Reviews from

in the past

The first Crysis is pretty much a tech show-off and... that's about it.
Can't say i've ever been a fan of the first Crysis, but yeah, I must admit that it was impressive for the year 2007, it looked really good and not many PCs could run it. It had cool mechanics like the invisibile cloak or the fact that the environment was destroyable, a tropical setting just like the first Far Cry but this time in North Korea with robot aliens. The game sounds great on paper but in reality it doesn't excel in anything.
The remaster isn't that great either.

Gioco invecchiato male e programmato peggio, non ho nemmeno potuto finirlo perchè proprio all'ultimo boss ho incontrato un bug che faceva morire il personaggio appena rinasceva, incastrandomi in un loop senza uscita.
Oltre ai vari bug che ho incontrato per tutta la campagna e alle varie volte che ha crashato.

Crysis Remastered is a solid enough shooter. I enjoyed the open levels and the sandbox of the game, I also really liked the build up to the reveal, and even the post reveal section was fun. Crysis is definitely a game where its legacy lies more in technology than in game design, but it's still a really fun game all these years later.

Crysis does not get enough credit as an actual game, yeah it was meant to be a graphics juggernaut but I love the gameplay and feel of this game.

Not the greatest of remasters though. But after the updates its pretty on par with the OG

Played for 17 minutes and the game completely crashed and wouldn't launch further. Graphics suck by the way :)

It's a good old game, but you can tell that it has a few years on it. What was bothersome is the issue with the sound. The cutscene dialogues are too quiet compared to the in-game dialogues. A good remake would do the trilogy justice. I played the game on Easy difficulty, and it could have been even easier. I want to progress a bit faster and mainly experience the story.

I give it a 6/10.

Translated from German to English with ChatGPT.

A remaster nobody asked for which is worse than the original. Beated it in one sitting for the 25+ time. It's a special game for me but better stick to the original version.

Beyler bir oyun yapalım içine Türkçe dublaj koyalım enayiler alsın zaten Türkçe olduğu için çok beğenirler yapay zeka'nın olmaması veya vuruş hissi'nin bok gibi olması hiçbir sorun teşkil etmiyor Türkçe dublaj koyalım direk alırlar ve överler zaten.

Não gostei
não sei oque me fez não gostar
gostei da mecanica da armadura

Yeah this was rough, technically haven't beaten it cus the boss is eternally bugged on one of its phases but whatever.

As a precursor for player choice and supersolider fantasy I appreciate it, but it's been left in the dust by the games that have followed it and it just feels lacklustre at this point

Something I often read about Crysis is that this game is merely graphic eye-candy, which impressed in 2007 but lacks gameplay depth. However, this does a disservice to the game because Crysis is much more than a simple first-person shooter. And Crysis knows (most of the time) exactly what it is.
Unlike in Call of Duty, you don't follow linear paths here. Unlike in "modern" Far Cry games, Crysis doesn't use its open world to guide you from quest marker to quest marker. Instead, Crysis offers players open areas where the goal is fixed, but how you achieve it is entirely up to you. You can sneak through the jungle, swim or dive in the sea, or you can engage in open combat. The game allows you to decide how you want to play, and there's no "one right way". With this approach, Crysis created a gameplay structure that wouldn't be revisited with the same level of quality until a decade later in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
This gameplay style isn't just enabled by the game world. The Nanosuit is brilliantly implemented and gives players the choice to rely on stealth functions or switch to armor mode to engage in open combat. In terms of gameplay, you can see some parallels to Crytek's earlier work, Far Cry. Crysis builds upon the gameplay strengths of its predecessor and expands them in the way already mentioned. Both games were groundbreaking in terms of technology and share some visual similarities.
However, Crysis has something that Far Cry lacked: Art direction. It shows that Crysis knows exactly what it is. In 2007, it wasn't just graphically impressive; it also consolidated all the visual elements into a highly focused visual style that organically blends all the then-new graphical effects.
For these reasons, Crysis is more than just graphic eye-candy. The game set benchmarks in technology, art direction, and player freedom in 2007 that remain largely unmatched today.
However, this game is not perfect. Thus, I have to address the part of the game that is most frequently criticized: the final third of the game. I mentioned earlier that Crysis MOSTLY knows what it is. Unfortunately, the missions in the last third of the game do not build upon the established gameplay strengths. The very linear sections in the final third strip away the freedoms that made the game great in the first place. While Crysis's gunplay isn't bad by any means, it's not the game's standout feature that sets it apart from other games in the genre. As a result, the last third of the game is, visually stunning as it is, gameplay-wise, nothing special.

But all of this criticism doesn't change the fact that Crysis was a genre-defining game, providing players with a remarkable degree of freedom within its missions even by today's standards. Only the final third of the game keeps this masterful game from being an absolute masterpiece.

Couldn’t get through this.

Although it looks amazing, the gameplay, movement and mechanics do not hold up.

Dealing damage and taking damage doesn’t feel right. The gunplay isn’t impactful. The controls feel off no matter how much you adjust the settings.

It gets a higher rating for the graphics and environments, but I won’t be playing through this.

Eu decidi jogar no hard pq lembro q apanhava muito da dificuldade delta qndo era mlk, mas estranhei muito o quão fácil tava... Fui dar uma pesquisada, e de fato, dificuldade e ia dos inimigos foi completamente destroçada, principalmente dos aliens dos últimos níveis. É um port de PC do remaster do port de console do original e dá pra ver a merda que ficou. Os controles de tank, vtol e etc são HORRIVEIS e os últimos níveis estão tão bugados que ta quase injogavel... Meu jogo crashou tanto no Exodus que eu quitei do jogo. De vdd deplorável o que fizeram com isso aqui, pretendia rejogar os 3, mas esse aqui já me broxou, nao vou nem continuar

The first half is one of the most fun sandbox shooters ever. Lots of people see this as a game that cares more about its graphics than its gameplay, but seriously, this game is so fun. Then I stop midway and never play the second half.

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Fighting aliens in the second half actually ruins it. That mission where we try to navigate the core is one of if not the worst gaming experiences I've had in a long time.

Story is pretty meh, the graphics are great for an older game and the controls were pretty bad. I did not enjoy this game whatsoever, but it being pretty saved it from a 2 rating. 3/10

Far Cry was so bad, I am cautiously approaching this one-

Ah, I owe you an apology. I wasn't familiar with your game.

Nomad does small talk with his team, drinks some lean, and there he go. It's time to attack people of color. Editor's note: they are at war there is no personal motivation behind Nomad's actions. Anyways his crew gets their shit rocked throughout the game but luckily he pulls through with the power of friendship patriotism. Suspiciously only the US is trying to save the world of an alien invasion but maybe other countries are just shy 😳

Similar to Bioshock, you mow down waves of enemies while switching between your abilities. The environment looks better than Far Cry, first game that approached the ceiling of realistic graphics for sure! Kick back and enjoy... because also ultra realistic is that everyone and everything you grab just dies. Look what these hands do m8. Even the final boss tossed me around like a crepe and I lived to tell the tale. Spectacle of a final fight btw holy grandiose.

This game is unusual in that it feels like a generic military shooter despite having a lot of wacky ideas. You have linear objectives but the levels are totally open with destructible environments that give a bit of a sandbox feel.

The gunplay isn't amazing but it's not bad, you also have a super suit that gives you some movement and stealth options but it's a bit underwhelming, you are still just a typical main character shooting guys. You can see some roots of the Far Cry series here which was interesting to me as I've not played the Crytek title. The enemy AI is quite terrible but they have excellent vision so they will spot you through the dense foliage, I ended up changing the difficulty to easy because it got quite tedious to play. Later on, the enemies become a lot more bullet spongey and annoying so I didn't regret the difficulty change at all.

While the story is generic and features many cheesy characters, it's actually fairly interesting. It does end on a cliff-hanger though, which is lame but wasn't entirely unexpected.

The main problem I had with this game is that it's surprisingly scuffed and even more surprisingly buggy. As a remaster of an established title, I was expecting a fairly polished experience but I had many issues with the controls and HUD as well as enemies randomly levitating or just disappearing. It worked better than the original for me at least but a lot of things in this game are terribly designed or at best poorly implemented.

While running around and blowing stuff up in the huge open levels is pretty fun and a cool novelty, I can't say this game is actually good by modern standards.

One of the best FPS there is. Can't believe it took me this long to play it, but I'm glad I did.

Yani Crysis övüldü , herkes çok beğeniyordu , türk oyunlarının mihenk taşıdır deniyordu ama üzülerek söylüyorum ki bu o kadar iyi bir oyun değil. Kendisine özel çok güzel bir dünya tasarlanmış , üstüne güzel bir hikaye de yapılmış ama oyunun çoğu kısmı diğer kısımlarına göre çok alt seviye bir iş olarak kalıyor. Mesela yapay zeka kötü yapılmış. Bazı konularda çok güzel bir iş çıkartılmışken bazı kısımlarda patates durumda. 10 num silahlarla ilerleyebiliyorsun çok güzel sana mükemmel bir özgürlük veriyor ama yok silah hissiyatı iğrenç olduğundan bir eksiklik hissediyorsun. Boncuk atıyorsun resmen. Boss savaşları ise normal savaşlardan bile kötü , rezalet. Sonrasında piyasada olduğundan çok memnun olmama rağmen belirtmeliyim ki bu oyunun seslendirmesi de rezalet. Bazıları çok iyi seslendirirken bazıları aşırı kötü ya da bazıları çok güzel seslendirme yapıyor ama ana uygun değil falan filan ben ingilizce oynamanızı öneririm. He bir de gidip ses ingilizce altyazı türkçe olsun yapamıyorsun adamlarlar eklememiş ama biraz bakınarak internetten bunun düzeltilme yöntemini bulabilirsiniz. Kısacası bu oyun çok büyük bir potansiyeli olan ama potansiyeline çıkamamış yine de büyüklüğüyle ve seviyesiyle tüm gece boyu dağlarda bizi ulumaya teşvik edecek bir oyun. En iyi aksiyon shooter oyunlar arasına giremese de iyiler arasına girer. Ben öneriyorum. (Bu arada çok gömdüm gibi gözüküyor ama bu kötüler çok kötü değil gene bir ortalama bir oyunda bulabileceğiniz seviyede işlere sahip , böyle olmasına rağmen oyunun seviyesini düşürmesini de ihmal edemeyiz )

(Disclaimer: Played this via PS5 with backwards compatibility, so I don’t have much to complain about performance on consoles)

Despite not having smooth gunplay, a few missions dragging on, and the final boss is terrible. I still had a pretty good time with Crysis 1 despite its rough edges due to the free flow structure which combined with these nanosuit abilities carries holds the combat together to be fun as hell despite not controlling smoothly even when I’m fighting against the aliens which I know is a hot take.

It's also no secret that this game is a technical marvel to look at, but I like that it isn’t just all about the graphics. It also showcases the crazy physics that makes stuff like throwing objects or enemies much more satisfying or chaotic. Overall, I’m happy to have checked out this game years later after hearing so much about it and I mostly don’t regret my time with it.

I am very happy that this game has been renewed. But I had a lot of problems playing this game. Every time I enter the game, the game is not at full power and I have to make 1920x1080, which is very annoying. And the game system is very tiring.

Everyone asks "can it run Crysis" but nobody asks "should you run Crysis" because the answer is no you shouldn't

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Es la remasterización de uno de los juegos que definió lo que era tener una buena computadora, es un FPS con gráficos tremendos, su historia me pareció la clásica historia de Aliens invasores//durmientes pero acá tiene sentido que vos los puedas hacer cagar porque tener el supertraje nanoepico, después en la cuestión de los niveles, la gran mayoría son abiertos en donde podes afrontar una situación de muchísimas formas, en una donde me tenia que meter en un laboratorio en vez de ir de frente y matar a 30 soldados fui por un costado y me ahorre un montón de tiroteo, y así supongo que debe haber algunas mas de las que hice, después las misiones secundarias me parecieron totalmente useless, algunas si tienen recompensas y otras en cambio no te dan nada. Después de jugar muchísimos "Cover Shooters" jugar un shooter normal se me hacia raro no poder cubrirme en si pero no es para nada culpa de Crysis sino de como intente afrontarlo al principio hasta que me acostumbré, es muy abusable el sistema de invisibilidad pero creo que esta hecho apropósito para darte una sensación de que sos dios. Es un juego corto me llevo unas 7hs, habrá que jugar las siguientes entregas para ver como termina

É um jogo bacana, meio divertido, meio frustrante, com um enredo fraco (apesar do universo da franquia ser interessante), com uma parte técnica foda (na versão original) e com uma história foda desde a sua produção até hoje.

Esse jogo foi produzido pela Crytek, desenvolvedora mais reconhecida (depois de ter criado Crysis) por ter criado o primeiro Far Cry, em parceria com a Ubisoft.

Esse jogo (Crysis) foi lançado em 2007, e ele foi um marco na indústria dos jogos por conta de sua tecnologia nunca antes vista, principalmente seus gráficos e engine, que eram o ápice da tecnologia que se tinha na época. Na verdade, até os dias de hoje, o jogo original tem gráficos melhores que vários jogos atuais, o que é um mérito em tanto.

O jogo foi tão aclamado pela crítica e público (por conta da parte técnica), que uma expressão foi difundida entre os PC gamers, que até hoje (principalmente na gringa) é usada: 'Seu PC roda Crysis?' .

Apesar disso, o primeiro jogo nunca foi realmente um sucesso gigante em vendas, tendo vendido 1 milhão de cópias na época, e cerca de 3 milhões de cópias foram vendidas até 2010 (somando o jogo original com sua DLC 'Warhead').

Claro, esse número de vendas é alto, ainda mais levando em conta que é um jogo de uma franquia nova e desenvolvido por um estúdio pequeno na época. Porém, levando em conta que o jogo era de considerável investimento e foi distribuído pela EA (que como todos sabem, é uma das empresas mais gananciosas e sujam do mundo), esse número de cópias vendidas foi bem abaixo do que se gostaria.

Uma das questões que causaram as baixas vendas foi a de que o jogo foi um dos mais pirateados da época, o que desapontou ainda mais os desenvolvedores.

Isso é meio estranho, já que poucos PCs rodavam Crysis decentemente na época, então muita gente que se submeteu a jogar o jogo de maneira pirata não conseguiu de fato rodar o jogo de maneira minimamente aceitável.

Anos depois, a Crytek desenvolveu versões para o Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3. Porém, obviamente, jogar nos consoles não seria a mesma coisa que jogar no PC. Não estou falando do fato de que jogar no console implica em jogar apenas com controle, mas sim porque obviamente os consoles da época não rodariam o jogo da mesma maneira que ele rodaria no PC.

Assim, toda a parte técnica do jogo no geral teve que ser adaptada para a realidade dos consoles, além de que alguns outros conteúdos, como o modo multiplayer, tiveram de ser cortados das versões dos consoles.

Mesmo com tudo isso, o jogo gerou duas continuações, que não obtiveram o mesmo prestígio que o primeiro jogo, e inclusive vieram com partes técnicas inferiores ao jogo original, principalmente comparando as versões de consoles do 1° com os demais, o que chega a ser curioso.

É inegável que esse jogo tem uma importância pra história dos games. Mesmo com um enredo fraco (já que o objetivo era produzir uma parte técnica de ponta, e não um roteiro emocionante), o jogo conseguiu cativar milhões de jogadores de FPS, e é bacana que, com esse remaster, a franquia consiga atrair a atenção de mais pessoas que não puderam jogá-los na época, mas que podem agora.

Inclusive, um quarto jogo foi anunciado há algum tempo pela Crytek, mas sem data de lançamento. Muito bacana.