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in the past

One of the best of the series. Modern survival horror classic. After playing through remake, I didn't hold it in as high of a regard as I did when I played on PS2 though.

esse jogo é o que o resident evil 3 deveria ter sido, é literalmente o melhor remake de qualquer jogo que eu já joguei na minha vida inteira, e eu também fico muito feliz por ter sido capaz de mostrar ao meu pai a existência dessa obra quotchiuquotchiu, uma das melhores lembranças que tenho é de eu e ele jogando o clássico no ps2, e o que a capcom fez com esse jogo é putaria, os gráficos são completamente divinos, EXTREMAMENTE bem otimizado, em resumo, aparentemente o pacto com o satanás deu extremamente certo visto que eles não erraram em NADA nesse jogo

The game isn't bad, and I admit I might be unfair, but the truth is, it was a big disappointment. The horror vanished and it turned into a generic shooter; a good game, but a terrible Resident Evil.

Leon was saying corny one-liners the whole game and each one landed because hes him

Amazing sendup to the original, adding modern touches, and a new, darker, vibe. Both this and the original are nearly perfect 10/10 games that I struggle to think of criticisms for, and I will recommend both to anyone I see.

What can I say, a great remake of a perfect action game. When the remake was announced I was kind of baffled - "Resident Evil 4 doesn't need a remake, what are they doing?"

It doesn't. I fell for it anyway and had a great time.

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"haha foolish lamb, you will never defeat me with my new perfected body"
the rocket launcher in my inventory:

I will start this out with saying, my memory is awful. I played RE4 on pc way back when and I don't remember anything. So this review isn't a comparison. It's not a nostalgic look back.
It's a look on how this game holds up.
I love Resident Evil. I've 100% most of them so far. Only mainline games I haven't is 5 and 6. 7 was done on PC.
Resident Evil 2 remake ending being my GOTY of 2019. Beating Kingdom Hearts 3 (though the everlasting feelings of KH3 hold more dear to this day) So I do go into this game having some idea of what I'm in for but this hands down is the longest and hardest RE Platinum I've ever finished.
The game is an over the shoulder camera shooter at it's core. It's a fantastic feeling every time I line up a shot at a basic enemy to the gradual feeling of becoming more and more powerful as the game goes on.
RE4 remake gives you a fantastic arrange of weapons, upgrade paths, knife parries (new to this game) and they feel fantastic.
Speed running this over 7 times, really gives you the sense of just how genius everything is laid out for you to have a playground with. Skips you can do in new game plus, like skipping the village fight by firing at the bell.
To the incredible feeling of saving up your money to blast the final boss with a rocket launcher.
Every sense of this game FEELS amazing. It runs so well and like all RE games, the speed runs feel perfect. Every level is so fantastically created.
Gameplay is at it's highest and I never felt unsatisfied. It always felt perfect.
Again, I don't remember much from the original. So the story here felt fresh to me even outside character plot changes. I really loved every character here. From Leon to Ashley to Luis. To my core, I adore those 3. Their dynamics shine so bright and every time they even share one ounce of dialouge, I adore it.
The story of the game is a basic premise and it carries it throughout. It doesn't need to have insane plot twists or wild theories. It's a direct narrative and you just wanna save this god damn girl from this fucking fucked up place.
It's just fun to watch Leon be hot as hell and not even realise it.
BRUH. I wasn't expecting this game to have some of the best, most memorable music of the year. (Hi Fi Rush is still king) but the atmosphere and outright bangers they play is so incredible. There are 3 ones which I won't go into spoilers but they are perfect.
The game deserves a huge applaud for it's music and sound design. I usually podcast it up on extra playthroughs of games but not with this. I wanted every song, sound and dialogue to be heard.
Extra notes:
-The dialouge in this game slaps. There are a thousand and one memorable lines and I could quote them all before they happened by the end. It's so much fun.
- The reason why this game was so hard for me was due to the Professional S+ run. It's the hardest difficulty. You have to do it on a new game. There's no auto saves and you get 15 saves total. Let's just say on my run, I had 0 saves left 2/3 in the game and I did alllll the last sections without any saves.
It was hard. It was stressful. Me and Pumkin cried of happiness when I got it done.
Only downside I have is a certain characters VA. This VA just sounded phoned in and so weird compared to the other actors. It was odd every time they spoke how different the audio was.
I love this game. I love this game so much and every playthrough was a blast. I never dreaded playing it again because the dialouge between cutscenes, the way this game is so perfect to speed run and my love for Leon and Ashley made it perfect

One of my phones wallpaper is now Leon in chains ❤

It gets every good thing of the original and cranks it up to 11, the characters are more enjoyable and feel more real, the action is better, and the script is better.
And I'm talking about that, and RE4 OG was already great.

Way too long but a bloody good time for the first seven or eight hours.

Eles pegaram tudo de ruim dos seus antecessores e deixaram só as coisas boas, além de aperfeiçoar elas

Fantastic Remake, even scarier in vr. Everything the original brought and more.

rating based on my experience up to chapter 8...which is where i'm putting it down because i feel like i've gotten everything i wanted from the game (and borrowed it anyway)...up to this point, and with no context of any other games in the series, i feel that as a pure survival combat experience this is well-designed and fluid...nothing revelatory but certainly fun and even without playing the original game the mid 00s vibe is palpable and charming

but the primary takeaway, and most valuable to my overall gaming and art journey, is that i'm stopping because i don't really enjoy killing hordes of weird creatures over and over again, however engaging it may be...feels a bit soul-draining and i prefer killing to be a bit more abstracted or light-hearted (or otherwise discouraged i guess)...not that i'm a pacifist (especially in the context of fiction because it aint real) but it's just a taste i've come to accept...i can do this shit but maybe this genre is outside of what i want out of immersive art

that being said, i'm still gonna try other things in what i assume are a similar mode (Bloodborne etc)...but overall i'll be prioritizing other stuff for a while to see where that directs my taste :)

great game, amazing remake. its hard to fuck up RE4.

genuinely, it improves on most things of the original. peak videogame
still got complaints though! its not perfect. i understand the more serious tone the story wanted to go for, but i still feel it lacked a lot of the original game's humor. also, theres a boss fight cut in the third area for no real reason.

id still recommend playing the original if youve played this! its got a very different vibe, and its fun to replay these sorts of games and experiment with a different arsenal anyway :)

Essa é a definição de tudo que resident evil deve ser sempre. O jogo é impecável e muito divertido em tudo que ele apresenta ao jogador.
Sinceramente não sei se é possível a capcom fazer um jogo da franquia que seja melhor do que esse.

This review contains spoilers

The RE4 remake is one of a kind, and most likely my favroite within the franchise to date. It really did the original justice, keeping some of the things I loved intact while adding a sleeker and more modern feel not only visually (obviously) but with play style, too. I left feeling much more satisfied then I did with other modern RE games (RE7 and RE8).

When it came to difficulty, RE4 remake has adjusted itself to accommodate the modern age; enemy interactions and boss fights are much faster than I remember. However, the enemy movement speed and fast-paced attacks add fluidity; even if frustrating, it felt easier to immerse myself. Nevertheless, the only issue I had with enemy interaction was the loss of an "unsettling feeling", the Regenadors for instance from what I rember didnt "run" at you, they would awkawrldy stalk you and I remeber being terrified of them as a kid and it felt more that I was rushing to get out as theyd run instead of slowly walking to find my way out. The overall note is that there was a consistent wave of enemies, so there was no break to be nervous about what could lie around the corner as something always was.

When it came to boss fights in general, Krauser was probably the most compelling; I really enjoyed the trap-infested ruins and not only having to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, it tests your reaction time 10-fold. It was well-paced, and having "three" phases really built up some well-deserved tension; it made the stakes feel much higher and really drew attention. It also forced you to use the combat knife and for me I never really used it unless prompted to for finishing kills so it was interesting that it forced players to basically learn a mechanic If they havent already or test the skills if you used parries frequently. Saddler felt underwhelming, to be honest; it was less arduous than I expected it to be, being able to do it on the first try when Krauser took 6 and other bosses took 2 to 3 times. I expected his boss fight to be much more daunting, and throwing one-shot enemies (with fully upgraded power Red9) was boring; it felt more like lackluster quick work than obstacles. The fight reminded me of the RE8 boss fights, as it felt the purpose was more cinematic, allowing time to reflect on how you got to the end rather than the "Epic" end itself.

I really liked the dialogue and narrative. When it came to RE7 and RE8, I never really felt immersed with Ethan; I felt very apathetic whenever important story conflicts arose as Ethan didn't really comment on anything aside from "ew" and "Mia". However, with RE4, it was a complete 180. It stayed true to the unforgettable quips in the original; interactions felt personable, and I could sympathize with these characters much more, so when character deaths or issues would arise, it didn't feel lackluster. Luis and Krauser had a lot more attention than I originally remembered, Luis's dual fights were a lot of fun, the Cabin fight and the Orge fight, really built up relationships that made Luis's death a lot more heartbreaking, if I remeber correctly Saddler kills off Luis in the original so I feel Krauser killing Luis just added to the already existing tension towards the upcoming boss fight.

Overall, I really liked the RE4 remake; I think it did the original justice, great boss fights, great characters, and great narrative, it's a game I highly recommend and will be playing again in the near future for sure.

yay to cool insane action pieces! nay to foregoing the puzzle solving scariness for more cool insane action pieces! also ashley is not much better sadly

o melhor re disparado honestamente..

primeiro e mais importante. leon scott kennedy . nao preciso falar mais nada.

ainda assim vamos la.. uma gameplay foda e pica demais fluida e foda mundo foda história envolvente bosses legais personagens legais.. (luis💔💔💔💔💕💕💕💕💕💕ada

enfim. sem duvidas o melhor re. o melhor protagonista.. etc etc etc..

queria mt jogar o separate ways MAS . sou pobre.

EU TE AMO resident evil 4 remake comprei esse jogo duas vezes so para apoiar esse jogo maravilhoso, remake bom para caramba lembrei da minha Infância jogando ele

Resident Evil 4 is a masterpiece for many. If you look into any user's top 10 game list there is a pretty good chance that Resident Evil 4 -either the original or the remake- will be in there. This is especially true for fans of horror games. After putting around 22 hours into the game and finishing it on Hardcore, I have to admit that RE4 is regrettably my least favorite of the three that I have played. This is in no way due to the quality of the game though, as I have come to understand that the type of game I want Resident Evil to be simply isn't in Resident Evil 4 or it's DNA and expecting it to be what I want is like expecting an orange to be an apple.

Resident Evil 4 marks a major shift in the Resident Evil formula. Moving from the slower and more traditional survival-horror gameplay loop found in the earlier games into the faster and somewhat high-octane genre of action-horror. This was likely a necessary change for a franchise that was at risk of growing stale, but it is a change that ultimately hurts my personal enjoyment of it.

Action-Horror is done exceedingly well in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Combat is fluid and easily responsive which is largely important as you will find yourself in firefights very often. But it's not just about the guns and how well you aim, but also how you use the environment for yourself and against the enemies. Level design is generally great with a variety of options for the player to position themselves during combat.

The shift to Action-Horror isn't all roses though as mainstay aspects of the franchise take a few hits here or there due to the transition. Firstly the 'horror' aspect is flimsy at best. There were very few segments in the game that had me feeling any levels of tension or fear. This is mostly due to the majority of segments in the game being large-scale shoot-outs, segments that while epic and fun are largely lacking in any amount of fear.

Puzzles in this game are also largely uninteresting. You'll usually just find a key or shape in a chest and play a small 'fit the shape' or 'pick the right key' mini-game once you backtrack to wherever you need to use the item. The loot that you get from some of the puzzles tend to just be treasure that you sell to the merchant which I also found largely boring.

The story is great though, with Leon returning alongside a few familiar faces and a few new ones. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and while I preferred Leon's personality in RE2, I still liked the 'grizzled vet' version of Leon in RE4 and I thought his chemistry with Ashley was fun. Ashley was also great and her escort AI was fairly good though not quite up there with someone like Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite). I found the sections where she was heavily involved to be major highlights to both the gameplay and story.

Resident Evil 4 is a really good game. The graphics are stunning, the characters and story are awesome, and the gameplay is fun. It is regrettable that the general gameplay loop and genre design philosophy simply don't mesh well with what I enjoy in horror games.

If you're coming into Resident Evil 4 having played the earlier games (specifically in my case the remakes) I'd really recommend that you don't base your expectations for RE4 on those games, because as similar as this game is to those games, it is also really different. You'd do both yourself and this game a major favor if you just let it be itself and don't place unnecessary expectations on it. Resident Evil 4 is a masterpiece in action-horror, but the thing is: I don't really like action-horror.


Sem dúvidas o melhor remake já feito! Acho que foi o game que mais me diverti jogando nos últimos anos, finalizei inúmeras vezes, não me cansava de jogar. Gráficos excelentes, personagens incríveis, história divertida, combate muito satisfatório, chefes marcantes, level design muito bem feito. Nota 10!!!

Kudos to Capcom for enhancing something that was already close to near perfection. Not only have the characters been greatly improved from their original counterparts but the tweaks to existing level design and the addition of side-quests makes this the most re-playable entry in the series.

i think my original review for this game is already long as fuck and my opinion hasn't changed that much after replaying it 6 times so I'll just say that I still wish they put this much time and effort and polish into a game that wasn't already a masterpiece, but this is so tight and well-made it's hard to get mad about it. I don't really get the complaints about the tone either, I think this game retains the insane goofiness of the original while grounding the characters for a better story and remaining relatively in line with 2 and 3's vibe. It's a different game, and it should be a different game otherwise we'd all be wasting our time. Not my fav, but if capcom can keep up this quality for whatever comes next I'll be in heaven

Wow... I feel like the fucking terminator in this game, literally unstoppable force against the damn villagers.