Reviews from

in the past

Sifu is a game developed by French studio sloclap.
I enjoyed the game the gameplay is just pure fun and has a lot of move set and by time and practice you will understand it and become better at the game, the rouge like elements are very good ,
There are 3 difficulties the hardest one is just....misery
The art style is beautiful, with a nice music, the Boss fights are very cool
The game has a great reply value
But I think the story wasn't that good ,
The direction was great

Reply value
Art style

Shallow story

Enjoyment - 9/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Sifu is a knuckle sandwich. Sifu is a time machine. Sifu is a ticking time bomb. Sifu is a fighting game.

Sifu could possibly be the best single player fighting game ever made. I hold this game on such a pedestal because I truly believe we will regard this game as best-of-class in the not too distant future. If not Sifu, then the games directly inspired by it that improve its foundations.

Now that I am thinking about it, I will make a long-form review of Sifu because there is a lot to unpack here. I'll come back to this and give a timestamp for future reference. [18/04/2024]

gameplay divertida e desafiadora!!! Alguns momentos tu fica puto mas quando consegue combar as lutas com chefes ficam memoráveis fator replay bom demais!!!

Delightfully difficult. A strong core concept utilized to perfection, great level designs, the fact that each level saves your best age you beat it at makes replaying level addicting, good boss designs, just a pretty great game overall.

LOL. I really suck at parrying.

Can appreciate it for what it is, but it’s just not for me.

Very amazing and badass combat but I really don't like the way the aging system works. Just makes the game so damn difficult.

Juegazo legendario el gameplay es super satisfactorio y te obliga a dominarlo para ver el final verdadero, artisticamente es muy bueno simulando el estilo del arte chino y referenciando peliculas como Oldboy, la historia es una absoluta fumada pero esta interesente. Volviendo al gameplay es absolutamente perfecto, tiene sus capas de profundidad que lo vuelven adictivo a mas no poder y todas las variantes que te ofrece, esquivar o hacer parry, las diferentes builds que puedes hacer y el sistema de putnuación. Simplemente perfecto.

Un intento de Sekiro de kung fu. Sin embargo, el combate ni es igual de satisfactorio, ni está la mitad de pulido.

La idea es original pero no me funciona la ejecución.

I'm sure these controls are satisfying to somebody but that somebody is not me.

sifu é um jogo muito divertido, o combate quanto mais você joga melhor você fica e o jogo tem uma forma genial de te mostrar que vc realmente ficou melhor, fazendo vc repetir as fases, e não fica enjoativo pega vc pensa "eu posso fazer melhor", talvez seja pq ele é curto tbm ai tu não se enjoa.

eu vou tentar platinar ele se eu conseguir , atualizo aqui.

Desisti de platinar na primeira tentativa, mó preguiça e tem muita coisa pra fazer

Jogaço. Apanhei bastante(e passei muita raiva) para aprender a jogabilidade, já que é um jogo bem díficil. Mas depois que você pega o jeito, fica muito gostoso de jogar.

Weno!, es muy disfrutable el como se aprende a jugar, es increiblemente rejugable a pesar de su duracion.

Oh man. This game kicked my ass for a long time before it finally clicked for me. After that it became much more enjoyable and one of my favorite games of 2022. Mastering different combos is fun, until you find a few relatively OP moves and spam those on everyone you see. Really entertaining for fighting & non-fighting game fans alike

A very fun action game. Combat feels great, it's super polished, and replaying stages to get better and better is incredibly satisfying. The final boss is a bit annoying, and some attacks feel frustrating to deal with. Other than that, a cool-ass game with some very creative ideas and a high skill ceiling.

Really enjoyable. Very tight combat, good learning curve - the difficulty spikes for each of the bosses seem insurmountable initially, but then you chip away at them and by the time you run through again to reduce your age they seem dead easy.

It's a bit shallow, but what it does, it does incredibly well.

in the process of playing it but, this is easily one of the best combat games i've played since the Akrham games.

Simulador de Jackie Chan.
Bastante guapo el combate, la historia normalita

Love it. The combat is amazing, the maps are cool as hell, even the arenas mode is fun and I hate that type of thing normally.

One of the best "flow state" games I have ever played. It can be annoying and frustrating, with some attacks and little bits of jank that make mastering the systems harder than It should be I think, but when it all works and you enter that flow state it's 10/10. PC port especially has a lot of visual bugs that are quite frankly unacceptable for this kind of game though. Frequent freezing and stuttering even on lower settings with a PC that should definitely be able to handle it, for a game that is all about fast reactions and timing, is a HUGE determent I can't overlook.

this is like learning to play guilty gear all over again grrrr