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Somehow in all my many years of loving visual novels, friend recommendations, every YouTuber playing this, it took me until now to finally dip my toes into the internet phenomenon that is. Doki Doki Literature Club. However this is a re release that includes extra prequal like content.
Right off the back, I really enjoyed this game a lot. I did know ahead of time it had fucked up content in it but had no idea what actually went down to make it so.
Honestly, the first act alone had me by the heart. I should say that Yuri and Sayori are my two favourite characters and basically were right from the beginning.
Yuri was who I dedicated my heart to, so when act 1 fucks you in the heart with a knife on confession to Sayori or being friends, in the first time in gaming for a long time, I actually was physically stumped. I didn't want to press any button.
And that as an emotion to give it to me as a consumer, is powerful and the game has my heart for that.
I think it was so well excuted for how I played it. That I still can't get over it. Even knowing that Sayori suffers either way. That initial playthrough HURT like hell.
Act 2 is where the game becomes it's main hook. I do genuinely love this act as well. Again, my heart was for Yuri throughout. So her demise in the end of the chapter, broke me. I wasn't expecting it and watching her body decay over a weekend was horrific and so well exceuted. It was censored on the PS5 version which is stupid. Sony has some of the dumbest censorship rules I've ever seen. Not a fault of the game however.
Act 3 is where Monika has her big reveal and I enjoy it quite a lot but it took me multiple playthroughs to truly appreciate and love what her character actually is.
On the first run, I was more "Aha! So that's the thing" and that's all it was for me.
However, once you realise that all the character's ignore Monika or make you ignore her, I should say. Where the game is written as so she is truly not an option.
It's actually really freakin cool how it's affect is even more driven after running through the game multiple times. To see how truly in the background she is deliberately written for the purposes of her act.
The extra content included in Plus is really cute as well. Especially the second last chapter that's there. I don't think as a whole the new content adds TOO much to the base game but I think how Yuri and Natsuki get to interact is worth every single part of those new scenarios because they wrote them freakin wonderfully.
I'm just glad they came back TO write more of this game because I think it deserves as much love as it has gotten.
Overall, my only true downside was Natsuki not getting an ending like the other character's and Monika not being as impactful at the end on the first run.
But I think the fact the base game offers Monika as a heavier impact as you keep playing and realising as well as how damn good Natsuki is written in her side story with Yuri.
This game sits high up there for me

overrated but still a good game

I REALLY can't let the gang know I fuck with this

Its the funny visual novel with cute anime girls. A experience to be had to say the least.

yuri is still the best girl

As histórias paralelas são ótimas, o port pras outras plataformas é um ponto positivo, mas nada muito novo.

DDLC is a very good psychological horror game that uses the medium of a video game in a pretty interesting and unique way. Overall, I really liked it and had a fairly good time with it.

bom, mas o preço não vale (peguei de graça)

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meno arrepiei quando a monika falou meu nome

i wish it had more horror but it was cool to do the achievements

Replaying this game has reminded me that this remains one of the best games I've played in the last decade. It really is rare to have a game that completely recontextualize how you see games as a medium. This expansion isn't especially that much better than the free version of the game, however for someone looking for additional content and more to do, this is a good pick up!

Una visual novel distinta. El principio no es para cualquiera pero cuando comenzar a adentrarte en el juego y le das una verdadera oportunidad saca a relucir todo lo que quiere mostrar. Se que no es un juego para cualquier jugador, pero quienes son capaces de disfrutarlo van a tener grandes experiencias.

Continua bom só que com uma cara nova e uns recursos extras.

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they deserved better

So, the first game captured me when I wasn't even a teenager, I found it and thought it was cool, i was in love with creepy pastas at the time so as a little kid in 2018 or so this was the greatest thing ever. I later forgot about it, then came back to it 2020s and refreshed myself on the lore with Matpat videos, then this game came out, I was stoked. Now this is essentially the same exact game as before, though for systems instead so now the aspect that made it unique is gone, the fact that the game would fuck with its own files doesn't make sense on a switch for example. However, if you were tapped into the DDLC lore, this shit gave you a decent amount to work with, and it was a fun ride. I won't keep babbling, but for DDLC lore fans this was a treat. The original game was fun too of course, I've loved that for years.

O tipo de jogo que a melhor experiência é jogar ele sem saber de NADA, uma experiência absurdamente criativa e envolvente

This review includes my first experience with the original game.

What a fucking rollercoaster...
Just Monika.

Probably the best psychological horror experience I’ve ever had. I’m so thankful I went into this 100% blind

les histoires supplémentaires sont là pour apaiser le coeur après qu'on l'ait envoyé dans un trou noir

es un chapón hasta k alguien se suicida

I don't usually play games like this, but I was intrigued that it was tagged as a Horror game. This is one of those games that the less you know going into it, the better. While it starts as a harmless game of you being roped into joining a high school Literature Club, things get weird. It was endearing enough to replay it a few times to get all the different outcomes and endings.

Um bom jogo, no qual eu pulei todos os dialógos pois eu assisti esse jogo pelo Kleberiano. A estória é muito boa, trazendo temas sérios, sendo a principal delas a depressão. Pontos negativos para mim são as partes de "terror", para mim aquilo é somente vergonhoso, o segundo são os designs, se eu jogo isso na frente de uma pessoa que nunca viu ele vai está achando que eu sou um fracassado que joga um jogo de hentai(mesmo eu não gostando desse ultraje), Doki Doki também tem suas coisas boas, como a própria estória e a música.

carta de amor a las visual novel, una obra maestra.

19/19 Platinado.

The new content is nice, but doesn't really add a whole load to the experience, but mostly just nice people on consoles could finally play the game.