Reviews from

in the past

Lo platiné en cosa de una semana del vicio que le pegué. Ojalá los pasaportes fueran reales

I love these type of inspection games

Muito bem executado, com vários finais e um gameplay loop interessante. Tu nunca fica enjoado de jogar isso. Se thats not my neighbor seguisse 1% do que esse jogo fez, já seria bem melhor

Um jogo com uma proposta totalmente diferente do comum, um desing muito agradável, uma jogabilidade interessante e não sei porque, mas é muito dificil aceitar e recusar vistos.

Gostei bastante do game, tem uma atmosfera legal. Mesmo sendo o mesmo cenário durante o jogo inteiro, eles conseguiram fazer com que ficasse envolvente.

As artes do jogo são boas, uma pixel art simples que passa o que precisa.

A trilha sonora do jogo é muito foda também, não posso esquecer de mencionar que quando vc abre o jogo tem que esperar imprimir o menu.

Acho que vale sim dar uma chance pra esse game, é bem curto se vc não errar tanto quanto eu e é bem divertido.

Jogo de youtuber. Legal de assistir e chato de jogar.

need to replay it this is such a banger

Ele é estranhamente satisfatório de se jogar, o barulhinho do carimbo é meio terapêutico. É um jogo bem diferente doq costumo jogar, e por isso é tão legal. Eu já fiz vários finais, mesmo só 1 sendo o oficial real, mas eu teria que recomeçar tudo, e por mais legal que seja, acaba ficando meio maçante jogar por tanto tempo, então, para mim, eu "zerei" ele. Enfim...

Glória á Arstotzka!

Simplesmente o melhor jogo feito por uma pessoa só na minha opinião

One of the seminal entries in the "games Brian Griffin would make" genre, except the surrounding game is decent.

Papers, Please was a game that I really enjoyed when it came out, and I think the overall gameplay loop and presentation carry the game in a way that similar disasters like Not For Broadcast can't. Unlike that game, I really enjoyed most of the cast and following their ongoing stories.

The thing that brings those stories down is that the narrative is tied to a very confused and outright reactionary view of the eastern bloc. It's to be expected, I don't think Lucas Pope mentally has left the suburbs of Virginia since his birth, but the Red Dawn tier depiction of a vaguely leftwing, vaguely slavic rogue state that willingly deprives its citizens of basic needs based on the market is a disingenuous and purposeful political statement. It's also one that's very hard to believe once you have a basic understanding of the history of these regions, and going back to the game even four years after its launch, this stood out to me.

It's also just hard to find the despotic nature of the setting that gripping compared to the immigration system of the United States, which is significantly darker and more cruel than anything depicted in this game. We have the secret police, we have the "work or die" economic system, we even go a step further and have outright concentration camps. These weren't recent developments within the writer's lifetime either. He was around for the formation of ICE! There's a version of this game, if you absolutely have to set it in the "evil gommunism" of the vague east, that cuts so much deeper than this game comes close to approaching.

It really fucking sucks, because if this game wasn't such a cowardly and confused mess of a setting, it would make the individual stories of the regulars you meet at your desk job so much more engaging.

Chega uma hora que fica impossível de acompanhar oq ta acontecendo, mas a história e gameplay são mt boas.

i love xray vision in this game

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About mid-way through the game, I chose to buy my son the crayon kit for his birthday. I didn't expect much from it, considering the way the game handles the family life aspects, so I was pleasantly surprised when I received a cute drawing from him to hang up on the wall I face for 99% of the game. I hung it up the second I could, but just as I did, an inspector came in and chastised me for putting up such a thing, and I instantly received a fine. This moment, in my eyes, embodies Papers, Please working at its best, where the gameplay, characters, and individual storylines come together to build a somber world filled with bad actors, hard decisions, and a general sense of hopelessness. Given the depressing vibe permeating throughout the entire game, I only could handle playing the game for ~1 hour sessions at a time, considering the gameplay wasn't necessarily invigorating either. While the monotony of checking passport after passport for inconsistencies adds to the overall tone of the experience, it makes replaying the game to get the rest of the endings a much less appealing prospect than it should be. Most of the compelling moments sit in the last 10-15 days, and to ensure you get certain endings you'll need to start from scratch on day 1, which I do not have the energy for as of right now. The family/expense paying phase at the end of each day also could have been more compelling in my eyes. Throughout my playthrough I felt utterly detached from my family outside of the aforementioned drawing I received from my son, and I thought even being able to see the faces of the family members I was feeding, housing, and caring for would have gone a long way in both breaking up the monotony and making decisions that much harder. Overall, while Papers, Please isn't exactly a jolly ol' time, it is undoubtedly a cleverly crafted misery simulator with a lot of character that I will be revisiting, in time.

8/10 Fun game, gotten a few of the endings, so I guess its complete?

finalmente zerei esse!! muito foda cada mecânica nova que aparecia eu ficava mais maluco ainda.. muito bom e GLORIA A ARSTOTZKA(me sacrifiquei no final pela ordem, deixava o veio simpático traficante entrar sempre e aceitava todos os subornos)

Um bom jogo, com um ótimo design e funções que vão se aprimorando a partir que o jogo vai se desenrolando. Essa obra conta a estória de um inspetor, que pode escolher o que vai acontecer com a vida dos outros e com a sua própria vida. Mesmo que as funções fossem renovadas, o jogo sofre muito com o tédio que a gameplay proporciona.

If you don't play the game for like 2 days and forget all the rules and regulations you have to follow you're screwed.

Fun little game with a lot of charm. Definitely a big fan of Lucas Pope's games. Now I might have to get a Playdate just so I can play Mars After Midnight...