talked about in just as high regard as the first! And that isn’t even mentioning the superb DLC Minerva’s Den which honestly has a better story then the main game.

While I don’t revisit it as much as the first it is still a game I enjoy fondly.

Quem não gosta desse é porquê não entendeu a genialidade.

In 15 years those little sisters will be all grown up but they'll still be calling me big daddy.

Como disse no primeiro post do primeiro jogo, são meus xodós do 360, amo muito todos e adorava jogar como Big Daddy quando criança, esse jogo é excelente, uma pena alguns não gostarem dele!

Jogo legal, mas muito fácil o que deixou um gosto ruim em relação ao primeiro onde você sente a progressão, aqui isso é um pouco apagado justamente por ser fácil desde do começo

Я думал, хоть вторую пройду до конца. Но бесконечные краши в игре без автосейфов? Иди на хер, Биошок 2! Я лицуху нафига покупал тогда?
Могу только за дизайн респект отдать. Что первая, что вторая, бомба. Но геймплей... Накидать столько классных механик, но сделать это настолько неудобно...
Infinity не подведи

5 "ой, с поездом опять какая-та херня случилась, иди почини" из 10

way more fun to play than the first one

BioShock 2 is the sequel to the popular BioShock, and keeps the same survival horror atmosphere while playing a new perspective in the BioShock universe.

You play as an old Big Daddy, armed with your drill and suit to fight your way through Rapture once again to find your daughter, a Little Sister held captive by another power-hungry villain. The mechanics are basically the same as before, but playing as a Big Daddy really changes my perspective of the Bid Daddies from the original. The game was still just as terrifying, with the introduction of the Big Sisters, which are slightly smaller and much faster than Bid Daddies. The game had its own music for fighting Big Sisters, which was also horrifying. I was really excited to see that 2K kept the horror aspect in the game, even playing as the all-powerful Big Daddy. Honestly, this is just how sequels should be made, keeping the same theme and feel, while adding in new elements to expand upon. The plasmid powers were just as good, and the shooting was still top-notch, just like the original. The Remastered version includes updated environment graphics, which look amazing when you walk outside on the sea floor between areas.

There were some hiccups, though. For whatever reason, the game grew more unstable as I played through it, actually randomly crashing during the last two levels. There were also some audio glitches throughout, but not really that distracting over the soundtrack.

Overall, this is definitely a worthy sequel to a great game, and the remaster plays just as well. Definitely worth a playthrough if you have played through the original BioShock. It's got the same atmosphere and gameplay, slightly revamped and looking much better.

Não acho que esteja no mesmo nivel do primeiro jogo, e ele nem sequer inova em muita coisa, mas a narrativa/trama aqui é sensacional.

I enjoyed this game too. I really liked the vibe of siren alley, and enjoyed the improved gameplay. I didn't really enjoy the story as much, but it's still an enjoyable experience nonetheless and I do recommend it.

Gameplay wise it did improve a lot, but on the story definitely did not. Luckily the world is almost as great as in the first one, but that kind of depends which one you've played first. The first one is still my favourite.

This sequel was shorter than the first one and had more technical issues too, I don't know what happened in the development of these Remastered versions but things are rough.

There weren't any significant changes in combat between this one and the first game. They did introduce new plasmids which I largely ignored since the same ones from the previous game were enough to get through and finish the game.

They also introduced new enemies such as the Brute and Big Sisters, both of which were massive bullet sponges and were annoying to deal with.

The story wasn't as good as the original game in my opinion, but it had a decent enough plot that kept my attention until the ending.

You can clearly see the developers wrote themselves into a corner, narratively speaking, which is a shame because I feel like Rapture had way more potential for future stories.

I feel like playing the original version of the game would be better than actually playing this remastered version. It's just plagued with technical issues and constant crashes that are not worth the hassle.

Esse é muito foda, eu joguei o primeiro bioshock pela coleção e gostei, mas foi so isso. Esse aqui pega a base do primeiro e faz tudo melhor, as mecanicas, a historia e a experiencia como todo tavam muito melhorados, doido pensar que não falam tanto desse jogo como os outros da franquia

eu vi tacarem tanto pau nesse mas eu particularmente gostei bastante dele, só me deixou chateado o final que só teve aquele combate doido e nenhum boss, com meu inglês ruim n entendi tanto a lore tbm, mas é um jogo muito bom, vale a pena

My favorite part of Bioshock! Mostly because of game mechanics! It was exciting!

Peak of a game, I liked it far more than the first one, better gameplay, better story. Shame that this version had frequent crashes.

Great game, it improved a lot of gameplay issues I had with the first game.

I have a daughter and a fuckin drill !

Played on Linux

Much of the same from Bioshock, but I found the gameplay to be a tad better. It's more of the same, but it's more focused, cause they used what clearly worked.

It's more Bioshock. Therefore more of my all time favorites.

I could go on in depth about what makes this a good game, but I will keep it simple. The week est part of the game is that 80% of the last area story wise is just reiterating what you already understand.