Reviews from

in the past

Dragon Age II is a weird one. The story is more focused and personal than Origins, which I actually liked, and the companions are great. But man, the environments are so repetitive, and the side quests are mostly boring fetch quests. Combat feels faster, but it loses some of the strategy from Origins. Overall, it has its moments, but it's definitely a step down from its predecessor and feels kinda rushed.

the companions in this game really elevated it into something else. it's a really repetitive, kinda dull game. i turned my brain off for most of it. but wow i just. really like these companions? they're good???? hgoly shit? merrill is my elf girlfriend, lets gooo

Amo esse jogo mesmo em suas deficiências. A história me cativou demais e levou a Thedas

I don't care what anyone says, this game fucks

Absolutely atrocious. Rushed, buggy, broken mess with three plots in a trenchcoat, each going nowhere. The companions are repugnant, grating psychopaths. Enemies teleport behind you mid-combat encounter and remove all tactics or strategy from affairs. Dull, tiresome, pointless trash. Poisons the series irreperably with its half-baked plotlines and introduction of a fully voiced protagonist with the patented DIALOGUE WHEEL OF DESPAIR.

It stumbles on a few good ideas which subsequent games discard, like the friendship/rivalry system, or a smaller and more psychological focus.

I do not understand how, as of this writing, the average rating is 3.3/5. It is my sincere belief that people who would rate this game anything higher than a 2/5 should be committed to a mental institution.

Definitely a weaker game than the first but I think it has a lot more charm to it overall

Objectively worse than Origins, the game is pretty obviously rushed and repetitive in some places, but the foundations of a good game are still there. At the same time, I find the story and characters deeply compelling in ways that the other two games were not, to the point where its my favorite in the series. That is to say, the game makes me virulently ill, and I think of her every day.

Awesome story and great characters. Bioware at its best!

Um bom jogo.

Infelizmente ele foi pego pela regra do irmão do meio.
Seu irmão mais novo e o mais velho são mais eficientes em tudo que propõem a fazer.

fiquei relutante em jogar porque muita gente fala mal mas eu amei TANTO 😭 inclusive me apeguei mais aos personagens do 2 do que os do primeiro (com exceção da morrigan, alistair e leliana). isabela e aveline vocês são MINHA VIDINHA. 😭 varric tb, eu amei a relação dele com a hawke. o jogo é curto em comparação ao origins, mas é tão bom. cada segundinho é mágico e confortante

While almost nobody has this opinion, this is my favorite of the trilogy.

Maybe that's because I found the combat generally satisfying. Maybe that's because it did your squadmates and their stories better than Mass Effect 2 did them. Maybe that's because I loved the artstyle.

The main criticisms I have are that the game's story serves mostly as setup to Inquisition, and that the maps are egregiously reused. Otherwise, I thoughroughly enjoyed this one.

Good game, but I found the predecessor's mechanics better.

Я в целом люблю всю линейку игр Dragon age. Эта пожалуй наименее любимая. Игре не хватает наполненности, она скучновата по сравнению с первой частью. Хотя спутники так же хороши. Боевая система стала проще, и мне она нравится!

Большой жирный минут ПОВТОРЯЮЩИЕСЯ ЛОКАЦИИ

The game was not bad, but a bit too short and the world felt small I guess. I really like the companions though.

Ele é inferior ao antecessor em história, melhor no combate, mas notável que ele foi feito as pressas... mas ainda sim curto ele, mas só consigo jogar de mago, as outras classes são muito chatas KASKASK

Para algo que teve um desenvolvimento corrido por causa da EA até que ele saiu bem completo, no que se apresenta. O escopo é bem menor do que se pode esperar de uma sequência de um jogo tão expansivo quanto foi o Dragon Age: Origins, mas a BioWare usou disso para criar um mundo coeso e que passa a sensação claustrofóbica onde você se encontra no meio de uma cidade prestes a implodir de tantos problemas. Os personagens e seus conflitos são ótimos e cativantes, e a interação entre eles durante a jogatina continua incrível. A jogabilidade com foco em mais ação casou bem demais.

Mas nem tudo são flores. Os ambientes são bonitos, mas poucos e repetidos a exaustão. Seria interessante que eles mudassem de modo a refletir os acontecimentos da história. Há também vários furos de roteiro, principalmente se você jogar como Mago, pois é como se os personagens ao seu redor não reconhecem isso em alguns momentos, mesmo com com você andando por aí com um cajado e usando seus poderes numa cidade que está tentando manter os magos na linha. E além disso, os 3 atos da história tem estrutura semelhante demais, e conflitos são resolvidos cedo e/ou fácil demais, ou são deixados de lado completamente.

Mesmo com esses pontos negativos ainda vale a pena dar uma chance, pois apesar de ser considerado o ponto baixo da série Dragon Age ainda assim é um ótimo jogo num geral.

Боевка стала лучше
Глобального сюжета нет
Диалоги и постановка лучше чем в скайриме

It would be nice to live in a world where this was given more than a year and a half of development time. I don't understand the logic behind rushing this when Mass Effect 2 released the same year. Why not take the time to polish it and have back to back big sequel released, at the very least? It seems smarter even from a profits standpoint.

It's not a perfect game, but you already know that. Even the biggest fans can't deny it has issues. I actually liked the gameplay, and only had it weighed down by the notorious endless waves. If it only stopped at one wave of enemies per encounter, I'd have enjoyed my time even more.

But the character writing is fun, and if you're someone who pursues characters over all else then it's an ideal game as that is its strongest and most finished aspect.

I loooooove the concept of the plot centering solely on the lives of a group of misfits in a single city over a decade. That is something I wish more stories would focus on, and one I'd love to have seen Bioware revisit instead of returning to their usual story formula.

But the real star of the show: The friendship/rivalry system. Even now, in 2024, RPGs prefer the shallow, binary affection system over this. Why? It is so much more rewarding, with such replayability potential to see all story of a character, and different perspectives on their personality, without having to behave like a perfect cypher to attain enough Good Boy Points to prevent yourself from being locked out of their arc. If Trespasser, a far worse game and bigger failure, inspired the likes of Half-Life, why couldn't this system spiritually live on in other games? That's the real tragedy to me after playing this.

a lot of people disliked this game, and that's totally valid, but for me this was my favorite game. the characters and mage vs templar plot were so intriguing, and i was emotionally attached to all of the party members. sarcastic!hawke was such a joy to have as a protagonist - and i found the combat challenging AND satisfying to watch. having my hawke jumping and slashing on enemies with daggers with blood flying everywhere? AMAZING i always replay this game at least once a year

best story and characters in the trilogy

I didn't like being stuck in such small place. But gameplay was fun.

favorite game of all time

Dragon Age 2 um grande jogo RPG da BioWare, porém que perde muita coisa que era incrível em seu antecessor (Dragon Age Origins), porém continua com muitas qualidades, um jogo muito bom, mas que peca em coisas que no jogo anterior faziam com maestria

The game is screaming that it was rushed, but has its moments.

But I admire that DA2 tried to give Dragon Age franchise some sort of visual style, but Inquisition washed it down the toilet in favour of boring realism.

i love this game i love the characters in this game i love the story this is the best one (story wise) of the trilogy and i stand by that

It has almost been 10 years since I last played DA2 as a 15 year old and now as almost a 25 year old, going back to DA2 felt like rather weird, but at the same time cozy and comforting. I don't remember much about my experience back then, but I think it most likely mirrored the way I felt about it now. DA2 is surprisingly a good game, even though it was made in 16 months, with lovable cast of characters, likeable protagonist and interesting city to explore. The combat feels better and more impactful than in Origins and it felt easy to build an efficient rotation that would work in every encounter. The story isn't amazing and the timeskips (that I think could have been utilized better somehow) felt jarring, but I still found myself wanting to play a bit more every time I shut off my xbox. This time around I also played the DLC, really liking Legacy, but Mark of the Assassin really missed the mark (hehe) and if I'm being honest, it is my least favorite out of all BioWare DLCs so far. I just couldn't stand Tallis and I just found the story of the DLC very uninteresting and unimportant regarding the bigger picture.

The game doesn't come without its issues though; repeating environments, acts that feel disjointed from each other (every act has its main plot that are all separate from each other, which leaves a bit weird feeling. For example something big that happens in act 2 is never really discussed again in act 3, even though it would have impacted Kirkwall greatly), some rather annoying bugs (Hawke wouldn't drink a health potion no matter what), clunky AI and weird difficulty spikes with some of the bosses prevented this game from really shining. I think DA2 does suffer a little bit from being in a middle of a trilogy, not doing much to it in general, but it is still worth of playing and experiencing at least once.

Better than I remember it being. I picked this up the year it came out since I was a huge fan of Dragon Age Origins, and sadly, Origins this is not, but that does not mean it isn't a good game!

Expecting an actual followup on Origins storytelling style this was a disappointment, but now, a decade later and those feelings mostly detached. I found a pretty good story, a likable protagonist (sarcastic Hawke) and some interesting and complex companions yet again. These companions especially genuinely feel like a ragtag group of friends who have built up real feeling rapport and opinions on each other, and multiple fun scenes of them just hanging out exist and it's great. One of the best found family narratives and genuine feelings in any game. The companions are great and the driving force of this game.

The story is fine, even good at many points, the writing especially for side quests and several main quests is stellar with good worldbuilding and characterization. Where the game falls apart is well... Where it also fell apart in development. This was an obviously rushed game and it shows, certain plotpoints are rushed, many dungeons are outright re-used, and the world is especially small and samey looking. The combat while fun, is sadly crutched by some decisions like the waves of enemies in nearly every fight.

If this was simply a side-game in the series rather than being called and presented like a direct followup to Origins it would have been a lot more understandable and viewed positively in my opinion. View it as a side-game to Origins rather than a full fledged sequel. Just change that name to "Dragon Age: Tales of the Champion" rather than Dragon Age 2 in your mind and view it as side content before the proper sequel Inquisition, and with that interpretation it's a fantastic time in the world of Thedas, a great smaller exploration with a contained and engaging story, characters, and plenty of worldbuilding that has large ramifications for the sequel and books.

If you can withstand some very samey levels, a smaller story, and less main character roleplay customization, you will find an enjoyable story and characters in an interesting setting that makes you want to keep playing to see what happens next with those characters and world. But you can get away with listening to a podcast while doing minor sidequests in the same ten dungeons.