Reviews from

in the past

Awesome game, awesome puzzles, awesome writing. Shorter than I remember. The new coat of paint is fun!

This game chugged so hard on my 3060ti, even with low settings and everything. I guess the new assets are fine? But they don't fit with the theme that the original game was going for. Just a nice game to spend an afternoon I guess.

Uff, no sé con exactitud que opinar, tengo una RTX3060 recién comprada y he tenido que bajar la resolución de 4k a 2k con DLSS Super Performance, optimización fatal y bugs irreparable a la hora de cambiar las voces en otro idioma (Castellano). Una pena.

It looks really nice sometimes but the game doesn't need it.

Much as this made me nostalgic for playing Portal at 17 fps on the family laptop in 2009, the new art assets are giving Fallout New Vegas graphical overhaul mod. The fact that the lighting consistently obscures whether a distant surface can hold a portal during the escape sequence is a stronger argument against ray tracing than I could ever form.

Still have to think with portals but this time the thoughts are ray traced

Just like portal but with better graphics

Some games look better with ray tracing. Portal is not one of them.

It's Portal, except it keeps crashing.

Technical issues aside, Portal is still an amazing game - although the RTX honestly doesn't really add anything to the experience, so you'd be better off playing the original.

just got a 4060 ti and the game crashed with everything i did. bugs bugs and more bugs basically go back to portal 1

Really neat visuals, feels like they made it to not work on Radeon, but my 4070ti played it fine. Latency was gross with DLSS FG on tho.

Basically the same game as Portal but with the caveat of being able to run it on a much higher resolution if your graphics card meets the requirements. In that case, it's gorgeous to go back to the different areas from your original playthrough and go around exploring. There's also some skins hidden and the menus still suck.

Have you ever wanted to play a 15 year old game, but with terrible performance? Well here you go. (Played with an RTX 3070)

It's just Portal with ray tracing... AND a new coat of paint!
I would gibe it the same rating as Portal, however, while it does look pretty as hell, it ran TERRIBLY on minimum settings on my 3060ti. How?? I got less than 30fps on MINIMUM SETTINGS. I feel very conflicted about this.

Avaliação sobre como o RTX afeta a experiência.

Portal com RTX é o que o nome diz e nada muito além disso, é uma ótima forma de voltar a jogar o game que é excelente, mas não é um remake, muita coisa ainda é similar visualmente ao original, vale a pena mas pelo que vi ele é bem mal otimizado, joguei pelo GeForce Now, rolou algumas travadas mas bem raramente.

portal só que rodando mal. o jogo é foda pra krl mas essa versão aq pqp, o dlss deixa o jogo feio tbm e é injogável sem ele no modo super performance

it's what it says on the tin. and that's fine, it was nice to look at! i liked playing portal. it's a good game. the problem, though, is that I think my computer starts like. fusing. or something. smells electrical. i don't have a beefy computer, but it is very good, i think? idk its a ship of theseus that i didn't build BUT it should be able to handle this? so I'm not sure what about it is so 'taxing'. grow up. i'll try playing this again in winter idk lol

bom mas ta mal otimizado em

Fun game, don't look up any spoilers

The first game i played on my fancy new PC.
What an introduction to the world of hardware that doesn't suck complete ass!
It crashes a bit more than i would expect, but as long as you set DLSS to Ultra Performance if you have a lower-end RTX card (like i did), you shouldn't have too many issues playing this excellent visual overhaul of one of the greatest games of all time.

Clássico atemporal, e nunca vai deixar de ser. É conciso e se preocupa apenas com o essencial, o que é traduzida pelo tamanho da duração do jogo e o tamanho do seu impacto nessa mídia. Uma única mecânica, abrir e fechar portais, em que o jogo se envolve por ela e permite ao jogador quebrar o design do jogo com a mecânica, se assim ele quiser.

Isso é foda, por que no final das contas, Portal é um jogo sobre ruptura. Somos Chell, uma mera cobaia comandada pela GladOS, até que não somos mais. É uma jornada sobre emancipação a partir da ruptura do exercício de pensar, pensar e pensar nos usos mais mirabolantes que a Portal Gun e toda a fisicalidade que são oferecidas nos permitem.

O bolo é uma mentira, assim como os avisos nas paredes desse laboratório vazio e enigmático nos dizem, mas o que é verdade? Portal 2 nos responde!

Ah, joguei a versão RTX, e é bem bacana e se parece até mais com um remaster por que substituiram bastante texturas e tal, mas é bem pesado e tem muito problema com perfomance. Deu pra tirar ótimos prints, entretanto:

The fact that the recommended specs for 4k 60 is a 4080 using DLSS is just no good. How unoptimized can a title be for such a behemoth of a card to require DLSS just to get 60 fps. Regardless of that nonsense the visuals are nice and all but tbh they really dont warrant the stress. I can get almost a solid 60 with dlss but I do get drops and micro stutters.

Never played before, RTX made me do it. It lacks some of the creativity of Portal 2 (duh!), but amazing nonetheless.

Loved my time with it!

kind of unreal how much of a chokehold this game had on The Culture back in the day considering there really is not that much to it - I beat my playthrough in two hours.

the RTX port doesn't run consistently smoothly but it sure does look pretty. goes to show how much a solid art direction can go in keeping a game relatively ageless. i really could have done without all the cutesy nvidia advertisements tossed in though, those do a lot to really take you out of the immersion (which is a bad thing because the half-life universe is nothing without atmosphere).

It's a version of Portal your PC can barely run. How fun.

Visualmente acojonante a un punto que asusta. Te quedas embobado viendo una iluminación completa por RT. Especialmente cuando abres dos portales y ves como la luz entra por ellos y se entremezcla con el ambiente en sí...
Por lo demás ha envejecido muchísimo. Y no bien. Y por más que Glados siga siendo un personaje fascinante, a nivel jugable es muy corto, muy sencillo. Muy limitado en sí, como corresponde al año de su salida. La secuela lo dejó muy muy muy atrás.