Reviews from

in the past

Dante empalado um total de zero vezes. Ruim.

Éste juego.. es una puta mierda

Carece de dificultad, los niveles no son de mi agrado, la historia es horrible y totalmente irrelevante, la IA es malísima (el juego no tiene dificultad), lo OP que están las pistolas es ridículo, literalmente puedes pasarte el juego spameando el cuadrado

Experiencia para no repetir

Si los demonios de verdad lloran, sería por jugar a esto..

It's more "funny bad game" than "horrible experience game"

4 of the most entertaining hours of my teenaged life.

If the Devil did indeed cry, it was from having to play this game

Simplesmente a maior bomba de dmc, tudo nesse jogos e pífio e falho, a gameplay é chata e os Bosses são horríveis, os únicos pontos bons é que a câmera teve uma leve melhora e que a Boss Fight final me divertiu um pouco

Un tutorial sobre como no hacer una secuela, Dante pasó de ser un tipo quirky y cool (🤓🤙) a un vampiro emo que se toma todo super en serio. Toda una estetica gotica que termina haciendo que todo se vea marrón....

sin mencionar el hecho de que podes stun-lockear y derrotar a TODOS los enemigos de este juego spammeando las pistolas......

Como que uma das minhas franquias favoritas, tem literalmente um dos piores jogos já feitos? vai tomar no cu...

como que pode errar até no som do bagulho vsfffff

the worst game i have ever played

Lembrava de ser ruim... MAS NÃO ERA PRA TANTO!!!
Se eu achar uma coisa se quer que esse jogo faz minimamente decente, eu achei ouro, por que tudo que ele tenta fazer é falho.
Explorar mapa? Câmera caótica e ambientes pouco inspirados
Combate? Pouca variedade de armas e combos extremamente limitados
Chefes? Fica longe e mete bala evitando o máximo de risco possivel
Historia? Esqueceram de fazer e não souberam explicar o rascunho feito de ultima hora

Man. Going from DMC 1, which was a pretty enjoyable game, to THIS? This was just not it. DMC 2 takes a ton of what made DMC 1 really good with dante's personality, quick and meaty combos, satisfying boss designs and enemy designs, takes all of this and just THROWS IT OUT THE WINDOW.

I have no clue what tf was going on. It was a simple start, evil dude on tower kill him. But after that the story just goes NOWHERE, and mainly focuses on random place to place. Yeah DMC 1 had that issue as well but in here it is even worse. I didn't do Lucia and only did Dante as I could care less to play this game a second longer, MAYBE with her story as well it would be easier to understand, but with just dante I could care less what happened. Doesn't help the voice acting is wack.

Wtf happened? There is only 2 characters who get fleshed out this time. The main villain has nothing going, and while I do hear he is fleshed out in the lucia side, again idc to play this game anymore. Dante is just... wtf happened to him? For how little he speaks or does anything you would think they would stick to his basic charismatic personality but nah, he is now depressed and has shorter sentences while also having basically none of what made him in dmc 1. I understand this is future dante where stuff happened to him, and now he has the coin he tosses but like DAMN express SOME personality man. Again didn't do lucia side so don't know much about her, but if even the devs said that they wish they could give her more scenes so she can actually show who she truly is, I don't think I missed out on much.

Straight. Downgrade. There is still some cool additions, weapon switching (only for the guns, Dante only has ONE melee type the whole game) is pretty cool. The new animations esp with the guns are just chefs kiss, and I love how expressive he is whenever he shoots his gun (which he will be doing, alot.). However apart from those short praises and with you can actually extend your stylish combo with the gun, this gameplay is just trash. There is so many reasons why I believe that, the biggest cardinal sin is easily how bleh the melee combat feels, floaty and bad? You have all of your moveset at the start which does seem good, but the problem is the game NEVER teaches you ANY of the moves, so a ton of the hidden moves is never explained, which means the combos are never easily explained on how to do. It doesn't matter at the end cause even if the combat was good, there is one cardinal sin as well... the game is boring. The Enemy design, level design, boss design, so many design choices in this game scream "help me mama I need help!" cause dear LORD this game is exhaustively easy. Enemies have no way of hitting if you walk around them (you can literally walk around and they can't hit you), doesn't help that guns now AUTO JUGGLE, making guns in this game easily the best option to use. It doesn't help that the boss design in this game encourages you to spam the guns cause some of these bosses are too far unless you gun them. Again, the boss design in this game SUCKS, they are all trash and barely encourage any of the fun melee mechanics this game kinda has. Even so, they are too. damn. easy... untill the last boss in which its actually pretty hard... if you again just don't gun them down. IDK what they were thinking, maybe to make this easier for those who struggled on DMC 1, but this was just not it man.

Fine, There are some standouts... but that is only because I recognize them in DMC 5. Other than that I barely remember any of the songs, and even found some of them pretty annoying.

Last Positives / Nitpicks
-Honestly still has pretty fun moments with the mechanics, but is way too flawed design wise to even matter.
- Full screen bug this time where if I wasn't on borderless, exiting the game and coming back would freeze the entire thing.
- The game is 10x better when you know the development history of this being a spinoff tomb raider turned last minute DMC 2, from a team who didn't understand DMC, original creators never knew about this game till later, and a year later had to replace the currently unknown director and given to another director who had basically 4 months to turn this pile of shit to at least something that is a BIT? enjoyable? If this is the better product than 4 months ago, I want to see what they had before this cause dear lord what happened?

This game deserves the hate it gets. I only went through it cause I beat it in THREE AND A HALF HOURS? Maybe the timer was deceiving me cause this game was just SUPER short. Again, 2 sides and again, I don't care. Play this game if you want a curiosity of why this is hated, or just want to play them all. But if you are recommended this game by ITSELF? Block that friend.

i wish i wouldve played it w/ that fan patch oh my FUCK this game sucks.. dingaling tho... 👀👀

oynadığım en kötü oyun olabilir

Um dos piores jogos que eu tive os desprazer de jogar, infelizmente.

I can only describe this as a 2013 iPod Touch mobile game before the golden age of iPod Touch mobile games. It’s not garbage but it definitely isn’t great either.

Não sei como esse jogo não afundou a franquia, é com certeza um dos jogos mais chatos que já joguei.

حبيت بعض التحسينات والاضافات الجديدة عن الجزء الاول مثل اضافة زر لتغيير الاسلحة وزر للرول وحبيت حركة تخصيص القدرة غير ذا كل شي باللعبة سيء بشكل الماب ما يحدد مكانك وما منة فايدة.. السيوف متشابهة ومملة ما فيها اختلافات الجزء الاول وطبيعي جدا انك ما تنتبة وتفوت سلاح.. التطويرات مجرد زيادة دمج بعد ما كانت قدرات كاملة.. الذكاء الاصطناعي جدا غبي اغلب البوسز قتلتهم من بعيد والاعداء العاديين دمهم عالي ويظهر مليون واحد منهم وضعيفين سوو ما في اي متعة مجرد اجلس ساعة اقتل فيهم لحين يخلصون.. واللعبة كلها فيها كمية سهولة مملة ختمتها بدون ما اموت غير مرتين القصة جيدة نوعا ما لكن الحوارات ونبرة الكلام مملة وغبية

The infested chopper boss is the single greatest boss in all of video gaming. Devil May Cry 2 is already known as one of the greatest of all time (GOAT factor = high on this one), but the infestation that plagues the cities of Devil May Cry 2 allows for an extremely emotionally-complex character set. The infestation is a manifesto of our society and the zombie-like enthusiasm we take in our militarism, which is a great moral leap backwards. It spreads to the masses, and the military continues to kill. In that sense, the Infested Chopper boss fight is something more. You fight it once and it takes forever to beat. This mimics the reality of persuading a military enthusiast in real life - it takes forever. Then, the more you fight the choppers, you realize that the mission of beating them all is impossible. It is a grim fate that only Devil May Cry 2 can convey accurately. In other words, the infested chopper is definitively the single greatest boss fight in gaming and represents all of society's fears, which tells many stories which are incomprehensibly deep.

Vale, si, las armas están rotas, la cámara sigue apestando, varios de sus jefes son fáciles hasta decir basta, todas las espadas son iguales, las armas explosivas rompen el juego más de lo que ya está, la historia es insípida a niveles rancios, el combate es muy simple y encima los combos solo los sabes si usas una guía, el apuntado no sirve, etc etc etc.

PERO, la historia de Lucia es bastante sólida y fácilmente la mejor narrativa de la franquicia, trae algunas mejoras como el plataformeo y el DT, el diseño y presentación de los niveles es competente cuanto menos, y varios de sus jefes son bastante buenos (especialmente el final).

Definitivamente no es un buen juego pero ciertamente tampoco es atroz como mucha gente dice.


Voy a hacer de cuenta que esta entrega no existe. Te lo pasás spameando el botón de disparar (y es la mejor estrategia para no sufrir jugando esta cosa).

You know I really thought people were too harsh on this game but that was before I played it. Lol.