Reviews from

in the past

It's henry stickmin.
Do I really have to say anything else?

A great gem straight from the pages of Stickpage and Newgrounds remastered for modern day, what a blast!

Silly game full of jokes and references everywhere,it's a must play for anyone interested into Newgrounds stuff.

all im gonna say is play every game and get every fail, the announcement of this collection made me jump in joy with the games being remastered alongside a brand new one being the biggest one, just pure classic newground games with the last one being the best game of the series! it helps that it being the newest it has references to stuff that were popular post-newgrounds! please check it out it's such an amazing collection of games!

i like revisiting this game and like how connected the story is lol

I remember watching dantdm play this

Excellent and super fun, really great time killer and very funny

I find the mlg fail unreasonably funny for no good reason other than its incredibly stupid

Sometimes it causes you to laugh (a lot) sometimes it causes you to cry...

Really fun game to breeze through in an afternoon, also is really fun to 100% so if you want another platinum this is a fun one to give a shot

Charming game collection filled with nostalgia, thank you people who made Among us.

The essence of old school flash games.

Un remaster que salva a esta tan querida saga del apocalipsis que fue la muerte de Flash Player.
Todos la conocemos. Todos la amamos. Es simplemente un clásico irremplazable.

piadas e referências boas, é divertido e nostálgico

fun choose-your-own-adventure animations, zero replay value after finishing every ending

This is the greeeeaatesstt plaaannnnn

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Played again, once again nearly broke a rib laughing.
Also I can't believe Charles' death was the only time I've ever seen GrayStillPlays legit show emotion during a game.

Este juego puede matarte de risa y luego ponerte momentos totalmente serios como la muerte de Charles o el final de "Vengado"

isso me fez rir mto de madrugada

i love laughing. who doesn't? this game makes me laugh. tons of laughter. you wanna know the best part? it also makes you feel sad. comedy that can also make you feel extremely sad is the best type of comedy. i love this game

Happy to finally see the ending of the best flash game series

Still good. If I ever have time to write a longer review…overall these games hold up surprisingly well. The dev commentary adds a lot of context to why certain things happen. Great remaster

Played again and nearly broke a rib laughing. Amazing platinum on top of that.