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God of War 2018 is an absolutely amazing game. I will admit, when I first started playing the game I did not enjoy it. I found the story to be great but the enemies were extremely tanky making combat a huge slog. While you may find this dumb I ended up switching my difficulty to easy so I could still enjoy the game. The story is absolutely amazing and my favorite part of the game. The characters were fantastic and kratos is an all time goat. I do enjoy the combat a lot especially on easy difficulty and there are some amazing bosses. But a lot of the gameplay and exploration is very bland and can be improved on.

Overall this game is fantastic and a huge recommend if you haven't played it already for some reason. 9/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #45

There are games as Games and there are games as vehicles for stories and there are games that are meta.

This game is all three of those things, and while it teases things that simply do not matter til the sequel it succeeds in telling the story it wants to tell in a far more mature way than I expected.

Notably though there are too many reskins of boss enemies, and the puzzles vary from braindead to weirdly confusing.

Still gets my recomendation for Best Dad Game.

Muy guapo pero no era goty, lo siento

Un jeu qui respire la qualité, très bonne histoire avec une bande son sublime. Mais ironiquement, j'aurais bien aimé un peu plus de bagarre / de boss à rencontrer.

Pelo amor de Deus, na cabeça de quem que essa porra foi o melhor jogo de 2018????
Não é ruim, mas falar que é bom é forçar demais.

I like it when characters grow a big beard so you know that they've been through a bunch of stuff.

Prefiro os antigos, mas ainda é legal

This review contains spoilers

diablo stava per spoilerarmelo alla fine, ma per fortuna non ho sentito cosa ha detto

A story about redemption and growing as a person for the ones you love.

Shouldn't have won against Red Dead Redemption 2 tho.

Graphics - 4/5
Gameplay - 5/5
Story - 5/5

God of War (2018) is a masterful reimagining of the iconic action-adventure franchise, offering players a deeply emotional journey through Norse mythology. Developed by Santa Monica Studio, this installment introduces players to a mature and introspective Kratos as he navigates the complexities of parenthood while embarking on an epic quest with his son, Atreus.

At the heart of God of War is its compelling narrative, which explores themes of redemption, family, and the consequences of one's actions. Kratos, haunted by the ghosts of his violent past, seeks to teach Atreus the ways of the world while shielding him from the harsh realities of their journey. The dynamic between father and son is beautifully portrayed, with moments of tenderness and vulnerability interspersed with pulse-pounding action and epic battles against mythical creatures and gods.

The storytelling in God of War is top-notch, with a script that is both gripping and emotionally resonant. The dialogue is sharp and well-written, with each character's motivations and conflicts explored in depth. The game's pacing is excellent, with moments of quiet reflection balanced by intense action sequences that keep players engaged from start to finish.

In terms of gameplay, God of War offers a satisfying blend of exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving. Kratos wields his iconic Leviathan Axe with precision and power, while Atreus provides support with his bow and arrow, adding an extra layer of strategy to battles. The combat mechanics are deep and rewarding, with a variety of weapons and abilities that can be upgraded and customized to suit individual playstyles.

Exploration is also a key aspect of the gameplay, with a vast and beautifully realized world to discover. From the lush forests of Midgard to the icy peaks of Jotunheim, each environment is teeming with hidden secrets, treasure chests, and side quests waiting to be uncovered. The puzzles, meanwhile, are cleverly designed, requiring players to use their wits and keen observation to progress.

Visually, God of War is a stunning achievement, with breathtaking graphics that bring its world to life in vivid detail. The character models are incredibly lifelike, with nuanced facial expressions and fluid animations that add depth and realism to the story. The environments are equally impressive, with dynamic lighting and weather effects that create a sense of immersion unlike anything seen before.

In conclusion, God of War (2018) is a triumph of storytelling and game design, offering players a deeply emotional and immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of the medium. With its compelling narrative, satisfying gameplay, and stunning visuals, it is a must-play for fans of action-adventure games and a testament to the power of storytelling in video games.

One of the best games I've played. Fantastic story and fantastic gameplay. Had it on my backlog for a while because the first time I could not get into it. Second time I couldn't sit it down.

The only good part about this game were the Valkyrie boss fights, everything else was pretty monotonous and underwhelming.

Really think the armor levels system brings the game down a lot, all the side content feels like grinding leveling to complete the main story.

They reinvented this franchise beautifully; the game is fun, touching, well-conducted in a rich world with incredible characters, simply the best God of War.

One of the best, if not the best, reboot in video game franchise history. Kratos feels so HUMAN in both his character and trauma as he explores what it means to grief while also facing his past as he learns to be a better father. I already loved the God of War franchise as it is, but Kratos and Atreus story genuinely brought tears to my eyes while making me feel connected to a story like never before. The world, its characters, the introduction of new characters such as the world serpent and the stranger. It was all done so elegantly well and executed perfectly. One of the best cinematic experiences you can play to this day. Please play this title.

Queria ter me engajado, mas só deu sono.

No issues the game is beautiful
World design:
The world is very fun and cool to explore.
Combat is incredibly fun for the majority of the game. I did find that it begun to drag towards the end of the game and felt a little repetitive. Moreover, many visually impressive moments in boss fights are done via cutscene which feels a little cheap.
Whilst the story has good aspects, I find it lackluster in its resolution considering how it is primarily centered around Atreus and Kratos. Their relationship never seems to develop massively and Kratos remains distant with no real interesting developments.

dopo essersi ricordato che suo figlio potrebbe anche lui un giorno spaccargli la faccia come lui ha fatto col padre, Kratos comincia a trattarlo un po' meglio

So much fun exploring this world! Played on PS5.

termine God of War 2018. Que hermoso juego 🫡 no se porque me tomo tanto empezarlo pero se merece todo el amor que recibe, se sintio super well-paced y los personajes y la historia me mantuvieron entretenido de principio a fin. 10/10 sadly

Is a good game but nothing like God of War III. And for me.

God of War totally rebooted the series in the best way possible. Kratos, the angry Spartan god we all know, is now a gruff dad living in Norse mythology with his son. It's a surprisingly heartfelt story about family and redemption, and the combat is brutal and satisfying. Exploring the gorgeous Norse world is a blast, and the boss fights are epic. Sure, the puzzles can be a bit meh, and the story is a slow burn at times, but overall it's an amazing adventure that everyone, even if they're not familiar with God of War before, should try.

Jugué todos los juegos clásicos de GOW hace años y, aunque me gustaban, no llegaron a apasionarme.
Esta nueva entrega de God of War me ha encantado a nivel narrativo. La evolución de Kratos se siente natural y magnífica.
Veremos cómo sigue todo en Ragnarok.