Reviews from

in the past

Lindo demais, que estética relaxante e agradável

"Skaters wear, like, rags and shoelaces for belts, because their identities can't be BOUGHT"

"So where do they get their clothes, the thrift store?"

"Nah, the skate shop"

O jogo promete pouca coisa, mas entrega com perfeição tudo aquilo que prometeu.

Envolta de uma direção artística impecável e cheia de personalidade, existe um game simples (com espaço pra complexidade caso decida se aprofundar na mecânica), faça combos enquanto completa fases de plataforma com algumas missões e segredos opcionais para se concluir.

Tudo isso resulta em um dos melhores jogos já feitos para passar o tempo.

Não espere mais daquilo que os trailers apresentam, mas espere exatamente aquilo, sem mais nem menos.

Great soundtrack, you can get into a real chill flow state while playing this - or you can get absurdly frustrated because the very late levels are punishingly difficult to even finish. I had a good time

Quick game that doesn't overstay its welcome. You keep learning new techniques throughout the entire campaign, so by the end I got the sense the main story is building your competency to tackle their post-game content.

Great for quick sessions and getting into the flow state.

Cons: medium difficulty spikes at times and middling story. They know you may not want to read all that text and thankfully give you the option to skip most of it.

I think this game is incredibly fun when going for high scores and stringing tricks but if you're just playing it to finish it there isn't much there

A lot of fun to play and to attempt to perfect.

Every now and then I come back to this game and I am instantly reminded of how much fun it is to experience.

OlliOlli World really excels in its creativity and originality in the skateboarding game genre. The art style is so vibrant, and the endless combinations for its character customization is something I really adore.

I think that it does a great job at building a really intuitive trick system, and I imagine this is what makes the game so accessible to players who may not have any care for skateboarding at all. It leans it's players into its mechanics but then does not shy away from providing the challenge that makes them want to keep playing.

This is one of those level based games that make you WANT to ace and master it, rather than just get to the finish line. the level design and trick system creates opportunity for endless re-playability and it is for these reasons that I always find myself coming back.

The narrative is cute but nothing that deep, overall this game just excels at being FUN. If you are looking for something to play for the week I highly recommend giving this a try. Another bonus is that the soundtrack is great. :)

I come back to this game randomly whenever I want a game that keeps my hands busy, ya know?

Tiene buenas ideas, pero se ve lastrado por un sistema de puntuación/checkpoints que se siente muy injusto en la recta final y los personajes secundarios son insufribles.

Cute game but you can't read all the dialogues, so I skipped them after the second mission. The game is quite interesting but repetitive, some of the tricks are not easy at all

Sidescrollers e platformers são meu gênero favorito de jogos, então quando eu vi que fizeram um autoscroller de SKATE eu tinha que dar uma chance e ver se era bom mesmo... Algumas várias horas depois eu posso dizer que curti demais o jogo, tanto que cheguei a platinar ele DUAS VEZES (uma na versão de PS5 e outra na de PS4).

O gameplay é super satisfatório e a tricklist é bem grandinha, dá pra você fazer muita coisa maneira e estilosa, e se você se dedicar bastante dá até pra competir com o pessoal do online (só fique avisado que o pessoal é meio viciadinho por lá). O jogo começa bem fácil e gradativamente vai ficando bem difícil, tipo, BEM DIFICIL MESMO, só que eu acho a curva relativamente justa e quando você finalmente chegar no último mapa vai sentir que já está completamente sob controle e que manja de todos os paranauê que dá pra fazer no jogo.

Para fãs de jogos de skate e sidescrollers esse jogo é um prato cheio, recomendo 1000%!!!

No esperaba que este juego me fuese a gustar tanto y que el salto con el OlliOlli 2 fuese tan tocho.
No sólo es el 3D, es el diseño del mundo creado y de niveles, que los niveles bof, son demasiado locura y activar el entrar en la zona en algunos puntos.
Una master piece, me ha encantao

Me surpreendi bastante com esse jogo, é realmente muito divertido, mais ainda se você colocar uma boa playlist pra tocar enquanto joga.

A arte do jogo é muito linda, a trilha sonora combina com a temática e a gameplay é extremamente satisfatória, muito mais do que eu esperava.

Além disso, OlliOlli World tem mapas lindos e criativos, personagens carismáticos e uma jornada interessante, o que agrega bastante na imersão.

Eu realmente não esperava muita coisa desse jogo, pensei que não gostaria tanto, mas agora posso dizer com certeza que até quem não gosta de skate vai se divertir muito jogando.

It's like an Adventure Time styled spinoff crossover with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. This game is a complete vibe from start to finish.

Never has an extreme sports game given me such a dumb smile on my face (as well as a sore left thumb) since SSX 2012, which was a childhood favorite game of mine growing up. I could also personally compare it to Dustforce with how similar the chill, laidback vibes I get while playing both games.

Overall, I highly recommend this game!

Hidden gem game with an interesting characters, cute CAC options, colorful design and very challenging levels. The music is also really good and fits the overall aesthetic of the game. Dialogue is also really well thought out and actually managed to get some laughs out of me.

While it has a lot going for it, I feel like the required hours needed to fully complete the game is a pretty insane jump compared to just finishing it casually which speaks levels on the game's difficulty. At times it can get frustrating to get full completion on the level and often made me feel like things were getting repetitive too quickly. I would almost go as far as saying that the game takes an unnecessary amount of time to complete.

Also important to mention is some jumps at check points are barely doable considering that the amount of momentum needed to make the jump isn't enough and sometimes require you to restart the entire level, defeating the point of the checkpoint.

My daughter and I started this game on a whim when it was released as a PS Plus monthly game and it immediately hooked us.

It's a perfect pass-the controller game. We had a great time with it and it was cool seeing her improve with the mechanics, during the year that we've been playing, slowly chipping away it in between other games.

The art style is really cool, very similar to Pendleton Ward's Adventure Time. The game is simple to pick up, but difficult to master. The levels are really innovative and creative in how they use their 2D space. It's also got great character customization options which my daughter adores.

We saw credits today, but we are definitely interested in getting the expansions at some point.

This review contains spoilers

La tercera entrega de la franquicia OlliOlli. Este es un juego de skate 2.5D estilo arcade que requiere bastante precisión y destreza por lo rápido que es, algo característico de la franquicia y que aquí se lleva al límite.

Tiene un estilo artístico caricaturezco y colorido, además de un soundtrack agradable que le da una sensación amigable al juego, pero no se puede decir lo mismo del gameplay. A medida que avanzas, los niveles se van haciendo cada vez más difíciles e introducen nuevas mecánicas, lo cual suena bien hasta que llegas a la segunda mitad del juego y solo quieres que se acabe. Se alarga demasiado, el sistema de puntos de control se vuelve desagradable, algunas mecánicas son difíciles de entender y a veces funcionan de formas extrañas, y su historia la encontré poco interesante y dejé de prestarle atención en el tramo final.

No es mal juego, de hecho empieza super bien y lo disfruté, pero en general no es para mí. Solo lo recomendaría si quieres algo relativamente casual y para pasar el rato, pero no para tomárselo en serio.

For a game with this chilled of a vibe, I was getting thoroughly frustrated actually playing it.

fun for a while but the late game difficulty spike legit just made me quit because it wasnt very fun anymore when one of my favorite parts was 100%ing the levels and unlocking the fits

Eu tinha certo preconceito com esse jogo, eu só cheguei a jogar por estar na ps plus essencial, mas eu gostei, o jogo tem o seu estilo próprio e é muito divertido a sua gameplay. A história é broxa, mas não sinto que eles queriam focar nisso.

A really fun, fluid and visually entertaining skating platformer. Love how customizable your character is, and how you keep unlocking cosmetics so you can keep changing your character in every which way. Pulling off a 3 million point combo that takes you across the entire stage is so satisfying, and the technical skill required to do that on some stages offers a great challenge. Great little chill game to kick back and relax to

Banger soundtrack and amazing art direction but couldn't hold my attention long enough to warrant playing any more. Fun game, though.