Reviews from

in the past

I genuinely don't think there is a single moment not overflowing with soul in this game. You can feel the love and care poured into every single moment of your play session. I've been thinking about it for a while but the way the controller vibrates like a heartbeat when you a shadow passes by your hiding place is what pushed me to write this review.

Regarding the theme, I believe that people who think it boils down to "adults bad," in any sense, genuinely have zero media literacy and/or need to watch YouTube essays to understand any piece of media beyond the surface level.

Game too long ending too mid
Incredible style, beautiful music, just oozes aesthetic virtue
Amazing opening act, does not keep that energy
The ending for a certain much-built-up character had me nearly throwing my controller through my screen

stopped playing at the second to last dungeon back in 2019. its good but it was too long for me at the time. ill do a real review whenever i play royal

Serve a Dani Perus per imparare le interazioni sociali

First and favorite JRPG, opened up a whole world of new games to me and I'll never ever forget playing it all night the day I got it 🥹

Obrigado por ser minha porta de entrada pro universo de Megaten, mas você é o JRPG mais mid que eu já joguei, ainda mais sendo a versão Vanilla.

The greatest thing ever made in the world of games

provavelmente meu jogo favorito de todos? jogar isso aqui em 2018-ish foi maluquice. minha primeira experiência com persona no geral e provavelmente mudou a química do meu cérebro.

Esse jogo tem um papel muito importante na minha vida: o ano era 2021 e eu tinha acabado de trocar de escola, sentia que ia ficar distante dos meus amigos e por isso acabei me vendo perto de uma depressão; esse jogo me ajudou muito nesse período, pois foi um dos primeiros jogos que eu joguei depois de um ano sem jogar nada no console. É incrível; esse foi o meu primeiro contato com a franquia de Persona e ele não podia ter sido melhor, o universo, música, ambientação, personagens, poderes, combate, história é simplesmente muito bem construído e casa muito bem com o que é o jogo em si, eu me senti jogando um jogo de super heróis, não por conta de todo o role de consertar a sociedade dos adultos corruptos, mas sim do fato de termos uma parte do jogo sendo de ter uma vida real/normal(como se fosse um slice of life) e outra por termos em tese uma missão com um propósito bom para o mundo e a sociedade, é como se eu estivesse lendo um quadrinho do Homem Aranha.

Esse jogo tem ótimos personagens, muito bem desenvolvidos em seus respectivos arcos, porém esse desenvolvimento fica apenas no arco do personagem. Ann e Ryuji tem um baita desenvolvimento no primeiro arco, porém depois eles são totalmente jogados de lado, por mais que o arco deles ja tenha passado é sempre bom continuar aos poucos dando mais desenvolvimento para eles e isso é algo que quase nunca acontece nesse jogo, o próprio Persona 4 faz isso com muita excelência e o 3 faz também de uma certa forma.

A respeito da história eu acho que tudo se encaixa muito bem, a forma que eles recebem um novo objetivo começa a fazer mais sentido a partir do arco do Kaneshiro(quando digo "fazer mais sentido" eu quero dizer que é mais legal o jeito que eles recebem as missões, é um motivo melhor, não acho muito bom a iniciativa do arco do Madarame de como eles começam a explora-lo e como eles chegam naquele ponto). O que faz com que a história de Persona 5 se torne mais interessante é a similaridade com a vida real, professores pedófilos, ladrões de arte, chefes de máfia, traumas familiares, trabalhos análogos a escravidão em empresas, políticos corruptos são coisas que vemos com extrema facilidade na vida real, e fazer seus vilões principais representarem esses casos de pessoas reais é uma "chama" a mais que sentimos para odiarmos eles, mas odiar eles não quer dizer que sejam ruins, pelo contrario, são muito bons mas mesmo assim os odiamos por conta de suas ações.

Sobre o desenvolvimento da Rivalidade entre Joker e Akechi ela é de fato muito bom(mais do que deveria, geral shippa esses dois hoje em dia), eles foram feitos para serem a face da mesma moeda(um verdadeiro Batman e coringa), porém não gosto da ideia de ser um social link automático, acho que eles perdem muita oportunidade com isso, mas mesmo assim fica muito bom e bem desenvolvido.

Eu gosto muito de como a franquia de Persona utiliza de mitologias do mundo inteiro e como eles usam mitologias com não muita visibilidade perto de outras como por exemplo a grega e a nórdica de uma forma muito boa no quesito dos designs e nivelamento das Personas; eu simplesmente me apaixonei pela mitologia celta depois de jogar esse jogo, e gosto de como foi bem diversificado nesse jogo as personas dos personagens principais, não dando tanta ênfase em mitologia japonesa e grega como no 4 e no 3, ela é bem diversificada botando ate mesmos figuras históricas como o próprio William Kidd, sobre mitologias diferentes no jogo eu sinto que o boss final não foi bem construído, o Yaldabaoth tinha tudo para ser um puta boss foda, mas ele perde muito quando comparado a Nyx e a Izanami(por mais que o único motivo da Izanami ser "boa" é a ligação mitológica com o MC).

Agora irei falar de uma coisa que vai fazer muitos evitarem o jogo é o fato dele ser um RPG de turno, assim, só não gosta quem nunca jogou, e se jogou foi Pokémon.

Como conclusão eu gostaria de dizer que Persona 5 é um puta jogo e uma puta experiência, ele não te promete nada e te entrega tudo.

This game plays a very important role in my life: the year was 2021 and I had just changed schools, I felt like I was going to be distant from my friends and that's why I ended up finding myself close to depression; This game helped me a lot during this period, as it was one of the first games I played after a year without playing anything on the console. It's incredible; This was my first contact with the Persona franchise and it couldn't have been better, the universe, music, setting, characters, powers, combat, story are simply very well constructed and match very well with what the game itself is , I felt like I was playing a superhero game, not because of the whole role of fixing the society of corrupt adults, but because of the fact that we have part of the game being about having a real/normal life (as if it were a slice of life) and another because we theoretically have a mission with a good purpose for the world and society, it's as if I were reading a Spider-Man comic.

This game has great characters, very well developed in their respective arcs, but this development is only in the character's arc. Ann and Ryuji have a lot of development in the first arc, but then they are completely thrown aside, even though their arc has already passed, it's always good to continue slowly giving them more development and this is something that almost never happens in this game , Persona 4 itself does this with great excellence and 3 also does it in a certain way.

Regarding the story, I think everything fits together very well, the way they receive a new objective starts to make more sense from Kaneshiro's arc (when I say "make more sense" I mean it's cooler the way they receive the missions, it's a better reason, I don't think the initiative in Madarame's arc of how they start to explore it and how they get to that point is very good). What makes the story of Persona 5 more interesting is the similarity with real life, pedophile teachers, art thieves, mafia bosses, family traumas, jobs similar to slavery in companies, corrupt politicians are things we see with extremely easy in real life, and making your main villains represent these cases of real people is an extra "flame" that we feel to hate them, but hating them doesn't mean they're bad, on the contrary, they're very good but still the we hate because of their actions.

Regarding the development of the Rivalry between Joker and Akechi, it is actually very good (more than it should be, people generally ship these two nowadays), they were meant to be two sides of the same coin (a real Batman and Joker), but they are not I like the idea of ​​it being an automatic social link, I think they miss a lot of opportunities with that, but it's still very good and well developed.

I really like how the Persona franchise uses mythologies from around the world and how they use mythologies with not much visibility compared to others, such as Greek and Norse, in a very good way in terms of the designs and leveling of the Personas; I simply fell in love with Celtic mythology after playing this game, and I like how the personas of the main characters were very diverse in this game, not placing as much emphasis on Japanese and Greek mythology as in 4 and 3, it is very diverse, even putting same historical figures as William Kidd himself, regarding different mythologies in the game I feel that the final boss was not well constructed, Yaldabaoth had everything to be a great boss, but he loses a lot when compared to Nyx and Izanami(however that the only reason Izanami is "good" is the mythological connection with the MC).

Now I'm going to talk about something that will make many people avoid the game is the fact that it's a turn-based RPG, so people who have never played it will only dislike it, and if they did, it was Pokémon.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that Persona 5 is a great game and a great experience, it promises you nothing and gives you everything.

Debatably the most life-changing game I’ve ever played

Remember when you needed to unlock Baton Pass?

Worth every single of the 120 hours I've put into this game! Great characters, great pacing and superb gameplay.

A stylish game with and incredible artistic direction and soundtrack.
The story is good enough, but it really feels like It was written by an angry, edgy teen. The whole "All adults bad, society bad" felt cringe to me when I was barely 16, and playing the game again as a 21 years old dude just made me feel the same.
Persona 4, the game that was criticized for being too "happy" and "friendly", ironically had a much more mature plot and message.

My biggest complaint with the game is the heavy walls of text you have to go through to actually play the game.
I appreciate a good story, but Persona 5 feels more like an interactive visual novel with some JRPG elements put here and there just to make you feel like you're actually playing the game like a classic Megami Tensei. The previois titles in the Persona series were also heavily text-based, but not nearly as much as this one.
After 15 hours of game I was barely at level 14 and had been in Mementos (the game secondary dungeon) only once, without counting the tutorial.
Talking about tutorials, I feel like the game tends to guide the player too much. The game is already ridicolousy easy (to the point where I could just put Auto Battle on for any enemy, despite playing in Hard mode) and it refuses to let you think without Morgana or some other character guiding you in any situation: the dungeons were cool, but ultimately felt not much more interactive than Persona 4 randomly generated ones, since any puzzle's answer was handled to you before you could even try to solve them alone.
I mean, how can you make a character say the puzzle's solution in the finale dungeon? Just don't put the puzzle in there, at this point.

The narrative was really strong at the beginning, but became stagnant After the second Palace.
Luckily, It became interesting again towards the end, but the emding felt rushed and inconclusive.

Overall, I enjoyed Persona 5 and I think it's probably one of the most interesting experience for anyone who loves a good visual novel/JRPG, a game with a strong identity and clearly a lot of love put into it.
But if you're looking for a challenging game or are not fan of reading for literally HOURS just characters talking about the same things over and over and over, then this game probably isn't for you.

Great JRPG. Way longer than it needs to be. decent social links, though not as good as P4's (imo). decent cast, though not as good as P4's. decent gameplay, though not as good as P4's (jk). S-tier soundtrack. most stylish UI, i've ever seen so far. Great game.

Awesome JRPG and the culmination of everything that they did with Persona 3 and Persona 4.

Morgana you little shit I'm going to punt you into the sun.

When I'm not thinking that, the game is fun!

Parempi ku royale sanoin sen

i had a killer ephebophilia joke loaded in the chamber for this one but it left me so perplexed by the end im not even gonna tell it. hard to hate, just as hard to love, probably ok by the end. disappointing way to end the persona trilogy

My brother introduced me to this game and we both went in on it to buy. I am so happy I played this game and it opened up so much more to me in the world of gaming. I introduced my partner to it and now we are both obsessed with the Persona series. There is truly something special about all these games. I do recommend playing Royal though over this one. All in all, the characters, the story, the gameplay, the art, the soundtrack all amazing.

Incrível, meu jogo favorito sem pensar duas vezes. Tenho algumas ressalvas com alguns pontos do jogo, mas foi uma das melhores experiências que eu tive.

too long, i don't love the story

Def a franchise I want to play, it's just that the amount of texts aren't good for someone who hasn't much time to play (like me😔)