Reviews from

in the past

umas partes simplesmente nao da pra saber oq tem q fazer, mas é bom. fofo

Enjoyment - 6/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Carto likes to have hot bubble baths while listening to lo-fi. Short puzzle game with a lot of charm.

Was ready to love this one, the first chapter sets up a ton of interesting possibilities with the map-swapping mechanic, but it got more confusing (not difficult) as the game went on.

it's alright. mostly it's just really cute.

Carto is a cute puzzle game that shows us why we need more cozy and comfortable games.

Very cute game where you're an aspiring cartographer with a magic map. You build the world around you, using pieces of a map to uncover secrets and solve puzzles. Very creative.

🏆 Conquistas: 13/20

Me irritava um pouco o jogo não ter uma mecânica pra aproximar todas as peças e eu ter que ir arrastando as que estavam longe uma por uma, e, além disso, também achei o espaço pra mover as peças muito pequenininho (principalmente no capítulo da neve que as peças eram enormes). Mas tirando isso, o jogo é realmente bem bonitinho e tem uns puzzles bem criativos (por mais que algumas coisas acabassem ficando um pouco repetitivas).

Another palette cleanser for my long ass strategy games. It's cute!

This was short, sweet and a wonderful surprise. I played this after a “big” game and it was a blast. It was a solid palette cleanser between larger commitments of gaming. The charm, style and puzzles are are memorable and it’s possible to finish it in a single afternoon. Enjoy it!

This is such a lovely experience, it's a very straight forward game with a clear goal and mechanic, it's warm and feel good-y, a lot longer than I was expecting at 6-8 hours, highly recommend it if you want a cozy one or two session game.

A beautiful and cosy game, carried by a cute story and the most interesting mechanic I've seen in years. Really one of my favourite games.

Cute and fun lil puzzle game that had me stump many instances that I rather watch it than play. Still, give it a shot whenever you can!

Cute little puzzle game. Doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it was short enough that the mechanic didn’t get too stale, something a lot of these indie puzzle games struggle with

Played from – to: (2022-06-01 – 2022-06-06) – PC keyboard.
‣ 6.5/10 – I’m the map! I’m the map!
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 9/10
‣ Graphics – 9/10
‣ Atmosphere – 9/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 7/10
‣ Movement – 9/10
‣ Thoughts: I always trick myself into playing games of a genre I hate the most – puzzle games. The reason I do this is because I like to have some variety in what I play, and indie puzzle games are always attractive. From the trailers Carto looked simple and fun, but when I started playing, I understood that my dumb brain will suffer. Maybe some puzzles were actually poorly designed or had no logical solution, but midway I started feeling like playing Carto is not enjoyable but is more like a chore. I would like everyone to know, that Carto is a great game with fantastic ideas, but for me it was rather annoying due to its unnecessary complexity. That is why I will rate this game lower, not because it was bad, but because I simply did not enjoy it to my fullest. However, Carto is a wholesome game, with great a beautiful art style and soundtrack design. The team has clearly put a lot of effort into making this and I applaud them for it.

Me when I buy a physical map on my holiday

Uma proposta bem inusitada, não sei se eu vou voltar pra ele, mas existe a possibilidade

Hey, that's pretty good! A well-designed adventure puzzler with flawless execution. It doesn't ever get hugely challenging, but stays interesting by constantly adding new twists to the main mechanic. It's thematically simple as well, but doesn't stray too far into kitsch territory, mainly because everything has a purpose - you're not just taking in the sights of forests and deserts and mountains, you interact with them. And the game knows exactly where and when to end - this is some masterful control of pacing. You never feel bored or overloaded, and after finishing, it just feels complete - as always, I hoped for a thematic conclusion, but in such a case it's not necessary. Cute and well-rounded.

The gaming equivalent to chicken noodle soup. Wehhhh >_<

Game stopping bug partway into it. Tried looking for solutions online and none works, so I have a hard time giving it a good rating.

musiquinha boa, jogo de puzzle fofo, muito bonitinho, puzzles não díficeis (eu que sou burro),história legalzinha, achei mto legal o esquema de mapa que teve, foda, bom jogo, vale a pena.

Simple puzzle mechanic that gets pretty old pretty fast. Graphics are basic, story and characters are paper thin. Not enough to keep me playing longer than an hour.

Very chill game with simple puzzles.

A mecânica de alterar e explorar o mapa é criativo e bastante inovador. Infelizmente é pouco aproveitado, deixando em aberto muitas possibilidades.

Carto is a charming indie puzzle game with a fun premise that doesn't overstay it's welcome. There are some times where the solutions are a bit obscure and a bit of a 'how was I supposed to figure that out' but overall a good time.

Вот и вылетела малютка Карто за борт
Да и карта осталась с ней.
Положила её в рюкзак -
Заметки уперлись в боковые стенки.

Она очаровательная была мурзя,
Она на карте вертела леса.
Картой пещеры копала,
Картой реки раздвигала.

А подружечку Шайнон
Она на лодке возила верхом.
А чудного дядю Чирба
Сделала повелителем отшиба.

А в экстренный час нужды
Она спасла династию одну.
Вулкан плеснуться был готов,
Вулкан наших чуть не сжёг.

А Карто сумку расстегнула
И карту над вулканом протянула.
Наши по карте пошли,
Наши наших пронесли.

А за ними вулкан вспять
Стал вихри пламенные распускать.
Карто картой колыхнула,
Вулкан мигом попустила.

А оставшуюся лаву,
Она швырнула за переправу.
После боя Сторитендер
Карто в лобик целовал
И долго руку пожимал.

i’m not lost i’m just exploring

cozy and cute ♥
puzzle are fun and relaxing
music is also nice too !

relearning the lesson 'if a game isnt fun you can just stop playing it' on a daily basis