Reviews from

in the past

One of those games I was really excited for, but... just never played far into?

Dishonored 2 was a fun experience. I chose to beat the game on my first playthrough as Emily so it was a nice change of pace from Dishonored 1's Corvo as the protagonist. I liked the new powers implemented in the game which helped me do creative kills. My favorite power from this game would have to be the Shadow Walk because I just like how we literally transform into a crawling shadow on the ground and make stealthy kills or get to use it to get around certain areas where there's many enemies. Dishonored has always been my favorite game after playing 1 and now that I've played 2 it just reinforces it even more. I liked the plot and how the game plays for dishonored. Currently on New game+ for my second playthrough as Corvo and IM glad to see that all of Emily's ablities are also available to Corvo. Can't wait to play around with it for a bit. I'll play the DLC soon and will absolutely write my thoughts on that once I finish it

Devia ser caso de estudo pra todo game dev em formação

It takes what made the previous entries and makes it better. Loved it

não é melhor que o primeiro, mas é bem bom. Acho que costumei demais com a gameplay do primeiro e estranhei um pouco a desse aqui

Bel gioco. Ma gli gli immersive sim non li digerisco.

The first Dishonored was a little masterpiece in terms of storytelling, the way our gameplay impacted the very story itself, making us decide whether it's a justice story or a revenge one, in addition to a very good immersive sim gameplay itself. All that made the game quite innovative and interesting for its time.

Dishonored 2 took everything from the first one without really adding anything new. It is the exact same game but with a less pertinent and interesting story. It is still decent and the level design is very good, but I didn't think this game was necessary.

Such a step down in my opinion. Never got into this.

Refused to play a level and instead spent 40 minutes solving a logic puzzle to get through a door

dishonroed 2... aunque le falta historia!

Level design absurdo e cheio de caminhos e jeitos para resolver cada situação, apenas use a criatividade.
A gameplay é ótima e eu adoro todo estilo artístico e design de ambientes de jogo.

Who built this lock? I don't quite remember...

J'ai voulu faire le jeu complètement en infiltration sans être repéré une seule fois. C'est possible que cette décision ait ruiné mon expérience du jeu car j'ai arrêté au bout de 4 missions. Je réesayerais de le faire un jour

Guys.... this video is more than worth the $2.99 I bought it for on sale...
This was my introduction to the immersive sim genre, and hoooolllllyyyyyy coooow. It just so cool to be able to forge your own path throughout all of these levels, and to be able to use this incredible stealth system is a privilege on its own. By far the best part though, in my humble opinion, HAS to be the world itself. Each level is gorgeously crafted, impeccably unique, and has so much depth and complexity to it, even after putting an hour or more into each and every level and exploring them almost to their max, I still know little of the actual genius design behind each level. While the game does have its high and low points, it is worth playing solely for the incredible levels that Arkane created, and then you're able to marvel at the siiiiick systems that the gameplay itself creates. incredible game 4.5/5 stars

Dishonored 2 is awesome if you love stealth and games that give you tons of freedom to play how you want. Sneaking as Emily or Corvo, using their unique powers to take out guards or ghost through completely unnoticed, feels amazing. The world is creepy and cool to explore, the story has some twists, and I love the option to play non-lethally. Can get a little difficult at times, but honestly? One of the best stealth games out there.

one of the best stealth games. i love the old pc game esque quicksave and quickloading you see in games like portal 1, it really lets you min max in a very fun way. the most fun ive had is doing a no powers ghost and pacifist playthrough recently. It rlly shows how well the game is made considering you can reasonably beat it with that many restrictions.

I didn't finish this game, but from the little I played I can say that it's incredible, it didn't captivate me as much as the first one, but I loved the Parkour system and Emily's choice not to use dark powers

Dishonored 2 is the continuation of the original Dishonored, taking place several years after the events of the original and introducing two playable characters to choose from, Corvo and Emily. I chose to play as Emily, so this review will cover her powers and abilities.

The game mechanics and tone still carry over from the original and are much improved, introducing new powers for Emily, such as Domino, cloning, and shadow walking. These abilities are super fun to use and feel really good when chained together for a combo takedown on enemies. It's extremely satisfying to clear a level with a series of ability combos and whatnot. I also liked the option to find collectibles to power up your abilities. The game also keeps the same art style as the original, which was really good-looking.

I'm not very good at stealth games, and even on lower difficulties, this game was fairly challenging, requiring lots of retries and planning to get past certain areas. Also, the universe has a lot of supernatural elements, like people having powers and other things, but near the end of the story, there was a lot more supernatural stuff happening plot-wise that still seemed like too much magic or something, and most plot points were covered with some magical item being the key. Then again, I'm not too familiar with all the background lore of the game universe.

Overall, Dishonored 2 is a great sequel that improves a lot over the original game. It looks pretty, plays well, and is extremely satisfying to play. Definitely worth a playthrough or a few to get all of the endings and whatnot.

could not get into it like I did the original.

no as good as the first one but still great

An incredible development for an incredible series, my ONE qualm is the role of the outsider - they felt a lot less like an unbiased spectator in this version but the mechanics are insane and the additional powers and how it feels to play a NG+ is unparalleled

Artistically this game is phenomenal and it's art style is one of my favorites. Most things are better executed here compared to the first game but the levels just don't feel as replayable which is a shame seeing as overall the game has more replayability. The standout mansion levels are some of the coolest and best designed levels in any game though.

Set a decade and a half after Dishonored, the sequel follows Emily as Empress, aided by her Royal Protector and father, Corvo. However, the witch Delilah returns, turns one of them to stone and steals the throne. Knowing that she was aided by the Duke of Serkonos, our protagonist travels to the southern city of Karnaca to end the conspirators who plotted their downfall and win back the throne.

Dishonored 2's first main gimmick is that you can play as either Emily or Corvo, and it's more than a cosmetic touch. Both have unique sets of powers granted by the Outsider, so the way they can approach the levels is slightly different. Combat has been reworked to be both smoother and also you finally have nonlethal ways of engaging enemies head-on, and the Chaos system is now both less obtuse and more open, allowing for Low Chaos runs that see you clashing swords through the streets or stealthy murderous High Chaos runs. While it can't ever be as surprisingly good as the first game, the same high level of quality has been retained and improved.

Basically everything the first one did but even better. The game gives you more tools to play non-lethal than the first one did and that's a very welcome change with DH1 being a bit too high chaos oriented.
It's a really cool thing that they gave Emily complete different powers from Corvo and still managing the game to be beat with the character you chose. Each one has his particularity, Emily is more about tricking your ennemies and Corvo about easy run away.
Like I said, it's a big improvement of the first game that was already great. You can feel they pour all of their love in the level design when you see levels like the Manor or the Palace.
For the story it's like the first game, being straight to the point even though there is more memorable characters than the first one.
The graphics upgrade is also very impressive, reusing the art directory of the first game but adding a lot of lights effect made the game being more beautiful than a lot of 2024 games.
I you liked the first one you HAVE to play it and if you didn't I would still recommend it because of how big of an upgrade it is.

Everything in this game is just perfect, the stealth and the combat, i played so much this game and the first time got me mesmerizing, i love it all. Emily Kaldwin have the best powers and the best gameplay compared to Corvo Attano, play this game rushing the enemies is so fun.

Uma pena que em comparação ao primeiro, ele deixe tanto a desejar, eu simplesmente não tenho vontade de manter aquela gameplay stealth bem planejada como em Dishonored, só dá vontade de sair pulando até chegar onde precisa e terminar logo com isso

A solid expansion on the ideas from Dishonored 1. So many amazing sandbox levels to play in

Bigger and better! We have bought PS4 because of this game)