Reviews from

in the past

I think I enjoyed this? I never played the original, so this is my first introduction to the series as a whole, and I can understand the appeal. It's weird, joyful, chaotic, cathartic... Katamari certainly isn't afraid of being different and, for the most part, it works.

But while playing this game there was always something in the back of my mind preventing me from enjoying it to the fullest, and it took a long time to figure out what it was. My initial thought was the aesthetics; I don't get on with 'cutesy for cutesy's sake' as a design choice but, while Katamari definitely is cutesy, the sheer hectic bizarreness of its premise won me over on that front. I see a lot of people giving this game credit for its soundtrack; I agree that some of the music is great (the title theme in particular, but I found the more swingy/loungy tracks to be pretty great too), but it has to be one of the least cohesive soundtracks I've ever heard, and some of the tracks are actively bad. I didn't particularly enjoy listening to a robot tell me I'm smart for 20 minutes, nor did I enjoy having to listen to children who literally couldn't hold a note at all... So the music ended up being a very mixed bag for me, but it definitely wasn't what was bugging me about this game.

So my second thought was maybe the controls were the issue: the tank controls in this game are clunky and awkward to say the least. This game is absolutely unplayable keyboard and mouse (which to be fair would obviously not have been a consideration for the original), but it can be equally painful to play with a controller. Very early I switched to the 'simple controls' layout which was honestly such a trap; the controls are indeed slightly simpler (albeit still clunky), but at the cost of a huge amount of your manoevrability. I definitely recommend sticking with the default controls and, when I went back to them and really tried to learn them, it almost felt like the shitty controls were a deliberate part of the game's difficulty. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the control scheme in this game, but by the end I didn't hate them either.

So finally I decided that what put me off this game was its level design and pacing. Some of the levels are great, with a constant stream of slightly larger items to keep absorbing; you always feel like you are making progress, and the sheer visceral nature of absorbing everything around you delivers a nice steady stream of dopamine to your lizard brain. But then in a lot of the levels, there just seem to be gaps in the object size chain. What I mean by this is I would be exploring a level and get to, say, 1.9m, only to find that every object I could see around me was either slightly too big to absorb or too small to have any notable difference on my katamari size. And then suddenly everything comes to a screeching halt. I would be left either with the option of exploring the level in depth to find some pocket of untapped mass (not a fun prospect at all given the aforementioned trash player controls and lack of any camera control), or resign myself to spending ages mopping up tiny things around me until I could creep over the critical threshold to start collecting things above the mass gap. This sounds like a minor issue, but the entertainment value in Katamari is so surface level and mindless that these gaps in play absolutely destroy the flow. Bear in mind that me calling the game surface level and mindless is not meant as an insult: I love some far more vapid games such as Cookie Clicker and Vampire Survivors, but these hold my attention so much better than Katamari because they just don't have gaps in their feedback loops.

I don't want to be too down on Katamari though. At its best it really is an incredibly cathartic experience. Especially in levels where you start and end at completely different size scales, it feels great to end up mopping up tiny objects that started out as impossibly distant background details. The change in the scale of the world is very gradual and very nicely done as you grow; there were multiple times where I had a great 'a-ha!' moment upon realising that I'd ended up back in the starting area but now everything was 1/5 the size. The Katamari itself always showing what it's made of is a masterstroke as well; it really helps with the organic changes of scale in the game, and helps give a visceral sense of achievement when you can simply look at your character and see how much garbage you've managed to roll up. Katamari deals with both this scale and this sense of progression so much better than the heavily-inspired Donut County that it's absolutely night and day, and I would 100% recommend this game over Donut County any day of the week.

So all in all, a mixed bag experience for me. I'm very glad this exists, and commend how experimental it's willing to be (especially given the era that the original version came out). I wouldn't say it lives up to the near-legendary plinth that the gaming community seems to have placed it on, but it's a decent little game and overall I am glad to have played it.

this is where the satisfying mobile ads come from

na naaa, na nana na nana na na naa na nana na na

Only played the demo and I can see why people like this game; the music, the style, and the concept of the game.
I will say the controls are questionable, but they are really unique with a game like this.

Simple gameplay but hella fucking satisfying, music is just jamin too

Lo tengo en la switch y lo voy retomando cuando estoy en viaje.

After talking with my roommate and googling about games that are similiar to Pikmin, I was reminded of Katamari, so the next day I decided to give it a try and this game is awesome. The aesthetic and weirdness sort of remind me of something that would be in Wario Ware and the gameplay does fit in similiarly to something like Pikmin. Everything about this game has so much charm to it that I really appreciate and I loved every second of my time with it. The soundtrack and humor were really really great and the final few levels were so crazy and fun. Awesome game, 9/10.

I absolutely love games like this where you can just switch your brain off and have some mindless fun which also happen to be accompanied by a fun story! I loved the 5ish hours I spent with this and will definitely be checking the rest of the series out at some point! It’s not perfect it has its fair share of bugs and glitches which can be annoying but mindless fun so hey I don’t care.

I am unable to roll without feeling angry (at these janky controls)

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

Did you know that if you type up "Katamari" in Google and click on the Katamari ball, you can play Katamari and roll up the Google search results! Do you want me to show you?

this game is what it was advertised to be

The physics sometimes are balls, but other than that the game completely slaps. Soundtrack is goated.

its easy with these types of games to just go "its peak" and leave it at that but thats generally because they just simply are "peak". love and peace #5evar.

I feel the soundtrack in the depths of my soul

Fantastic game. Incredible music, simple yet fun gameplay, the king is horrible to his son.

quien no conoce a dios a cualquier santo le reza. A true, ageless classic.

É muito divertido e sastifatorio, os controles podem ser meio frustantes de conseguir mexer, mas pode ser que eu seja ruim mesmo

As melhores partes são quando voce consegue crecer o suficiente pra engolir as casas e predio tudo, é todo um charme que poucos jogos conseguem replicar

the first and only katamari game i have played. there is a great sense of power you feel rolling through all the games levels and the way the the scale of each level just gets bigger and bigger is also pretty funny. not much else to say the game is juts super fun and satisfying

Easier than the original PS2 version, but honestly the original PS2 version was harder than it needed to be.

It was a bit janky and wouldn't be my first choice of gameplay. But I stuck with it, if nothing else to keep hearing the awesome energy of its songs. Very eccentric; a fun romp.

this is so Freak ing epic oh my godw

i'm going to be incredibly harsh here and say that this is a remaster that does not need to exist. the graphics look more washed out and lose that sharp style that original had. more damningly, the game somehow runs worse on the PS4 than it does on PS2 and will regularly get very bad slowdown around the baseball field near shopping street. it adds no qol features that the original could've used (i.e. the ability to restart a level either from pausing mid-level or retrying at the results screen), no extra content that the original didn't already have, and it only offers the japanese voice acting with no option for the iconic english voice acting (ik this part is contentious but there really is no reason it couldn't have at least been something you could toggle). i hate to be the fun police because a lot of people got introduced to this game from this remaster, but there really is no actual reason to play this over the original, especially considering how most microwaves can emulate PS2 games nowadays. i don't recommend this remaster for anyone uninitiated to the game and i don't recommend this remaster for any fans of the original looking for either new content or to revisit a classic, so it's a game for an audience of no one in my mind.

i want to be clear that this rating isn't necessarily reflective of the whole package; even with hiccups, this is katamari damacy. it takes more than slowdown to negate the joy of saying "C'MERE BITCH" and rolling up a terrified person into your katamari to then be rewarded with their screams of fear and agony. this rating is more an assessment of what reroll does (or does not do, in this case) to differentiate itself meaningfully from just playing the original. why pay money for this game when you can emulate the original and get the better and (imo) more essential experience? there's nothing inherently wrong with playing this over the original, but i would be completely unable to make a pitch for it. that's what makes it such a failure to me.

This games fucking incredible holy shit. Its such a cathartic game, where all you do is progressively roll shit around until your katamari gets bigger and bigger, to the point you're rolling up buildings like your Godzilla in Tokyo. ALSO THAT OST??? OH MY GOD ITS INSANE GENUINELY SOME OF THE BEST GAME MUSIC I'VE EVER HEARD. cannot wait to see how the HELL the sequel improves on this.

This game still has such insane charm that no game has ever replicated in my eyes. Not to mention the best soundtrack in video games period. Truly a banger of all ages