Reviews from

in the past

I seriously don't get the hype behind this game. Maybe I don't get it because I don't have a gambling addiction.

Il momento migliore è stato quando Saddam Hussein entrò in partita per unirsi ai terroristi.

sou HORRIVEL=jogo pior que eu

Sorry, I don't enjoy being obliterated by people with 2000 hours in this game

Hasta los cojones estaba de aprender humos granadas flashes y mollys

Мне не хватает когнитивный способностей чтобы прицелится и стрельнуть. Не могу оценить то что вообще не получается

I cannot put this much time in to be good at a game.

melhor fps competitivo ja feito pelo homem

I give a perfect 5 purely for the surfing community. It is the perfect speedrunning game

Review EN/PTBR

The bomb code is 7355608.


O código da bomba é 7355608.

this game stinks I have 1500+ hours in it

This review contains spoilers

VAC is dogshit

This type of game is just not my favorite. I also think that if you happen to be a person of color playing a game like this you just have to anticipate that you'll be...let's just say unwelcome in these kinds of spaces.

não sei porque esses caras(são demajs) ficam falando sobre terrorismo, eu não acho que terroristas são ruim; uma vez um cara dropou a arma dele pra mim(tinha purpurinha)
Pontos negativos: o gigante era terrorista até 2014(hj ele prega o ícaro).

I've gathered good memories with this game... I hope CS2 helps as many people as CS:GO helped me back in those days. Great memories of this game, friendships, amateur teams I formed to play, hours and hours in LAN houses, on calls with friends, endlessly grinding on an old, laggy notebook, and even after buying a PC full of LEDs that shone brighter than the monitor itself. I loved CS:GO, and this game will ALWAYS be in my memory.

Não vou mentir, gostava de jogar só pelos BOT no Arms Race

green green what is your problem green

my game.
10k+ hours in this game, and i am not ashamed of it at all.

0 erros nessa lindeza aq (pfv valve devolve essa porra logo)

Valorant but good!

I barely played this thing, never got gud at it, and I never really liked it all that much, BUT....................

Yeah no idk. That's it I guess.

très bon fps dans l'ensemble, mais il y a toujours le problème de vac, des cheaters ou de la commu toxic. Si valve fixe ces points dérangeants dans le futur, alors le jeu passeras à 5*