Reviews from

in the past

Da pra jogar se você estiver no absoluto tédio (como foi meu caso) mas novamente esse jogo reforça o decaimento dos jogos de anime da época atual, e o preço é injustificável, espere uma promoção se estiver com interesse nessa bomba.

4/10 Ruim

What if super smash bros was a shitty 3D arena fighter with the world's longest load times

One-Punch Man: A Game Nobody Knows

Me when the anime arena zlop truck- :DDDDDDDD

This game is very mediocre as a fan of the OPM series and it's story this one felt extremely boring and I did not finish it. Don't know if I ever will

when u have to make a special online mode that removes the main character u fucked up bad

Heureusement y'a Sonic 4 prcq sinon

on en peux plus de ces adaptations

Who thought that a character that beats every character in one punch AND is invincible wouldn't be fun?

Jump Force if it actually had some sort of character but even more busted gameplay. Saitama being able to defeat anybody in one punch just like the show is a cute novelty on paper but in practice he's still hideously broken despite the attempt to balance him by having him join the fight late. Even outside of that, some characters are very clearly more powerful than others, and randomized events that further disrupt the battle are such a bizarre inclusion. The RPG elements don't do a whole lot to keep the base gameplay loop from getting stale quickly, you'd have to be a diehard OPM fan to find any enjoyment out of this.

And yet, this horrendously over priced game with terrible mechanics and not fun to play at all, gets people who genuinely like it. Don't get it.

Die Anime-Vorlage um den zu starken Helden Saitama hätte deutlich mehr hergegeben als ein unterdurchschnittliches Kampfspiel mit schwächen beim Kampfsystem und unkreativem Missions- und Fähigkeiten-Grinding vom Fließband.

Nem gostando bastante de One Punch. É mais um arena fighter de anime generico, mas tentaram inovar com voce criando seu personagem e ganhando as habilidades dos herois. Até é interssante, mas vc vai na expectativa de jogar com os personagens e mal joga com eles, só no VS.
Parece mais um jogo de ps3 ruinzinho, tudo é meio zoado.

Tela de loading toda hora, repetitivo, controles meio ruins, tinha uma ideia boa mas foi mal executada

The same thing as every other licensed game Spike Chunsoft has put out in the past 15 years.

I really like the concept of One Punch Man himself imposing a stricter time limit on the opponent. I love when fighting games do goofy shit like that.

Quem é fã vai se divertir, quem não é, é bom passar longe.

More like a game nobody likes

I played this game up to getting Tornado and decided Jump Force was more worth my time.

Oh my god this game is beyond terrible, how did they fuck up so bad. You get to make your own hero and witness the events of season 1, but out of all the characters there’s like 3 unique styles between them, it's not fun at all to play.