Reviews from

in the past

Stockholm Sydrome: The Game 2
(We included an open world this time)

Nunca pensei que iria amar tanto um jogo assim, mesmo após 300h+ de jogo eu ainda encontro coisas novas, mesmo que pequenas, é uma sensação incrível. Eu amo de coração essa merda de jogo.

kanye west do mundo dos games

My first souls like game.
Boy was I addicted to it.
One of the deepest and richest games I've ever played. A story and lore that beyond any other game I've ever played. Such a unique world that is hard to even believe. The Lands Between.
Bosses 🐐
Weapons 🐐
Gameplay 🐐
Voice acting 🐐
Malenia....I will never forget you because you brought out rage I didn't know existed 😂

My first souls game. I enjoyed the tone and world, and especially the challenges. However, sometimes I feel that the game opts for spectacle over fairness, and some of the boss encounters are a bit clunky in that aspect. Awaiting the DLC!

This is the greatest game of all time.

Simplemente la mejor experiencia Souls aunque no la mas dificil! Un mundo abierto lleno de secretos, aventuras y monstruos!

FromSoftware prove once again that they are the masters of the genre they created. Elden Ring takes all the best bits of their previous games and drops them into a gargantuan open world. Perhaps most impressive is how FS avoid all the trappings of modern open world games, focusing instead on the thrill of discovery; a thrill they manage to sustain for upwards of 150 hours. An unprecedented achievement.

This review contains spoilers

it is actually good.

The GOAT. Ive logged so many hours and continue to keep playing i dont know whats wrong with me

this is how you do an engaging open world game ‼️

I don't have the patience or skill required to finish this but I had plenty of fun with it. Might come back to it at some point.

We may never see a game on this level for another decade. Simply perfect, feels like it was handcrafted for me personally.

muy buen souls pero dura demasiado

A more or less open-world Souls game, and it works really well. Plenty of bosses, builds, and places to explore, even though the game doesn't tell you much of anything besides kind of where to go.

Gostei pra caralho do jogo, acho ele bem completo por mais que muita coisa tenha sito reutilizada.
Tenho muita dificuldade em jogos mundo aberto, então passei muito tempo perdido pelo mapa kkkk (problema pessoal mas que pra mim tira uma estrela).

Achei bem repetitivo da metade pra frente, de resto, é a formula souls aprimorada e com o diferencial de ser mundo aberto, bem sólido

I need to actually sit down and try to play though it i keep quitting after I die a bunch of times. this is my first souls borne game and i don't think i've fully understood what i've gotten myself into haha

Elden Ring is a beautiful masterpiece of a game. Always getting goosebumps starting a new game and hearing the intro again. I love almost every aspect of the game except some item drop rates. I've started this playthrough as a preparation for the dlc and to farm every single armor and weapon. I'm almost done with it just need to head into NG+ and collect the remaining remembrence weapons/spells.