Reviews from

in the past

Fun gameplay, doesn't really feel like you're a bank robber tho. Still really fun.

this game is one of my favorites of all time

Too good for the amount of DLC it offers
Plagued by hackers and cheaters of all kind just like TF2
Lore is retarded but in a good way, one day you steal shit from 7/11, next day you're rigging votes for a politician and stealing nukes

It's fun to go around robbing banks with friends while wearing cool masks and sick tracks playing in the background. That's kind of it really, that's my review.

So I have 300 hours in this game. and out of those 300 hours what do i think of payday 2?, I love it, its stupid, its funny, glitches like the heads flying back if you get a headshot are pretty much features and the mask and guns are amazing but one complaint I have with payday 2. Is that they cut support for console pretty much making it so that we don’t get much dlc, heist, mask, guns etc but it redeems it self by making the heist you have great, beautiful, funny, and stupid. 5/5 stars for me.

Its a very good shooter but sometimes doesn't feel like I am robbing a bank

Muy bueno para jugar con amigos.
Tiene una historia perfecta, pero injugable, debido a la falta de de personas, para completar las misiones.
Pero a pesar de todo esto, es perfecto

Probé a jugarlo solo y con amigos. Da igual lo que haga que el juego es aburrido a más no poder.

Fenomenal para jugar con amigos. Una pena que haya tanto DLC

An extremely addictive co-op shooter that I feel lost its luster over a long period of time. Payday 3 was set to invigorate the franchise again but we all know what happened there.

It was fun to play with those mfs😔

Actually fascinating how you can make robbing a bank formulaic and boring, it’s 4 player coop though.

Love this game, too bad I can't say the same about the 3rd game.

Divertido con cojones, variedad de atracos, variedad de gameplay. Todo redondo hasta que tienes que pagar medio riñon para los DLCs

Muito mais conteúdo, mecânicas novas, gráficos melhores e rodou até na batata do meu PC, mas ainda não me atrai tanto, novamente digo

Não é ruim, só não é pra mim.

6/10 Ok.

Era muito divertido de jogar quando criança, mas n jogo a mil anos

haven't given it enough time but not impressed currently

Didn't play this enough but fun

Guns felt like the were made of cardboard

"a merda da bíblia sagrada"

Te levantas, vas con tus panas ha atracar un banco, regresas a tu casa con el botín, prendes la pc y abres el payday 2.